Nice to see non-swedes snus users

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  • FetFnask
    • Oct 2007
    • 29

    I do use it almost back to back. I try to keep from the first each day as long as possible to increase the nicotine kick as that is completly gone for me.

    Te times when I MUST have one is morning, after eating, with coffe and with alcohol.

    I use each piece for about 30-60 minutes but that is a very individual thing. Some only do it for 15 minutes, som have theirs in for hours (which I find wierd). I have lös in longer than portions too since lös lasts longer and is less runny.

    Since I am now a white collar worker i use portion andtreat myself to lös from time to time when I want that extra kick. Plus using portion is somewhat girly. :wink:


    • PseudoSwede
      • Sep 2007
      • 71

      I stumbled across snus when googling "smokeless tobacco". I was a Cope user for 20 years and started getting tired of it. I didn't wan't to quit, but didn't want to start smoking again, either. So I began looking for alternatives to the "American Dip". I found the promised land in snus.

      My favorites are Ettan, General, Goteborgs Prima Fint, Goteborgs Rape', and Roda Lacket. All loose...

      I'm sorry I didn't discover snus 20 years ago.



      • chainsnuser
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2007
        • 1388

        Originally posted by FetFnask
        I use each piece for about 30-60 minutes but that is a very individual thing. Some only do it for 15 minutes, som have theirs in for hours (which I find wierd).
        Haha, I'm one of the weird guys and I sedomly use a prilla/portion for less than 2 hours. I found, that this way, the nicotine uptake is much bigger. Also, some fine taste-nuances of the tobacco appear, the longer you use a single piece. Of course, it gets runny, but I don't mind swallowing the juice or some pieces of tobacco.



        • KentuckySnusser
          • May 2007
          • 109

          I first became aware of snus when watching the American cable network "The History Channel" which featured a documentary on the history of tobacco this past spring. While watching the program, I was inhaling on a "Black and Mild" cigar, which is cheap pipe tobacco in cigar form with a plastic tip (one of 5 I would enjoy within the course of the day).

          For what must have been seven minutes, the program focused in on Snus towards the end, interviewing Swedish Match reps and showcasing the production facility in Gothenburg. Immediately after the program aired, I got on the internet and read up all I could on it. I had been enjoying Skoal Dry as a smoking alternative for about 3 months and loved the idea of a smokeless, spitless tobacco in many flavours.

          A few weeks later, I found a store within my town that sold some General and, well, I haven't looked back and haven't smoked since.

          Snus- It's up to snuff.


          • xmonk
            New Member
            • Sep 2007
            • 3

            I first found out about snus from a New York Times article a couple of years ago. It was about how none of the doctors or government here in the U.S. would talk about using less harmful tobacco products instead of quitting smoking. They are of the opinion that all tobacco is equally evil.

            I ended up ordering a couple of cans of portions from and got hooked.

            So, a couple of years later I've gone from a pack+ of cigarettes a day to about 2 cans of loose snus, 1 can of portions a week.

            I live in Western U.S. where a lot of people use dip andI work with a lot of military people (who also dip), so people usually assume I'm using American dip. I've offered them snus to try, but most dont seem inclined to switch.


            • ringdoc
              • Sep 2007
              • 35

              I am still on the black and milds, only do about 2 packs a day, so the nic I will need from snus to make up for the will be a bit higher I am thinking. but only have a few (23) more packs and then its snus all the way..... I hope

              Originally posted by KentuckySnusser
              While watching the program, I was inhaling on a "Black and Mild" cigar, which is cheap pipe tobacco in cigar form with a plastic tip (one of 5 I would enjoy within the course of the day).


              • RealmofOpeth
                • May 2007
                • 407

                I first got into contact with snus through wikipedia's snus article...
                and came across this link at the bottom:

                The main reason I was reading up on snus is the alternatives to dip. I've been a long time dip user, but stopped for a couple years and took up smoking. so I tried to quit smoking and replace with dip...then got really sick of that because it was starting to make my tongue sore and give me headaches. When I heard of snus I was on an immediate hunt to get the stuff asap! So I was browsing through Northerner and reading up on this forum.
                I was drooling with anticipation to get me some.
                When I first got my shipment I was a little disappointed at first in the lack of taste compared to dip. It also pissed me off that it was making my gums so sore when I first started using it. But after that phase passed, I have come to totally love snus.
                I tried out Ettan yesterday...and I have to say I'm mighty impressed. It tastes exactly what I had imagined snus to taste like before I actually got the stuff...which is fabulous! Looks like much Ettan will be in my future.
                Other snus I enjoy is Goteborgs rape no 2, general onyx, granit, skruf stark, kronan, knox, N&J, offroad...and a bunch of others I'm sure I'll like once I get to them in my stash . I'm basically trying out almost every brand I can get my hands on.
                I also really love loose but i use portions as well. I really like the whole range because of the versatility for whatever situation I'm in.
                I usually use about 2 to 3 portions a day. Maybe 2 loose pris a day. I think I'm overloading my nicotine intake as I'm starting to get headaches and not really notice any nicotine effects (except being fidgety and scatter-brained without it). So I'm thinking I should slow down a bit..stop for a few days maybe a week...then pick it back up slowly.

                As far as the image of snus over in the states...I haven't met many people who are impressed when i try to tell them what it is I'm using and how it's different than dip and better than smoking.
                The whole idea that it's a 'smokeless tobacco' immediately makes people think of dip, and dip over here, while used often, is still a lot less common than smoking and usually relegated to the rural/backwoods/blue collar community. It's looked down upon unless you're in one of those relative cultures where it is common.
                So basically a lot of people here are closed far as I have come across.
                Smoking is the big tobacco thing here and even it is being entirely demonized. Snus is too much of a different thing for them. People anywhere else I suppose, like doing what they know is common.
                Switching to a foreign tobacco used in a completely different way is some sort of big problem apparently.


