I second bacon, chai, clove (would love this), and I think chili would actually be really good if done right. I'm thinking a chili powder kind of taste. You know, kinda smokey and a little spicy. Definitely not too much, just a hint.
The problem I see with some flavored snuses now is too much flavor. Like with the discreet. I like discreet, but I don't really consider it very snusey. I know it's american snus and that's apparently one of the aspects of american snus, but I see it as a different product. I want a snus that tastes like tobacco, with a flavor that complements the snus rather than overpower it.
There are snuses that do this and if one of these new flavors were ever made, that's the only way to do it. If smokey bacon were an american snus, I would want no part of it, but it could work if made with a gentle hand.
I eat a bunch of canned chili as I am cheap. Often, while it is heating up, I often taste it when I have a white in. And yeah, kinda strange, but it works really well together.
what is it with people and bacon flavored stuff? not trashing the idea, but people really seem to like bacon flavored stuff, or hell even stuff that looks like bacon (my old roomie had bacon bandaids).
Ditto on the Pomegranate! And of course a coffee/vanilla or just plain vanilla one since Offroad no longer makes coffee/vanilla.
Praise The Lord! I thought that was one of the worst I have ever tried. Had I known a snus swap would be occurring, I wouldn't have tossed 1/2 dozen can of Offroad in the dumper. Maybe someone likes Offroad, but it sure isn't me :shock:
Dissing my coffee/vanilla? Them's fighting words! :P Not only did I like the Offroad Coffee Vanilla, but I also don't mind their Wintergreen los and portions and Cranberry los.
Absolutly!!! But here are the terms:
1. Its got to have the cut and consistancy of copenhagen
2. Its got to have a strong natural flavor
3. It must must comply with the Swedish snus food standards
To me the big deal is a healthy snus that behaves like dip (i.e. that is condusive to lower lip usage). I care nothing about a crapy version of snus with the copenhagen name on it. Nor do I care about a copenhagen version of snus that remains tainted with all the chemicles so prevelent in American dip. Can't do that? Then don't bother.
As a side note- a while back on the "Talk with the Professionals" thread I asked the SM guys to consider developing something like this. Did not get very far. It might be beneficial for someone to raise the issue again over there. Maybe if enough of us make enough noise something might happen (doubt it but who knows). Also, one more thing to consider is a point that Ixskllr brought up in regards to a Copenhagen like snus- it may not be possible to make a close resemblance to American dip without all the extras they put into dip. In which case, no thanks.
When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers