In the morning I can get away with only using my e-cig. But come lunch time I'm into the snus and snuff...after supper I seem to be chain snusing/snuffing/e-cigging. Is it just me or does everyone seem to need more nicotine as the day goes on? Almost starting to wonder if I'm more hooked on nicotine now than when I smoked :wink:
Is it just me or....
I have to stack in the morning.
A snus first thing. A dip in the shower. A cigarette on the ride to work. Then a strong snus with my coffee at work.
I pretty much snus all day.
I switch to loose snus in the evening. Usually have one more cigarette too.
Morning is tough for me. I don't feel normal until I get my nicotine.
I only use snus now. For me, when I wake up I don't have any instant desire for nicotine like I did when I smoked. I'm fine for about the first hour, after that my usage is steady throughout the day. Even when I use a sterk porion I tend to use them longer. My usage doesn't increase throughout the day.
I start my day with an Elyxr, then usually a regular portion, followed by another stark. From there, I am just chain snusing consistently, I think I am much like lxskllr, just very conssteant in maintaining my blood nicotine levels. I use a sterk every few hours to help ensure t stays that way, but just don't notice any change in needs all day long until go to sleeep at 1 or 2 in the mornng.
If anything, I am a bit more likely to have a bit of time between snus in the evening.
Sheila, may I gently suggest that you kick the e-cig thingy to the curb. I know it helped you tremendously in your attempt to quit smoking, but let me and many others here assure you, snus gets the job done. I fear that you are prolonging the hand to mouth fixation you've talked about by keeping on with that thing. If I were you I would save a few bucks and take the next step. Be done with it! Just my 2 cents. I've never used one, so I don't expect you to take my advice. Just know that there are so mnay former heavy smokers that are over it
Originally posted by Roo..Just know that there are so mnay former heavy smokers that are over it
No e-cigs, no pipes, no cigars, no chew, no snuff, just plain old Swedish snus all by itself. 8)
I fall kind of in between what the others have posted. Normally when I get up I reach right for the snus and chain it all day. However, if I don’t have any snus right away in the morning, I can go much longer without feeling it than I can if I stop midday. Maybe it’s because the night has cleared out some of the nic from my system. Who knows?
As far as needing more nic as the day goes on- not really. I think I keep at a pretty constant/consistant level throughout the day.When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
Originally posted by RooSheila, may I gently suggest that you kick the e-cig thingy to the curb. I know it helped you tremendously in your attempt to quit smoking, but let me and many others here assure you, snus gets the job done. I fear that you are prolonging the hand to mouth fixation you've talked about by keeping on with that thing. If I were you I would save a few bucks and take the next step. Be done with it! Just my 2 cents. I've never used one, so I don't expect you to take my advice. Just know that there are so mnay former heavy smokers that are over it
I walked away from a 2 pack a day habit, smoked for 32 years, and ALL I used was snus. I even waited for over a year to add snuff n, as I needed to make sure I was clear of certain hurdles before I started taking "hits" of nicotine again.
Isuspect if you just used snus, even give up the snuff for a few months, you will find this much easier. the e-cigg in particular is giving you these blasts of nicotine that I suspect leave your blood as fast as a cigarette will. you need to break that up and down habit to fully clear yourself from the smokes.
So very wise advice roo, thank you for catching that. I think you are very right.
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