                • lxskllr
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 13435

                  I first heard about snus from a buddy of mine that went to Norway. He was saying it was a snuff that both men and women used, even swallowing the juice :shock: That thought was unfathomable to me after getting sick a few times in the past after using American dip and chew.

                  Well one day I saw a Camel fridge display in a local convenience store with snus inside. They also had a little booklet that gave a brief description, and being a big fan of tobacco, and wanting to try something new I got a tin. I thought it was pretty tasty, and I then started researching snus online. That led me to the Northerner site, and I got a 24 tin sampler pack.

                  I was a little put off by the Swedish snus style at first. It wasn't as sweet or as highly flavored as the Camel product. After a couple of days though the subtlety of the Swedish makes won me over. So far I use portions only, though I will try some lös when I make my next order. I'm not sure how well that'll work for me though because I like to play with the portions while they're in my mouth. I move them around, and after they start getting a little used I'll suck the flavor out of the bag.

                  I'm still fairly new, but my favorites so far are:
                  Catch Eucalyptus
                  LD Black Salmiak
                  LD Juniper
                  General Black Onyx
                  Lucky Strike regular
                  Metropol Peppermint

                  I switch between brands throughout the day, generally using 5-6 portions per day mixed with smoking cigarettes.

                  The ones I don't like are mini anything, and Catch Cassis. Most I find pretty good, though some are better than others.

                  Btw, Welcome to the boards!!


                  • FetFnask
                    • Oct 2007
                    • 29

                    I move them around, and after they start getting a little used I'll suck the flavor out of the bag.

                    Btw, I'll try to take some pictures of snus-fridges here in sweden. Alla stores have them in a few varieties.

                    Also, keep in mind that snus is WAAAY harder a habit to kick than smoking. All users who have done both over here agree.


                    • Soft Morning, City!
                      • Sep 2007
                      • 772

                      Luckily I don't think I'll be quitting snus anytime soon.

                      Can't wait to see the pictures of the snus fridges in Sweden.


                      • Zero
                        • May 2006
                        • 1522

                        Originally posted by FetFnask
                        Also, keep in mind that snus is WAAAY harder a habit to kick than smoking. All users who have done both over here agree.
                        I wouldn't be surprised. When I left Sweden with only two tins of Grov in my rucksack I felt like Marco Polo coming back with fantastic hidden treasure. Several days later, I realised that I would need to get more snus somehow. Several days after that, having placed an order for some, I got reeeealy nervous that I may run out of snus and eventually did, caving in and buying what would be my last pouch of rolling tobacco in the meantime. I didn't even enjoy the few smokes I had nor did I want them... I just wanted my snus to get here! :lol:


                        • ice
                          • Oct 2005
                          • 142

                          Originally posted by FetFnask
                          I also believe that the ban of snus in EU will change. Just look at the lung cancer rates among swedish men compared to other europeans and you will see why.
                          I believe too. Last summer were published (TheLancet) great study about the risks of snus, and Finnish media uses it all the time when they are talking about snus. Snus revolution is here Summary below

                          Oral use of Swedish moist snuff (snus) and risk for cancer of the mouth, lung, and pancreas in male construction workers:

                          a retrospective cohort study.

                          Although classified as carcinogenic, snuff is used increasingly in several populations. Scandinavian moist snuff (snus) has been proposed as a less harmful alternative to smoking, but precise data on the independent associations of snus use with site-specific cancers are sparse. We aimed to assess the risks for cancer of the oral cavity, lung, and pancreas.

                          Detailed information about tobacco smoking and snus use was obtained from 279 897 male Swedish construction workers in 1978–92. Complete follow-up until end of 2004 was accomplished through links with population and health registers. To distinguish possible effects of snus from those of smoking, we focused on 125 576 workers who were reported to be never-smokers at entry. Adjusted relative risks were derived from Cox proportional hazards regression models.

                          60 cases of oral, 154 of lung, and 83 of pancreatic cancer were recorded in never-smokers. Snus use was independently associated with increased risk of pancreatic cancer (relative risk for ever-users of snus 2·0; 95% CI 1·2–3·3, compared with never-users of any tobacco), but was unrelated to incidence of oral (0·8, 95% CI 0·4–1·7) and lung cancer (0·8, 0·5–1·3).

                          Use of Swedish snus should be added to the list of tentative risk factors for pancreatic cancer. We were unable to confirm any excess of oral or lung cancer in snus users.



                          • The Cook
                            • Aug 2007
                            • 166

                            Hi, FetFnask , and welcome to the forum!. It's actually good for US to have a guy from Sweden on this forum!

                            I first learned about snus at a mental health web site. They did an article about smoking and mental illness and suggested that a good alternative to smoking was snus. I then researched it and placed an order at, I think, Northerner. As soon as I received my snus, I quit smoking immediately and have greatly enjoyed snus ever since. My favourites now are General (loose and portions), Ettan loose and Skruf stark portions. My freezer is full of different brands, so I have a lot to discover yet.

                            I'm sure that we will will have lots of questions for you


                            • FetFnask
                              • Oct 2007
                              • 29

                              Originally posted by The Cook
                              I'm sure that we will will have lots of questions for you
                              No problems. Keep in mind that attitudes, opinions and usage vary greatlybetween individuals.


                              • Zero
                                • May 2006
                                • 1522

                                Here's a question - how on earth do you bake a pris with just one hand. I've tried and tried, but consistency is almost impossible. There must be a trick.


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