Okay, I wasnt trying to be a dick I just didnt know who that was aimed at and just wanted to say that i did not make this thread and was just suggesting an option for the person who did!
Me on the other hand, this is the reason i have smoked instead of getting snus from get snus! After me and my gf, I'm 21 and she's 22 btw, get our paychecks we usally pay the rent, the utilities, internet for job purposes and other etc.
usally leaves us with about $150 left after and that about 50 of that goes to food and probably about $75 for gas! That leaves me with about 25-30 dollars for my tobacco habit for the 2 weeks until we get paid again! Now if I used that to go to getsnus it would still take about 2-4 days and to me personally if I can go that long without nicotine I might as well not use any more tobacco! So i just buy a 23-24 dollar carton of cigs and at 7-8 a day they last the 2 weeks! The whole thing for me is waiting the snus in that amount of time i would be suffering withdralws already and probably almost be done! As for bumming money i don't have that luxury as pretty much all my friends are broke as well and parents is out of the question! So i will just wait until i do happen to have an extra 32 or so dollars and get me a roll of thunder off buysnus and have enough money for smokes so i do not go threw withdrawls!
Damn this has been a long ass rant/post/vent/IDK anyways hope you are all well! cheers
Me on the other hand, this is the reason i have smoked instead of getting snus from get snus! After me and my gf, I'm 21 and she's 22 btw, get our paychecks we usally pay the rent, the utilities, internet for job purposes and other etc.
usally leaves us with about $150 left after and that about 50 of that goes to food and probably about $75 for gas! That leaves me with about 25-30 dollars for my tobacco habit for the 2 weeks until we get paid again! Now if I used that to go to getsnus it would still take about 2-4 days and to me personally if I can go that long without nicotine I might as well not use any more tobacco! So i just buy a 23-24 dollar carton of cigs and at 7-8 a day they last the 2 weeks! The whole thing for me is waiting the snus in that amount of time i would be suffering withdralws already and probably almost be done! As for bumming money i don't have that luxury as pretty much all my friends are broke as well and parents is out of the question! So i will just wait until i do happen to have an extra 32 or so dollars and get me a roll of thunder off buysnus and have enough money for smokes so i do not go threw withdrawls!
Damn this has been a long ass rant/post/vent/IDK anyways hope you are all well! cheers