As I have mentioned in a few threads, I am already starting on my Quest to find a replacement for my beloved Retro White.
The candidates I will be testing are as follows
Granit White (Test already underway)
Phantom White
LD White
Grovesnus White
General White
And two more, although not technically White...
General Silver
The biggest issue with Retro is it is the first snus that I ever found that could stand up to consistent use day in and day out without turning on me. Many snus I like at first, but if I over use, I start growing tired of it quickly. So this quest involves heavy use of all, and multiple rounds of testing.
First round is just one can of Retro open with a can of the test snus open. Basically using them back and forth. This allows me to keep checking in with my Retro and comparing that to whatever snus I am testing. So, it takes me 6 days to go through 2 cans of regular portions. So basically, every snus I test first round will take a week.
Any snus I think is a possibility gets moved to round 2. Round 2 will involve buying 4 cans of each snus to be tested. Two weeks with one, move on to the next, and then cycle back for another 2 weeks again with the first. Again, consistently comparing it with Retro the entire time.
Hopefully, I will then have at least one candidate that moves to round 3, which is buying a roll of said snus, and basically using it constantly with the Retro for 2 months.
Looking at at least 2 months to get through round one, as I need to take a few breaks between and use some other things occasionally, reset the palate, etc. If I get even 2 snus to round 2, I am looking at another 2 months then, and my final test is two months as well. So 6 months to find a replacement I hope)
Again, I can't thank folks enough for making sure I have enough Retro to make it through the next 6 months of intensive testing.
I will report my results in this thread. As I said, have already started with Granit White, but am holding off saying any more until i finish the can. I think it is important to be pure and not prejudge anything, even if I kind of dislike it at first taste.
So let the fun begin. More to come. :wink:
EDIT...why is skruff white missing from the list some may ask???? Cause I hate it, WAY to bland for me.
The candidates I will be testing are as follows
Granit White (Test already underway)
Phantom White
LD White
Grovesnus White
General White
And two more, although not technically White...
General Silver
The biggest issue with Retro is it is the first snus that I ever found that could stand up to consistent use day in and day out without turning on me. Many snus I like at first, but if I over use, I start growing tired of it quickly. So this quest involves heavy use of all, and multiple rounds of testing.
First round is just one can of Retro open with a can of the test snus open. Basically using them back and forth. This allows me to keep checking in with my Retro and comparing that to whatever snus I am testing. So, it takes me 6 days to go through 2 cans of regular portions. So basically, every snus I test first round will take a week.
Any snus I think is a possibility gets moved to round 2. Round 2 will involve buying 4 cans of each snus to be tested. Two weeks with one, move on to the next, and then cycle back for another 2 weeks again with the first. Again, consistently comparing it with Retro the entire time.
Hopefully, I will then have at least one candidate that moves to round 3, which is buying a roll of said snus, and basically using it constantly with the Retro for 2 months.
Looking at at least 2 months to get through round one, as I need to take a few breaks between and use some other things occasionally, reset the palate, etc. If I get even 2 snus to round 2, I am looking at another 2 months then, and my final test is two months as well. So 6 months to find a replacement I hope)
Again, I can't thank folks enough for making sure I have enough Retro to make it through the next 6 months of intensive testing.
I will report my results in this thread. As I said, have already started with Granit White, but am holding off saying any more until i finish the can. I think it is important to be pure and not prejudge anything, even if I kind of dislike it at first taste.
So let the fun begin. More to come. :wink:
EDIT...why is skruff white missing from the list some may ask???? Cause I hate it, WAY to bland for me.