that is really really scary Stargazer
I think I'm finally smoke free!
I'm not in contact with my nose bone, but I can clearly feel it.
and the string that connects the upper lip with my gums, is allmost completely gone.
it's price you have to pay for snusing I'm afraid.
So I know that I must quit at some point or another, if I don't
whant to get a really bad "cave" up there. :lol:
Stargazer, it sounds a bit like you've heard too many cock-and-bull-stories about snus. You know, the kind of stories, old people like to tell, when they're in the pub and drunk.
Not that I doubt anything, but I wonder, if most of your findings are not absolutely normal. For example, I too have some kind of a cave above my upper gums, but it has always been there and yeah, with a bit of fantasy, I maybe can even feel my nose-bone.
Overall, I guess, that snus, in Scandinavia, is much seen like dip is in America. Some people think "it's evil stuff", while others think "it's evil stuff, but I like it". :lol:
Could it be, that we 'Non-Scandinavians', are somewhat lucky, that we never heard the horror-stories about snus, that are common to Scandinavians? :roll:
No offense meant!
As posted by FetFnask in another thread:
I alternate between 6 spots upper. Close to center and then further and further out. I don't want a deep snus pit when I'm 60... It just looks wierd.
the fact that you get a really big space up there id fact, I have seen it my self. The hole to the nose thing is very rare, but I have seen this as well,
But only ones.
whit normal snus consuption it is rearly a problem.
with a can over 3 or 4 days it's should not be a problem.
I'm not telling this to scare you, only share som experences from a
country where snus has been enjoyed for a number of years.
And no offense taken.
But there are horrorstories and urban legends as well, on the line with the
hockey goalie that had his stomak full of snus. :lol:
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