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  • Big L
    • Aug 2009
    • 151

    Originally posted by Pete
    I'm in total awe of anyone that can like that flavour, I can eat almost anything, but that had me floored.
    Well, be in awe of me my friend, because I freakin' LOVE wintergreen! When I'm not snusing I am usually chewing gum or eating a mint, and 99% of the time it's wintergreen flavored. Just chewed wintergreen gum all day at work and it was awesome.

    I also love General wintergreen snus. Normally I like my tobacco plain, but when it's flavored I go with wintergreen. I hate the General mint flavored snus, and the fruity snuses make me want to vomit. When I used to dip it was either Cope straight or Skoal wintergreen.

    I am American by the way, so maybe it's just a flavor Europeans don't like.

    One more thing, wintergreen is NOT mint. They are two different plants, so if you like mint, and dislike wintergreen that makes sense.

    So for the people for wonder why General made wintergreen, I would say for people like me. I would also like to try the Thunder wintergreen.


    • McSnus
      • Aug 2009
      • 25

      Have a wintergreen in right now, not bad. I'm growing to enjoy it... but, still not my favorite.

      Discreet mints > than strawberry IMO

      Just not a fan like everyone else is of the Strawberry.


      • Urko23
        • Aug 2009
        • 20

        Originally posted by Pete

        First person from the UK to PM with their address can have the remaining 23 portions, otherwise it's binned
        I may sample a can if the offers still going!


        • tom502
          • Feb 2009
          • 8985

          Ok, I officially state that General Wintergreen is great.
          I came home yesterday, ate dinner, and popped one in. It was great.
          This morning, my first snus was GenWint, and again, it's great. Not bad even with coffee.
          I am not a "flavored" snus fan, but this is great. I don't care much for Gen MiniMint, nor did I care for ThunFrostMins.
          But like another poster said, wint is diff than mint.

          Now, liking this, I wonder taste-wise, how does GenWint compare with Offroad wint, and Thunder wint? Next order, I may get some.


          • CoderGuy
            • Jul 2009
            • 2679

            I too grew up on wintergreen. All my gum is wintergreen. I have actually allowed my other snus (Ettan, Lucky Strike, Rota Lacket) to dry up because I prefer the General Wintergreen and use it exclusively. However, I use General White Portion when on the plane because the wintergreen is so strong smelling. You open the lid even for a second to grab a portion and everyone on the plane can smell it lol


            • Pete
              • Jun 2009
              • 41

              Originally posted by Urko23
              I may sample a can if the offers still going!
              Afraid the can has been claimed, but I suspect you may get a second shot at it :lol:


              • Urko23
                • Aug 2009
                • 20

                Originally posted by Pete
                Originally posted by Urko23
                I may sample a can if the offers still going!
                Afraid the can has been claimed, but I suspect you may get a second shot at it :lol:
                Heh! Judging on your description I wouldn't be suprised! Though I've a sweet-tooth for mint flavours and sugar in general (still a pup at the age of 20 mind you!) I'm slightly worried by the detail of your disgust with this snus


                • tom502
                  • Feb 2009
                  • 8985

                  It has it's fans. I think it's great.


                  • derango1
                    • Jul 2009
                    • 46

                    I'm a big fan of peppermint and wintergreen. When I dipped regularly, I dipped Kodiak wintergreen and then Grizzly wintergreen. I never cared for unflavored dip.

                    So when I got the General mini-mint and wintergreen in my sampler pack, I was excited. Every once in a while, I get the urge for those flavors. I loved the mini-mint, but hated the wintergreen at first. I also ordered Offroad wintergreen longcut. That stuff is vile. Next up will be Thunder wintergreen.

                    Over the course of 4 more orders, I was sent General Wintergreen as my free can 3 times.... Yeah. So now, I'm learning to be ok with it. I've realized it was just an adjustment in taste, but still it's not great for me.

                    Strange thing is this that week I picked up a tin of Grizzly and was overwhelmed with how smokey it tasted. Now I don't even like my beloved Grizzly anymore since the flavor didn't work for me. Perhaps it's because i haven't used Grizzly in a month (since I started Snusing) or perhaps it's because I quit smoking a month ago and my taste buds are good now. But in either case, if Thunder doesn't do it for me, I will feel like a man without a wintergreen country. At least I'll have peppermint.


                    • KarlvB
                      • Feb 2008
                      • 681

                      Originally posted by Pete
                      Originally posted by Urko23
                      I may sample a can if the offers still going!
                      Afraid the can has been claimed, but I suspect you may get a second shot at it :lol:
                      This is like the UK version of the box pass from hell isn't it?

                      I'll add a can of Thunder to it :twisted:

                      (and so he offends the Thunder army....sorry guys)


                      • sagedil
                        • Nov 2007
                        • 7077

                        This is you one free pass :wink:


                        • tom502
                          • Feb 2009
                          • 8985

                          From those that like wintergreen and have tried them,

                          Which portion brand is best?

                          I have only had General.

                          Brief comments about them all is welcome.
                          I have some Thunder WG on the way.
                          I think Offroad is the only other brand, of the Euro brands that is.


                          • stubby2
                            • Jun 2009
                            • 436

                            I tried General WG when I first started using snus about 4 1/2 months ago and thought it was okay, but not a must have.

                            I had some dental work done a week ago and all I wanted to use for the next day was wintergreen. Now I have a much greater appreciation of it. Still not an all day snus but I'll always keep some around.

                            Not the macho type snus. Kind of soothing when the old system is a bit off for whatever reason. I could see doing it all day if I had a cold.


                            • ddandb
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 570

                              I hate to buck the trend here but I like it.
                              Grov los most of the day with some General los thrown in, but in the evening, as the last snus of the day, I like my Wintergreen.

                              (but I have to admit the Discreet Strawberry or Peach is also a great go-to-bed-on snus)


                              • Jlt012
                                • Aug 2009
                                • 62

                                I always thought that wintergreen dip was horrible, but i decided to give general a try and surprisingly it wasn't all that bad.


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