Do you use mostly whites or regulaars

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  • daruckis
    • Jul 2009
    • 2277

    i voted regular but i like whites, i just use regs more often.


    • sundog
      • Jun 2009
      • 311

      I like both, and I use one or the other depending on what I'm doing. Since I've been working outside in the heat I've been using more regular portions. They don't dry me out like the whites.


      • Mr. Snuffleupagus
        • Dec 2008
        • 2781

        I voted regular but I don't think whites suck. But I guess I wasn't supposed to vote since I'm such a looser.


        • Kitabz
          • May 2009
          • 72

          90% white, 10% regular and when the current open cans of regular are gone I'll likely not buy any more except perhaps LS Bold should it ever materialise.

          On thinking over my various orders, I've never actually ordered the same regular twice because none of them were particularly special although Retro Regular might have been an exception were it not unavailable now-a-days. I would have bought N&J East again because it was very unique but sadly that one has gone too.

          In the beginning the whites seemed a bit tasteless compared to the regulars but now I think they have just as much flavour [eventually] albeit drier in texture.


          • MN_Snuser
            • May 2008
            • 354

            Long time no post, work, life, etc. Upon second thought, I am prolly 70% white, 30% regular. So i can't vote in the poll.


            • VBSnus
              • Jul 2009
              • 532

              I bought a bunch of whites and got very tired of them very quick. Maybe when I'm a little older and more mature I'll settle down and cherish the sweet flavor you can get with patience, but right now I'm a rambunctious snuschild who needs constant stimulation.


              • sagedil
                • Nov 2007
                • 7077

                Originally posted by MN_Snuser
                Long time no post, work, life, etc. Upon second thought, I am prolly 70% white, 30% regular. So i can't vote in the poll.
                Good to see you her. Miss seeing your pretty face. :wink:


                • Roo
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 3446

                  Originally posted by lxskllr
                  When I have portions I strongly prefer originals though. The only time I get whites is when that's the only way they come.
                  That's where I stand. And to add a bit more, I don't like to wait for the flavor and everything else to develope. I'm not usually an hour-long snuser so I like the action up front. And regulars are much more comfortable to me.


                  • sm0ke42o
                    • Jul 2009
                    • 105

                    In my first major order I bought all whites and maybe two cans of regular. By the end of that month I noticed that the whites just weren't giving me any kick anymore, like at all... So the next order I put in was primarily regular portions with a few whites thrown in. However like many have said sometimes the taste with regulars can get either overpowering or muddied up to where you can't taste the subtle flavors as well.

                    Now that I have a decent variety of snus I find that I use a pretty even proportion of both. If I want the nic and the flavor to come on fast and I'm not going to be anywhere where I wouldn't want any drip to show I use regular. If I want the nic and taste to be more subtle or if I am going to be interacting with people in a social or professional setting its whites. Really it just depends on my taste and circumstances at any given moment but I'd say I'm pretty close to around 50/50 on this one.


                    • snusjus
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 2674

                      Regular- WHITES SUCK.

                      I love snus that is flavorful and drippy. Even with Original portions, I constantly drench them with my saliva and water when they're in my mouth. Whenever I use white portions, I don't feel the flavor or strength of the snus as much.


                      • cj
                        • Jul 2009
                        • 1563

                        i use both its better that way :wink:


                        • Jason
                          • Jan 2008
                          • 1370

                          Another vote for not being able to vote. :wink: I am somewhere in the middle, although I have to say that I get more out of regulars than whites.


                          • Mullolley
                            • Aug 2009
                            • 213

                            I gotta say I don't notice much of a difference. Mind you, I'm a very new snuser so my palate isn't honed yet, but I don't really notice the regulars being all that juicy or the whites being all that dry. I've been using mostly whites lately as that's mostly what I have opened, but I use Ettan regular and Lucky regular pretty regularly, too. I guess I'll have to pay more attention.


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