Mini Mania (or the quest for best mini at best price)

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  • fedora
    • Aug 2008
    • 251

    Thanks for the links and tips. I just remembered I was doing something like this with Cope Black - I'd take a piece of coffee filter, cut it, make a trough, put the cope inside and then roll it up and twist the ends. Looked sorta like a tadpole with a tail on each end. They stayed together OK, but the Cope burned like hell (another subject).

    So aside from the RYO option - who knows of the best and cheapest Swedish Snus Minis? (Made in Sweeden)

    Thanks to everyone so far!


    • bakerbarber
      • Jun 2008
      • 1947

      Originally posted by lxskllr
      Originally posted by justintempler
      45grams of LD lös = 90(?) mini portions
      lös minis taste better too 8)
      Just for kicks, my next pris I'll do a 1 click of LD lös and see how it feels, and how easy to hide it is. Hell for that little bit, you could just eat it if you couldn't find a trash can :^D
      This really intrigued me.

      So I pulled out my 4ml Icetool and tried about 1 1/2 notches.

      lxskllr has said many times 2 notches of the 3ml is how he rolls and it makes so much sense now.

      I think I've been overdoing it using three notches with my 3ml and getting melt down prematurely.

      Anyway, the shorter slightly wider pris I got form 1 1/2 notches on my 4ml feels exactly like the size of a portion. It's enough to feel it is there and comfort me so I don't have the "empty lip" feeling minis give me. It's also short enough that it hasn't broken apart at all, and I'm chuggin beers.


      It might get washed down, I probably won't care.

      Good work gentlemen!


      • Roo
        • Jun 2008
        • 3446

        I gotta throw this in after lxskllr's suggestion. Get some skruf los, make a BALL not a pris, about the size of a pea. No one will notice, and BALL removal is as simple as pinch and pull (so sorry, but that really is what she said). No mess, discreet, and pea-size BALLS will make a can last for GD ever.


        • sm0ke42o
          • Jul 2009
          • 105

          Originally posted by sagedil
          Have you tried Diescreet?? Hands down best mini, and new flavors coming all the time. Available at Getsnus for $0.99 for a package of 10.

          See the Discreet review tread for more nfo

          And 7mg of nicotine.
          Its funny because If I had tried Discreet before I started using Swedish I would have been sold and probably have never went on to try Scandinavian snus. I got my samples a few weeks ago and despite not having the pure flavor (which is really what I wanted to try) I was impressed with this snus all in all, at least compared to Camel SNUS and the like. However, I found the sweetness to be obviously artificial and way too sweet for my palate which has become partial to the saltiness of Swedish snus.

          Have you tried the pure flavor Sage? If so what did you think?


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            Ok, I did a 1 click pris of LD, and it seemed to work pretty well. I was playing UT, so I couldn't look in the mirror, but I'm sure it wasn't noticeable. Once the pris flattened a bit, it tucked up very nice, and it was easy to control. LD is on the coarse side, so that may not apply to a finer snus. After it was done... about an hour I guess, I swallowed the pris, and there really were no bits to clean up. I Probably wouldn't do that all the time, but every so often shouldn't hurt.

            Final verdict... I'd say it's a cheap gamble to try out. You already know you like LD, so that would be a good one to try it with, and it's the most economical option available. An IceTool isn't essential, especially at first, but if you went this route, it would make it very quick and clean to do.


            • sagedil
              • Nov 2007
              • 7077

              Originally posted by sm0ke42o

              Its funny because If I had tried Discreet before I started using Swedish I would have been sold and probably have never went on to try Scandinavian snus. I got my samples a few weeks ago and despite not having the pure flavor (which is really what I wanted to try) I was impressed with this snus all in all, at least compared to Camel SNUS and the like. However, I found the sweetness to be obviously artificial and way too sweet for my palate which has become partial to the saltiness of Swedish snus.

              Have you tried the pure flavor Sage? If so what did you think?
              Not yet. I will order some Tuesday morning from Getsnus.

