My Luckies not going to U.S.?!

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  • paulwall9
    • Nov 2008
    • 743

    i wanted to try it as well! Shame i won't get to try another extra strong snus!


    • Maahk
      • Jul 2009
      • 75

      Yeah, LS Bold...just looking at the can gives me a tingle south of the border. Gonna have to use the Shady Snus network to get a few rolls of that goodness.


      • chossy
        • Jul 2009
        • 242

        Luckies are nice and toasty

        Gonna run down to the store and get one

        Shady snus networks are good to have around :lol:


        • Roo
          • Jun 2008
          • 3446

          Not all is lost... LS Bold is just one more reason that eventual trip to Skando will be off the hook. Don't forget Amsterdam while you're over there. Plenty of goodies there too.


          • sagedil
            • Nov 2007
            • 7077


            I start a 3rd job Monday. Actually going back to something I have done several times these last few years. Between 10 - 16 hours extra a week. ALL of this money will be gong into savings. First thing needed is 2nd bike. But 2nd thing is a trip. I haven't traveled since my divorce, and I WILL within the next 2 years. Gonna go to Amsterdam. But think now I will have to go to Sweden for a day at least first. Then train to Amsterdam.

            Wow, chilln in Amsterdam, smoking my best of the best dope, snusin on a Lucky Strike Bold.

            Can it get any better that that??????

            I need to just keep remembering that thought these next 18 months as I work 60 -70 hours a week to make that possible


            • sm0ke42o
              • Jul 2009
              • 105

              Originally posted by snusjus
              Originally posted by whokilledmyhooker
              I need that lucky bold!!!! who's got a can in CANADA!!!!
              Second that man! If you get some, I will gladly pay you for ONE can; even for double the price!
              I too would love a can or ten of this stuff if someone wants to make some easy $$. :wink:


              • Qor
                • May 2009
                • 197

                When I think of Lucky Strikes this goes through my head.





                • sm0ke42o
                  • Jul 2009
                  • 105

                  I have been digging up information on this whole situation the last few days and have contacted BAT and F&L (BAT being the parent corp and F&L who actually manufactures Lucky) as well as RJ Reynolds here in the states. Mainly what I am looking to find is what BAT/F&L intend to do about this and when and if we will ever be able to get our Lucky fix here in the states again.

                  So far I haven't got much but I'll keep you all updated as I find out more.

                  From BAT:

                  Thank you for contacting us.

                  Unfortunately, it is not possible for the corporate office of British American Tobacco p.l.c. to deal with this matter.

                  May we suggest you contact RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company. RJ Reynolds has a Consumer Information Center in the United States. You may reach the centre toll-free, at any time of day, on 1-800-341-5211.

                  Yours sincerely,


                  From F&L:

                  Hi Mitch,

                  Thank you for the info. Nice to hear it from outside the company....... I will talk to the guys in Central snus about this.

                  Looks like this comes as a surprise to F&L lol. I will post further correspondence here as it comes in.


                  • Allergy
                    • Sep 2009
                    • 227

                    Wonder how this will affect an order of the Top Ten from Northener, since it shows a LS included. Hmm...


                    • sm0ke42o
                      • Jul 2009
                      • 105

                      Typically, they'll just throw in a can of something of similar price and taste to replace it. At least that's what they did when they were out of Lucky while BAT was redesigning the can.


                      • mlkramer
                        • Jul 2009
                        • 393

                        Originally posted by sagedil
                        I am 100 hundred times worse than I was even a year, a year and a half ago. It is scary how addictive this place can become.

                        I blame the rookies that have showed up over the last 6 - 9 months. :lol:
                        hmmmm...trying to decide I should feel guilty or proud hehe


                        • Maahk
                          • Jul 2009
                          • 75

                          Originally posted by sm0ke42o
                          I have been digging up information on this whole situation the last few days and have contacted BAT and F&L (BAT being the parent corp and F&L who actually manufactures Lucky) as well as RJ Reynolds here in the states. Mainly what I am looking to find is what BAT/F&L intend to do about this and when and if we will ever be able to get our Lucky fix here in the states again.

                          So far I haven't got much but I'll keep you all updated as I find out more.

                          From BAT:

                          Thank you for contacting us.

                          Unfortunately, it is not possible for the corporate office of British American Tobacco p.l.c. to deal with this matter.

                          May we suggest you contact RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company. RJ Reynolds has a Consumer Information Center in the United States. You may reach the centre toll-free, at any time of day, on 1-800-341-5211.

                          Yours sincerely,


                          From F&L:

                          Hi Mitch,

                          Thank you for the info. Nice to hear it from outside the company....... I will talk to the guys in Central snus about this.

                          Looks like this comes as a surprise to F&L lol. I will post further correspondence here as it comes in.
                          Been doing some digging of my own the last week or so. From this email I got this morning it almost seems as if its been known to the online retailers for some time now that there is a patent issue with sending Luckies to US customer....and as if something went down recently(litigation or threat of..) that brought the issue to the forefront and made the online retailers colectively cover thier asses. If that makes's some of the email...

                          No good news from my digging. Sure you can still get LS from some sources...but for how long. One i know of raised the price to almost double what it was two weeks ago. The search continues..

                          Hi Mark,


                          Unfortunatetly, we cannot supply the North American market with our Lucky
                          Strike Snus since there is a different brand ownership (Lucky Strike) in
                          the US. Prior, the web shop have done their own supplying, at their risk.
                          They are now more aware of the risks involved, and they will probably not
                          supply to an American customer, unfortunately.

                          I am sorry that we don´t have better news for you.

                          Have a nice day!

                          Bästa hälsningar / Best regards


                          • 9 Jack 9
                            • Apr 2009
                            • 84

                            This would happen the week I looked in the freezer and said "You know, I oughta order another roll of Luckies soon..."

                            Man. And I had enough fun getting over losing N&J West.

                            If it's the brand presence in North America that's keeping the stuff from being sold here, that's some seriously distressing news. I wish the Swedish Luckies could be sold to NA under a different brand if that's the case. Lucky Strike went to war once, it can go again! :P

                            The Swedish Camel loss is an even worse shame considering the regular and white portions are so much better than the domestic stuff Camel's trying to sell now here. If they'd only...


                            • MrSnusNSnuff
                              • Jun 2009
                              • 280

                              Losing both Camel and Lucky is a serious blow to a lot of the snusers on this board. General has been suggested, but it makes a piss-poor replacement to either of these fine snuses.

                              And second to the underground shady snus network. Joe Camel will never know what hit him.


                              • VBSnus
                                • Jul 2009
                                • 532

                                I like Retro as a substitute to Lucky Strike. Isn't that one going away too though?


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