My Luckies not going to U.S.?!

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  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077


    But maybe coming back. Different issues, "Production problems" this summer, just waiting to see when and if they bring it back.


    • daruckis
      • Jul 2009
      • 2277

      im about 80% sure retro is coming back. they changed the label so recently, i dont think this production issue was a planned thing. i mean they changed it so recently that i got the old can when i ordered it just a couple weeks ago. im clinging to the hope that it wont be gone too long as it is my number one one-the-go snus. i generally just do loose at home now, and when i leave for work i grab my retro white and my general onyx. and sometimes a third can of either roda whites or a regular portion i might be in the mood for later.


      • sm0ke42o
        • Jul 2009
        • 105

        Originally posted by 9 Jack 9
        This would happen the week I looked in the freezer and said "You know, I oughta order another roll of Luckies soon..."
        I did the same thing :? I had ordered 5 cans of Lucky white a while back and blew through them in a matter of a few weeks. Then when I re-upped I got 5 cans of Lucky OP. The OP were good but they didn't have as much of the toasted flavor that the whites did, I assume because the other flavors overpower it more in the OP.

        I kept telling myself that I needed to order a roll of LS white but kept forgetting and putting it off. Finally when I went to go order another roll I find "not for sale in US". As you can imagine I have been repeatedly kicking myself in the ass ever since.


        • victoryredchevy
          • Jan 2008
          • 303

          I am one of the Lucky ones that got a last second order in. Unfortunately, I'm down to 4 cans outta that roll. This is so frustrating. And I too used Retro. Guess this is the beginning of the rise of Granit for me. I love all the F&L snuses, but Lucky was my top. I will just use Granit now and maybe dabble a little more back into Gustavus, but Lucky was untouchable for me.


          • sm0ke42o
            • Jul 2009
            • 105

            While this information is in no way new or surprising, I wanted to update you on the official word from BAT/F&L regarding this travesty involving Lucky snus and stupid US corporate greed à la RJR.

            I received this earlier today:

            Hi Mitch,

            This is the answer I got from the trade mark guys in BAT headquarter in London. Sorry for not having more info on this.

            The brand owner of the Lucky Strike cigarette and snus products is different in the USA to the rest of the world, and as such Lucky Strike products from the rest of the world can not be sold in the US.

            Take care.

            Best regards,

            Jochum Nordenström
            Group Brand Manager
            Fiedler & Lundgren AB
            Stenåldersgatan 23
            Box 9041, SE 200 39 Malmö
            Phone: + 46 (0) 40 630 39 62
            Cell: + 46 (0) 734 21 39 62

            To put this into context my original question to F&L and BAT in a nutshell was what, if anything, they were planning to do about all this. I was hoping to hear that their legal team was all over it, that it was just bullshit posturing on the part of RJR, and that eventually we would get Lucky back. Unfortunately it appears I got the dressed up PR way of saying "sorry dude, you're just SOL". I assume it will be the same for JTI with Camel. Like I said this isn't any big news or anything but I said I would pass on what I heard officially, so there it is. :?


            • bakerbarber
              • Jun 2008
              • 1947


              Technically the "sale" happens online at a Swedish shop.

              I could see if we walked into a local gas station and asked for them, but c'mon how many US customers are buying these products???

              Score a major douche bag award for big US tobacco. :roll:

              This whole situation just strengthens my resolve to use snus. Not big tobacco snus. I'll be tossing more orders for small producers and varieties.


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