Did you come to Swedish Snus from camel

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  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    Did you come to Swedish Snus from camel

    OK, so i just posed on a thread defending camel, and I realized it might be useful if we got some more solid numbers and see just how many folks here on Snuson came to Swedish snus through Camel first.


    Let the voting commence. :lol:
  • cyrax777
    • Jun 2009
    • 290

    combo of malboro and camel.


    • chadizzy1
      • May 2009
      • 7432

      yep. Camel Frost.


      • tom502
        • Feb 2009
        • 8985

        Actually, I have a mind numbing boring desk job, and I work alone, and have my office all alone on this floor, it's like a warehouse, and I was sitting here bored, and was thinking of walking to the corner store and get some Skoal bandits, not that I like them, I was just thinking of something I could do here, and I looked it up online, and somehow, I stumbled on Camel Snus, and when I realised my corner gas station had that, I bought a tin of each, they were $3 something each. I liked the smell, and the initial taste, but my body was not used to it, and I was placing the portions too far back, and the experience made me feel ill. Later I researched snus more, found this forum and tried some Swedish, which, being a newbie and still not doing it right, made me feel ill, and I quit it. I did learn about nasal snuff here, and got into that. Then later, I started getting stopped up alot with nasal snuff, so I decided to try snus again. I think my body had gotten used to nico from the snuff, and I realised I was placing it too far back, and corrected that. Now I love it.


        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          I did. A buddy of mine had gone on a trip to Norway, and came back talking about snus. A couple of weeks later I saw Camel for sale at a local Sheetz. I picked up a tin, liked it, then did a bunch of research online. About a week later I put in a 24 tin sampler order from Northerner, and the rest is history.

          I doubt I would have tried snus of any kind if it weren't for my friend. I'm not a big user of oral tobacco, and I certainly wasn't interested in a new Skoal Bandit.


          • justintempler
            • Nov 2008
            • 3090

            Not enough options to answer.

            It depends what you mean..

            I learned about snus because of Camel's advertising, but I didn't get to try it until after I was already a Swedish snus user.


            • sagedil
              • Nov 2007
              • 7077

              Originally posted by justintempler
              Not enough options to answer.

              It depends what you mean..

              I learned about snus because of Camel's advertising, but I didn't get to try it until after I was already a Swedish snus user.
              If you tried snus because of Camel, then answer yes. Doesn't matter if you tasted Camel, it was still them that got you to try Swedish.

              Whole point of this is that RJR gets too much flak from folks who think Camel is a lousy snus. I agree it is, but look at how many lives have been changed because Camel did what they did.

              Plus, as part of a small group of folks here who have been snusing longer than Camel existed, O am always curious to see just how much of a minority I am now.


              • Gizmer
                • Jun 2009
                • 103

                I did. I didn't know what snus was and I read a thread on another forum about it. They said a lot of people find it through Camel, so I went up to the gas station and got a tin. After learning about the better nicotine and flavor of Swedish (mostly through this forum) I gave it a go.


                • RobsanX
                  • Aug 2008
                  • 2030

                  Nope. Internet research, and a SM trial box...


                  • whokilledmyhooker
                    • Jun 2009
                    • 139

                    I voted yes but i started with the Canadian equivalent of camel.



                    • chossy
                      • Jul 2009
                      • 242


                      I won´t cast a vote though so dont worry

                      I´m sure Camel has brought many snusers to the light.


                      • sundog
                        • Jun 2009
                        • 311

                        Yep, I kept seeing it in the stores and decided to try it one day. Didn't take long to find the real stuff after that.


                        • teeotee
                          • Jul 2009
                          • 251

                          First heard of camel snus on an ecig forum, then heard about Swedish snus on the same forum. Bought a can of the Camel, tried it on the way home liked that. Placed my first order that evening for some Swedish.


                          • sandstorm
                            • May 2008
                            • 94

                            Came over to Swedish snus from Camel Snus. My brother told me about it and I found it behind the counter at a Quick Trip gas station in Georgia. After tying it I wanted to know more about Snus. Found Northerner, BuySnus, and the Snuson forum. The flavor that I started with was the now departed Spice. Frost was my second favorite, and then the Original. I did try the new Mellow. Not very appealing.


                            • Tristik
                              • Jan 2009
                              • 654

                              Saw Tourney Ads. Did an internet search. Bought a can of tourney. Started ordering swedish online.


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