Sage's Retro Replacement Quest

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  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    Sage's Retro Replacement Quest

    As I have mentioned in a few threads, I am already starting on my Quest to find a replacement for my beloved Retro White.

    The candidates I will be testing are as follows

    Granit White (Test already underway)
    Phantom White
    LD White
    Grovesnus White
    General White

    And two more, although not technically White...
    General Silver

    The biggest issue with Retro is it is the first snus that I ever found that could stand up to consistent use day in and day out without turning on me. Many snus I like at first, but if I over use, I start growing tired of it quickly. So this quest involves heavy use of all, and multiple rounds of testing.

    First round is just one can of Retro open with a can of the test snus open. Basically using them back and forth. This allows me to keep checking in with my Retro and comparing that to whatever snus I am testing. So, it takes me 6 days to go through 2 cans of regular portions. So basically, every snus I test first round will take a week.

    Any snus I think is a possibility gets moved to round 2. Round 2 will involve buying 4 cans of each snus to be tested. Two weeks with one, move on to the next, and then cycle back for another 2 weeks again with the first. Again, consistently comparing it with Retro the entire time.

    Hopefully, I will then have at least one candidate that moves to round 3, which is buying a roll of said snus, and basically using it constantly with the Retro for 2 months.


    Looking at at least 2 months to get through round one, as I need to take a few breaks between and use some other things occasionally, reset the palate, etc. If I get even 2 snus to round 2, I am looking at another 2 months then, and my final test is two months as well. So 6 months to find a replacement I hope)

    Again, I can't thank folks enough for making sure I have enough Retro to make it through the next 6 months of intensive testing.

    I will report my results in this thread. As I said, have already started with Granit White, but am holding off saying any more until i finish the can. I think it is important to be pure and not prejudge anything, even if I kind of dislike it at first taste.

    So let the fun begin. More to come. :wink:

    EDIT...why is skruff white missing from the list some may ask???? Cause I hate it, WAY to bland for me.
  • whokilledmyhooker
    • Jun 2009
    • 139

    Please shut up about this, nobody cares.

    It's a bland tasting white portion it's not that hard to replace.

    Lay off the personal attacks. This is a free forum, and it's members will post about anything they like.


    • chadizzy1
      • May 2009
      • 7432



      • chadizzy1
        • May 2009
        • 7432

        I'm looking forward to this. I think it will be interesting. And cool to see vet reviews instead of mostly snubie reviews and see how you base your opinions on each product.


        • Anthony
          • Jul 2009
          • 249

          Originally posted by whokilledmyhooker
          Please shut up about this, nobody cares.

          It's a bland tasting white portion it's not that hard to replace.
          Bah. I'm interested to see what you turn to even though I never liked Retro... although I haven't had it since the launch.


          • sagedil
            • Nov 2007
            • 7077

            Originally posted by whokilledmyhooker
            Please shut up about this, nobody cares.

            It's a bland tasting white portion it's not that hard to replace.
            Wow, so where did that hostility come from????

            Real easy solution for you. Don't click on the G-D link if you don't want to read it. Or are you that pathetic you can't help yourself.

            There is a freakin reason I labeled this thread so clearly. You don't like it, don't come here. But don't you EVER tell me what I should post about or not.


            • cj
              • Jul 2009
              • 1563

              i think you will like the Grovesnus White its a very good one mild not to salty long lasting just a very good snus


              • justintempler
                • Nov 2008
                • 3090

                I think Retro is like Lucky all over again. Production problems, it will be back.

                F&L didn't build it self up to 10% marketshare without Retro. Until I see F&L drop Retro from their product lineup on their homepage like they did with PallMall I say it's only a temporary situation.


                • whokilledmyhooker
                  • Jun 2009
                  • 139

                  The hostility came from you being a little child about the situation.

                  retro is gone, it's not coming back, life goes on for most of us.


                  • sagedil
                    • Nov 2007
                    • 7077

                    Originally posted by cj
                    i think you will like the Grovesnus White its a very good one mild not to salty long lasting just a very good snus
                    cj, I am really interested in Grovsnus White as well. I have tried it at least once before. Seem to remember not liking it that much but can't remember why. And it has been so long, my own tastes have changed much over this past year, so looking forward to giving it another chance too.

                    I desperately hope you are right justintempler. But with LS, they said it was temporary from the beginning, same with the production problems they recently had with Knox. but I do keep up some hope


                    • Gizmer
                      • Jun 2009
                      • 103

                      If it's still on their site, maybe they weren't even expecting it to stop being produced but something came up. Maybe they had a factory mishap or something. They might not even know if it will be back yet so they don't want to jump the gun.

                      There's a bunch of things that could have caused them to abruptly stop making retro but we probably won't know for sure unless they make a press release or something. I hope it does come back because it looks like a lot of people like it.


                      • bakerbarber
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 1947

                        Wow I didn't know anyone ever tried General Silver before. Really interested to hear about it.


                        • justintempler
                          • Nov 2008
                          • 3090

                          The holdup on the Lucky Strike I think was caused by waiting on the newly designed can. The current Retro can is just the Pall Mall can using a different color plastic which might have been done in a pinch to tide them over until a newly redesigned Retro can with a snus catcher lid was finished. It didn't make sense to me to switch the Retro can design only to discontinue it a couple months later.

                          The other possible reason for the delay would be a launch of Lucky Strike Bold outside of Norway and production of Lucky takes precedence over Retro.

                          I'm just speculating of course, I just want to go on record to see if I am right.


                          • sagedil
                            • Nov 2007
                            • 7077

                            Originally posted by bakerbarber
                            Wow I didn't know anyone ever tried General Silver before. Really interested to hear about it.
                            I tried it maybe two years ago. Didn't like it much then, seem to remember it was too mild for me. But my tastes have changed so much since then, figure it should be looked at again.

                            And you are right, Can't remember anyone even mentioning it here for a couple of years


                            • MrSnusNSnuff
                              • Jun 2009
                              • 280

                              General White doesn't even begin to approach Camel in terms of flavor - sure it's got some similarities, it's much more subdued with a peppery element to it. I find the portion material to be harsh on the gums, too.


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