              I expect though I will prefer the sweet. Yes. Very different than Swedish. And not something I could ever use all the time. But as I keep posting, at least for me, I find the sweet so useful in helping me reset my palate throughout the day. 16 hours of salt is OK, I did it for 2+ years. But now I am discovering a new way. And a Discreet every 4 hours or so so really is helping me enjoy my Swedish more throughout the day.

              Like snuff was a 2nd tobacco I introduced to my routine., just view Discreet as a 3rd.. Totally separate from my Swedish snus. But just real happy to include with everything else I am using that day.


              • snusjus
                • Jun 2008
                • 2674

                Originally posted by lxskllr
                Originally posted by fedora
                Also - how do I "ryo" minis as you suggest? Staple tea bags? Reuse the baggies from spent mini portions (lol)?
                You can buy tea bag material. There should be several places online to find it. For a trial run, it would probably be better to just empty a tea bag, and cut to size. It should work well enough to just fold it without sealing the bag. There's instructions for doing this somewhere, and I'll update if I find them.

                I came across this picture and was pretty intrigued. So I assume this is the teabag material you can purchase?


                • lxskllr
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 13435

                  Originally posted by snusjus

                  I came across this picture and was pretty intrigued. So I assume this is the teabag material you can purchase?
                  Yea, that looks like it, or at least how I imagined it. I've never bought any myself. I'd be willing to bet you could get it in almost any size or shape you wanted.


                  • snusjus
                    • Jun 2008
                    • 2674

                    Originally posted by lxskllr
                    Originally posted by snusjus

                    I came across this picture and was pretty intrigued. So I assume this is the teabag material you can purchase?
                    Yea, that looks like it, or at least how I imagined it. I've never bought any myself. I'd be willing to bet you could get it in almost any size or shape you wanted.
                    I'd love to use my Icetool to make longer, cylinder portions! I'll try to find out where you can buy that material!


                    • chadizzy1
                      • May 2009
                      • 7432

                      Thunder Frosted Mini and Discreet. (Peach and Strawberry currently are rocking my world).


                      • fedora
                        • Aug 2008
                        • 251

                        So, been working this problem today as you all know.

                        I had no los so I cut open one of the mini portion bags and worked with that.

                        Tried the mini BALLS that were suggested (thanks Roo) and now I remembered why I can't do los. It was a mini-mudslide.

                        I just ain't cut out for los. I think its not a matter of "can I bake a ball or a pris", but los or portions are a style of snusser (IMHO). Basically - I use minis and play with them, move them around, squish them to get more flavor out, etc. I just tried to touch my mini los up there a few times and it was a freaking mess. No matter how well I got it up there.

                        So - looks like to save money I will be getting cans of los and then use the teabag/coffee filter-two-tailed-tadpole solution.

                        Thanks to all who helped.

                        I guess the only question is if an Icetool would make the preparation of these RYO minis faster or tidier. Any suggestions (lxskllr?) Or even better, does someone have a used one they want to sell me?


                        • lxskllr
                          • Sep 2007
                          • 13435

                          I'm not sure an IceTool would be worth it for making portions. If you wanted to try something like that out you can easily make one from a syringe. An IceTool is better but you'd be able to tell if the extra expense is worth it.


                          • justintempler
                            • Nov 2008
                            • 3090

                            Originally posted by fedora
                            I had no los so I cut open one of the mini portion bags and worked with that.
                            The snus that goes into a portion bag does not equal the snus that goes into lös.

                            A General portion does not equal General lös in a bag.

                            The consistency, grain size and moisture level of the tobacco that goes into portionsnus is different than the tobacco that goes into lössnus.

                            Do not jump to conclusions on the basis of your experiment.


                            • McSnus
                              • Aug 2009
                              • 25

                              Yeah Discreet is the way to go for the price. Also a variety of flavors.
                              General Mini Mint is good. I would like to see more people jump on the mini band wagon in the future.


                              • Gizmer
                                • Jun 2009
                                • 103

                                Originally posted by McSnus
                                Yeah Discreet is the way to go for the price. Also a variety of flavors.
                                General Mini Mint is good. I would like to see more people jump on the mini band wagon in the future.
                                General Mini Mint is pretty good, but the Discreet mint is tastier and cheaper.


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