Had to be Grov!

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  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    Don't blame your newness oregonrain, even after 2 years, that is exactly what I thought of both the los and portions. But I too am gonna give it another chance. Maybe this time different??


    • tom502
      • Feb 2009
      • 8985

      If I remember, Grovlos was my 1st ever emptied can.


      • Maahk
        • Jul 2009
        • 75

        Grov and Ettan are both top shelf snus. For my palate though they are a little too ho-hum and bland. I know this is what some palates dig, mine just needs a bit more action. Doesnt mean I dont have an open can of each in los form in the fridge though....just that it takes me longer to go through them. There are times when I want that more mellow taste and thats when I reach for Grov or Ettan.

        Now Grov Svart...love it. Cant say enough good things about it. Makes my mouth feel things that I didnt know it could. This reminds me I need to hit the freezer cache and get a can or two.


        • KarlvB
          • Feb 2008
          • 681

          Re: Had to be Grov!

          Originally posted by whalen
          The Grov just satisfies, and the weird thing is that the whites are just as good as the originals, I do not care which one it is, this is the only snus that I can say that about, the whites are always so different than the originals for me.
          100% Agreed. I've recently moved to Grov and just got a large order in (thanks to Northerner being out of stock of General). No matter. Grov Whites may just become my go to snus at the rate I am using it (but it will have to fight General OP and Skruf OP for that top spot)


          • Gizmer
            • Jun 2009
            • 103

            I love Grov Svart but I've never tried the regular. I'll have to give he whites a go.


            • DrSnus
              • Jun 2009
              • 155

              I love Grov Svart... it actually turned me off to Onyx. I am working on a can of Grov los right now... so far so good, the flavor really starts flowing after 30mins or so.

              I am trying to find an all day snus, I LOVE Odens ES los but it's not practical for all day use. Right now I am using General Original as my standby.


              • ddandb
                • Mar 2009
                • 570

                Originally posted by snusjus
                I have tried Grov Original Portions and loved them. The natural tobacco flavor with a nice hint of salt is amazing. When I'm bored with General Portions, I throw in a half-roll of Grovs.

                However, I haven't tried the los variety of Grov yet. I have been meaning to order a can but always forget. Does it have a salty taste? I don't like Ettan because I can't taste ANY salt.
                If you like your snun to be saltier you can always add some.

                ... Pass me salt shaker and let me season the suns.


                • Mr. Snuffleupagus
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 2781

                  Grov loose is my favorite all day snus. I order it 2 rolls at a time now.


                  • Kitabz
                    • May 2009
                    • 72

                    Originally posted by sagedil
                    Thank you whalen. I am looking forward to playing with some Grov White in the next few weeks.
                    You and I seem to have similar tastes when it comes to whites: top 3 = Camel, LS & Retro (your ordering is different but they're otherwise the same).

                    I got some Grov Whites in my last order and they are growing on me now after almost a can.

                    I'm inclined to put the above three together as variations on a theme and I can say the same for Grov, Ettan and Röda Lacket (all whites). I find them all to have a similar taste/texture and it would be fairly easy to substitute LS, C & R for G, E & RL.


                    • sagedil
                      • Nov 2007
                      • 7077

                      See RL has too much of a distinct flavor. And Ettan just have always found too bland, not quite as mad as Skruff White but too bland for me.

                      Grove is really a strong possibility. But gotta check LD Whites out first. Nex week, Phantom white. Those 3 are m favorites for taking over from Retro, Camel, and LS.


                      • tool77
                        • Aug 2009
                        • 30

                        Funny, I have a pris of Grov los in my mouth right now. Actually the first time I've been able to keep it together pretty well. Yay! :lol:

                        Grov and General portions keep competing for my top spot on the non mint/fruit flavored category. Depends on my mood...


                        • sm0ke42o
                          • Jul 2009
                          • 105

                          Now that LS is no more in the US Grov will likely become my #1, the whites being my first choice. The OP are great but the whites bring out subtle hints in the tobacco that I love and just dont get from the originals.

                          Grov Svart is my after meals and morning snus and like someone else said it kinda killed onyx for me. (not so much in the taste dept but at 1mg of nic more than onyx it just satisfies more IMO)

                          Phantom white is also a good choice but is pretty much just your average General clone. For me LS, RL, and Grov are the only brands that I can chain non-stop throughout the day without ever getting sick of them.


                          • Maahk
                            • Jul 2009
                            • 75

                            Originally posted by DrSnus
                            I love Grov Svart... it actually turned me off to Onyx. I am working on a can of Grov los right now... so far so good, the flavor really starts flowing after 30mins or so.

                            I am trying to find an all day snus, I LOVE Odens ES los but it's not practical for all day use. Right now I am using General Original as my standby.
                            It killed Onyx for me for a while, but there was a few weeks there where I forgot to take some Grov Svart out of the deep freeze chest in the cellar (big house, office where I spend time at the computer and what not is 3 floors up and Im lazy, not to mention that my celar is dark, scary and full of crap from the bar I sold last year...see part where I said Im lazy and still havent cleaned up the random bar stools, neon signange, cases of booze...ANYWAY)...point is I had Onyx up here and the two are actualy pretty nice when spaced out. Onyx is like that for me though...love it for a few months then it gets to where its like bleh.

                            Lately, my two all day back to backs have been Nick and Johnny and Gen Es Los. I know, weird that I chain los and portion back to back...but those two tastes really dont get old for me. I blow through rolls of thoose two like crazy.


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