Snooty McSnot Snout

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  • gitchel
    • Mar 2009
    • 59

    Snooty McSnot Snout

    I'm still a bit cross.

    I went around to a few of the tobacco shops in Des Moines the other day. Since not a single place I'm town even knows that there IS such thing as non-Camel snus, I wanted to educate someone in the hope they might want to be the sole provider of fine Swedish snus in Central Iowa.

    Well, short story, nobody cared.

    The last place I stopped looked more like a combo gas station/drug house than anygng else. Still, my cause is important so I perevered. I bought some snuff - since I was looking to try some. Then I asked him if he carries snus. Yes, Camel SNUS. I bagan to explain the virtues of the Real Thing. He sounded interested. I pulled out my General White and my Onyx. I was prepared to give him a few, or even to give Jim a packet of my General samples or some Discreet even. He took the two cans and made interested noises.

    Then he stuck his nose in the can! Both cans! Stuck his nose WAY in - even smushed a few portions! He took a deep breath and then pronounced: "Ew. Smells like fish."

    I vaguely recall carrying on with my talking points. But mostly I was pissed.

    I sat in the car for a bit and tried to figure out if I could salvage my snus. Even considered sterilizing them all in some bourbon. But I figured it was a lost cause. Just gave up and tossed them in the trash. Went home and opened fresh cans. :-/

    Sad. Now I'm beginning to understand why there's no real tobacco stores in this town.
  • Veganpunk
    • Jun 2009
    • 5381

    Dude that sucks. But I think you made the right choice. I would have tossed them myself.


    • tom502
      • Feb 2009
      • 8985

      What kind of person would do that? Was he an American?


      • Big L
        • Aug 2009
        • 151

        Originally posted by tom502
        What kind of person would do that? Was he an American?
        A freakin' idiot with no manners, that's what kind!! Gitchel, you are more polite than I, I probably would have cursed him out in a couple languages. And I would have tossed the can back at him in disgust.


        • justintempler
          • Nov 2008
          • 3090

          Re: Snooty McSnot Snout

          Originally posted by gitchel
          Then he stuck his nose in the can! Both cans! Stuck his nose WAY in - even smushed a few portions! He took a deep breath and then pronounced: "Ew. Smells like fish."
          That reminds me of the old joke about the blind man strolling by the fish market......."Good morning ladies" :lol:

          Really though, I guess inhaling toxic smoke from burning plant material laced with chemicals makes soooooo much more sense to him. 8)


          • tobacco tom
            • May 2009
            • 47

            NIGHT MARE

            That is extactly what DISCREET is up against . This is WHY SNUSON IS A GOD SEND , THANKS TO EVERY ONE ON THE FORUM the word is getting out their


            • sundog
              • Jun 2009
              • 311

              We're trying, Tom. I'm spreading the word whenever and wherever I can.


              • sm0ke42o
                • Jul 2009
                • 105

                Sorry to hear about that experience, sadly I think many of us have found similar disinterest regarding snus on the part of so-called tobacco connoisseurs or tobacconists in the US.

                There is only one tobacco store located in my town that carries general products. While I was impatiently waiting for my first order to arrive I decided to guy buy some to hold me over. When I went in the shop two rather snobby looking gentleman greeted me with a skeptical glare, as they tend to do. I asked him if they carried General Snus because I didn't see any out and after a few moments of painful recollection he pointed me toward a rather inconspicuous area (i.e. in the far rear corner of the store) where I saw fridge with General OP, white, mini-mint, and wintergreen.

                After pointing me in the right direction he didn't follow it up with any comments about their selection or factoids about snus he just went back to talking about cigars with his co-worker. When I made my selection and went to the front to pay I went through the usual motions and tried to make small talk. I asked him if he had ever tried any of the snus and he said "once but I didn't feel anything and ended up using four of them at once before giving up". At that time I said thank you and left with my expired can of General OP.

                Thus ended my first and only experience buying snus in the US. I just hope it gets more popular here before I'm forced to do so again. On the other hand it makes me want to open my own shop and feature a massive selection of snus on top of the usual wares.


                • dupee419
                  • Aug 2009
                  • 398

                  I seem to be having better luck here. I managed to get the local tobacco shop to order some good snus and keep it in stock after I gave the owner of the store a few portions of skruf white.

                  We'll see how that goes though.


                  • Anthony
                    • Jul 2009
                    • 249

                    I think it was a mistake to show the dude your ony. I can get a cigar guy to try them, whether they end up liking it or not, because cigar guys know that a stinky smelling cigar can be delicious.

                    Should have opened with the mini mints or discreet...

                    Discreet is best, because he wouldn't have been able to touch his schnoz to the snus due to the container design. (Perhaps this was planned?) And even if he did have an enormous nose and was able to touch the snus, you're out less than a buck...


                    • justintempler
                      • Nov 2008
                      • 3090

                      Walk in with a can of Montecristo snus and I bet the snob will salivate over it.


                      • dupee419
                        • Aug 2009
                        • 398

                        Originally posted by justintempler
                        Walk in with a can of Montecristo snus and I bet the snob will salivate over it.
                        lol... too bad they couldn't legally sell it in the states till the embargo is lifted.

                        anyone have any luck getting it shipped here?


                        • justintempler
                          • Nov 2008
                          • 3090

                          Originally posted by dupee419
                          Originally posted by justintempler
                          Walk in with a can of Montecristo snus and I bet the snob will salivate over it.
                          lol... too bad they couldn't legally sell it in the states till the embargo is lifted.

                          anyone have any luck getting it shipped here?

                          I'm sure most tobacco shops have access to Cuban cigars under the table. That's one reason for their snobbery.

                          I like my idea, outsnob the snob with some Montecristo snus. Then he will be the one importing it for us. Make their snobbery work for us instead of against us.

                          Everything is available for a price. 8)


                          • sm0ke42o
                            • Jul 2009
                            • 105

                            Originally posted by justintempler

                            I like my idea, outsnob the snob with some Montecristo snus. Then he will be the one importing it for us. Make their snobbery work for us instead of against us.
                            Hell yea, that's the way to go. I would love to see the look on their faces after busting out a can of montecristo or romeo y julieta. I bet snus would suddenly become a topic worth discussing.


                            • Roo
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 3446

                              Good call Templer! And dupee, yes you can get it shipped here. We (ok, I) have learned not to post where to get it, because the manufacturer looks around to make sure vendors aren't violating the embargo. Just search online for less-frequented snus vendors and keep trying until you check-out successfully. Plenty of people here disagree with me, but I say Montecristo los especially, and portions as well, are amazing. And no, the brand name (which is licensed by the Swedish company Taboca LTD) does not have me under some kind of hypnotic spell -- many will tell you it's overrated and overhyped due to the Cuban association, but I think it's one of the best out there. Don't bother if you don't like bergamot. If you like Taboca or Gotlands Yellow, don't wait another day to track this down.


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