Do you use mostly whites or regulaars

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  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    Do you use mostly whites or regulaars

    OK, so I am curious. when I first switched over to mostly whites 18+ months ago, I seemed to be in the distinct minority. But lately, it seems like lot more folks are using them. So just curious what the mix is today.

    And if you use only los....well suppose you can just bite me. This poll ain't for you. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  • Veganpunk
    • Jun 2009
    • 5381

    Right now, I use both. But I prefer Whites. General White is better than the regular.


    • Gizmer
      • Jun 2009
      • 103

      I tend to prefer whites but if something I like only comes in original it doesn't really matter. The longer flavor and smaller drip from whites is fantastic though.


      • Anthony
        • Jul 2009
        • 249

        Usually white.


        • bakerbarber
          • Jun 2008
          • 1947

          The poll is a bit skewed is it not? Kinda loaded the options. :lol:

          I said regulars, but not because "whites suck." I mean whites are good when I want a white. Regular portions are good when I want a regular.

          I usually prefer a regular when it's "portion time." Whites take too long to come on for me and irritate my gums a bit because they are drier on the outside.

          On the other hand regulars get spent faster and occasionally are overwhelming flavor wise.

          Each one has it's pros and cons and I see no reason to use one or the other exclusively.

          Variety is the spice of life. Especially when it comes to snus! :P


          • chadizzy1
            • May 2009
            • 7432

            Ok, so what's weird about this - is when I'm picking something that has an OPTION, I go for white. But what's weird, is my 3 regulars - Thunder Frosted, Offroad Cranberry Strong, and Ettan - 2 of those are regular and the other 1 I can get in white. So I primarily use regular - because thats what my favorites come in, but if I have a choice, I go for white. If that makes any sense.


            • Qor
              • May 2009
              • 197

              I am a regular regular user, if that makes sense.

              While regulars can sometimes be a bit overpowering in the flavor, I find that it has more there. A lot of whites I can not even taste, even Skruf Starks. Also, and I don't know if this is just me, but whites tend to be like sticking a ball of cotton in my mouth, or some gauze of some sort. It takes a majority of the moisture out of my mouth and leaves it dry. If I am going to use a white, I need a drink, and not because I am thirsty.

              Just my opinion though, as everybody has their own and I respect that. :wink:



              • sagedil
                • Nov 2007
                • 7077

                Originally posted by bakerbarber
                The poll is a bit skewed is it not? Kinda loaded the options. :lol:

                I said regulars, but not because "whites suck." I mean whites are good when I want a white. Regular portions are good when I want a regular.

                I usually prefer a regular when it's "portion time." Whites take too long to come on for me and irritate my gums a bit because they are drier on the outside.

                On the other hand regulars get spent faster and occasionally are overwhelming flavor wise.

                Each one has it's pros and cons and I see no reason to use one or the other exclusively.

                Variety is the spice of life. Especially when it comes to snus! :P
                I guarantee then that you are in the minority. Most people lean strongly one way or the other.

                Not really loaded, other than obviously I am a huge Whites fan. Was just curious to see where the breakdown is these days, and we seem to be split about 50/50 which is what I had gathered just from reading. But 18 months ago here, White users were a distinct minority.


                • lxskllr
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 13435

                  Lös of course :^P

                  When I have portions I strongly prefer originals though. The only time I get whites is when that's the only way they come.


                  • tom502
                    • Feb 2009
                    • 8985

                    I prefer whites(as I write this), but have maybe an equal amount in my stock.


                    • dupee419
                      • Aug 2009
                      • 398

                      I seem to prefer whites. I do have a couple regulars in my collection at the moment though.


                      • Liandri
                        • Jul 2009
                        • 604

                        I guess I like whites more, just because I can throw them further back in my mouth without getting a spit-full of overpowered tobacco juice.


                        • bakerbarber
                          • Jun 2008
                          • 1947

                          I disagree Sage. I have a lot of company, even if it's just first timers buying a sample pack.

                          I believe people do lean towards one style, but I suspect most people, like me, have an extensive variety of snus and that variety makes staying off cigs more of an ongoing adventure.

                          I realize that most people don't regularly use all the various forms of tobacco like I do. Hell I have had a cigarette, a cigar, nasal snuff, chewing tobacco, dip, and snus all in one day before. Buy me a pipe and I can rule the world.

                          The variety that exists makes it virtually impossible to use one type of snus exclusively for me. Some people, such as yourself, may have an "all day snus" they use more often than others. I think others change it up pretty often. Check out the "how many open cans" thread if you don't believe me.

                          Although I do acknowledge the people who use only one brand/style. I believe those of us who change it up do "change it up."

                          Maybe it's because a particular brand or flavor is not available in regular and white. Maybe it's because by the time you try ALL the snus out there you realize they all have pros and cons.

                          Anyway, yeah I just thought is was funny how the poll was worded. :P It is interesting to see what the preference is. That is what drives the market after all.

                          I stand by my guarantee that variety is the spice of life!


                          • dupee419
                            • Aug 2009
                            • 398

                            Originally posted by bakerbarber
                            I disagree Sage. I have a lot of company, even if it's just first timers buying a sample pack.

                            I believe people do lean towards one style, but I suspect most people, like me, have an extensive variety of snus and that variety makes staying off cigs more of an ongoing adventure.

                            I realize that most people don't regularly use all the various forms of tobacco like I do. Hell I have had a cigarette, a cigar, nasal snuff, chewing tobacco, dip, and snus all in one day before. Buy me a pipe and I can rule the world.

                            The variety that exists makes it virtually impossible to use one type of snus exclusively for me. Some people, such as yourself, may have an "all day snus" they use more often than others. I think others change it up pretty often. Check out the "how many open cans" thread if you don't believe me.

                            Although I do acknowledge the people who use only one brand/style. I believe those of us who change it up do "change it up."

                            Maybe it's because a particular brand or flavor is not available in regular and white. Maybe it's because by the time you try ALL the snus out there you realize they all have pros and cons.

                            Anyway, yeah I just thought is was funny how the poll was worded. :P It is interesting to see what the preference is. That is what drives the market after all.

                            I stand by my guarantee that variety is the spice of life!
                            I've got a pipe laying around that I don't use anymore.... if you're interested.


                            • bakerbarber
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 1947

                              No thanks.. I appreciate the offer.

                              Heh -I was really just joking.- LOL I'm not allowed to smoke in the house and the ice age IS coming.

                              I do so enjoy the smell of a pipe in the air though.


                              I *mostly* use regulars when I use use portions.


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