New Study on Snus Use in Sweden

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  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    Hmm, new guy wants to come up against me????

    It's funny, I think new folks all gravitate to the Brown. Snus still so new to them, the bash of flavor, this is fun sort of thing.

    But as you mature, as you get more experienced with snus. One day, you will figure out that getting smashed in the head with salt and flavor isn't really what you want all the time. You love the taste, but a bit more muted, a bit more refined becomes more attractive. Then you finally start using whites, and you discover that whites give you the perfect balance of everything. Yummy taste, but stretched out a bit. And taste that goes on and on and on. Whites can last 2 -3 times longer than most browns.

    So just know rootsandleaves, a year from now, when you are posting about how much you love whites, and you will. i reserve the right to re-post you, and laugh. :wink: :lol: :lol:


    • Veganpunk
      • Jun 2009
      • 5381

      I've only been snusin for 4 months and I already prefer the whites. I first had a can of General Whites and loved it. My second order I threw in a can of (Regular, Brown, Traditional, Whatever you want to call it ) and I'm still working through the can. It tastes good, but the flavor doesn't last as long. I have two cans of General White coming to me now!


      • KarlvB
        • Feb 2008
        • 681

        Originally posted by sagedil
        Hmm, new guy wants to come up against me????

        It's funny, I think new folks all gravitate to the Brown. Snus still so new to them, the bash of flavor, this is fun sort of thing.

        But as you mature, as you get more experienced with snus. One day, you will figure out that getting smashed in the head with salt and flavor isn't really what you want all the time. You love the taste, but a bit more muted, a bit more refined becomes more attractive. Then you finally start using whites, and you discover that whites give you the perfect balance of everything. Yummy taste, but stretched out a bit. And taste that goes on and on and on. Whites can last 2 -3 times longer than most browns.

        So just know rootsandleaves, a year from now, when you are posting about how much you love whites, and you will. i reserve the right to re-post you, and laugh. :wink: :lol: :lol:
        Sage, while I agree with you on some points (being a huge fan of Grov and Ettan White) I don't think it is that clear cut.

        I'm a long time user and certain snus I just prefer in regular portions - Skruf, Gotlands (granted they don't make a white), General, N&J, GES - mainly because I think the OPs taste better

        On the other hand I've found some whites to be very very disappointing as the flavour profile is actually quite different from what you would find in the lös or OP, but then again I can use Grov and Ettan white for days on end without getting bored....

        Personally I think every snus selection should have a nice mix of original and white portions (determined by which ever one of the brand someone prefers), and some lös (because that is the way a real snus user likes his snus :wink: :wink: sorry couldn't resist)


        • sagedil
          • Nov 2007
          • 7077

          KarlvB, of course I agree with you. Yes, far more complicated than I painted it. As much for dramatic affect as anything else.

          Still, I do think I am more right than wrong when I say that, for many <not ALL, just many>, whites really are an acquired taste that comes only through more experience using snus. Newbies seem so impatient, may give a white a try, but dump it and complain they can't taste anything. With time, they often learn what makes whites so good, but I think it needs a bit of a mature taste to really appreciate.

          And not all whites made equally. There are a few I really dislike. Skruff White is just bland as sh** to me.


          • rootsandleaves
            • Oct 2008
            • 33

            dunno, going on three years of snusing and i gotta say, originals are where its at. Whites seem to pickle my lip a lot more and irritate it so thats a no go for me. I really dont get a huge flavor difference from whites they just take a little longer for me to get a nic hit. its more of an aroma thing than a flavor thing with most brands ime anyhow, barring a few like ettan which has a very pleasant robust/chocolatey/rich flavor and a few others. mainly though i like originals because they are easier on my mouth. anyway im by no means a newb to snus, i just prefer the original

            so in conclusion





            • justintempler
              • Nov 2008
              • 3090

              I'm too rough on my portions, the white portion bags keep opening up on me. The Grov Svarts I'm using now end up leaking tobacco at one end. I never have that problem with original portions.

              lös > original > white


              • sm0ke42o
                • Jul 2009
                • 105

                I am with sage on this.

                There is a lot to be said for whites that I cant say about regular portions. I have yet to try los so I'm not in any way qualified to comment on how it compares to portions.

                With whites I get flavors that I just dont find in originals. For instance Grov white has a certain subtle flavor that I have never tasted in the OP because the flavor is so strong it overpowers the softer notes. Lucky is the same way for me. The "toasted" flavor that makes Lucky pwn I have only tasted in the whites. The Lucky OP just tastes like snus to me but the whites are something special and I have never had anything like them.

                Also it comes down to a matter of convenience for me. At first I would snus whatever whenever. As time went on I noticed that originals make ones teeth more visibly yellowed during use than whites do for obvious reasons. Because of that if I'm in the office or somewhere where I wouldn't necessarily want that side-effect to come through I use whites. If I am somewhere where I couldn't care less then originals are fine.

                Like sage said sometimes you dont want the flavor to come on like a freight train. Sometimes I want to put the snus in and forget its there for ten or fifteen minutes before the flavors and nic slowly start to come on with a more even and slow arc than the more instantaneous originals.

                In short whites and originals are equals. Each on having their own benefits and drawbacks.


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