Still Catch Violet Licorice review

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  • jcarlson
    • Aug 2008
    • 82

    Still Catch Violet Licorice review

    Ok....I admit it. I bought 4 tins of this stuff. Why? Cause the Vanilla Mint was soooo damn good.

    I am normally an all sterk/stark me some grov black, onyx, and my ultimate favorite - skruf sterk los. But every once in a while I like something different. This one is EXACTLY what I want Discreet to do.

    I doubt anyone has ever tried or possibly heard of them, but just in case I'll throw this out there: Choward's Violet Mints.

    I love those things....and guess what...I reallllly love this snus. The flavor is 100% dead on with what I was hoping. This stuff tastes just like the candy I mentioned above. And don't take that to mean American sugar crap snus. It is not sweet. Very smooth flavor, with a more violet than licorice. This is a snus to use when you are reading a book, or watching the stars. Very relaxing.

    The flavor is so hard to describe, because what the hell does violet taste like anyway? I've never thought to eat the plant, so I wouldn't really know. But if I did, I am guessing this is really close. Now you are probably wondering why the hell that should sound appealling?

    Once you taste it, you will know what I am talking about. That is really all I can say. If you have liked the other Catch flavors, you will like this. I can't recommend this one enough.

    What really bothers me is, I think SM is only doing limited runs on these catch flavors. Which really freakin sucks, cause I want to be able to get these whenever I want. Are these flavors, once they disappear, ever going to come back?

    The only thing good about this is, I can't wait for the cinnamon/cardamom flavor. I love cardamom. Put it in my coffee every morning. I'm 50% Swede, so this stuff must be in my blood. Oh I'm thinking of my dad's rice pudding recipe....loaded with cardamom.

    Anywho...SM is doing awesome with their Catch line. It brings a nice little break from my skruf los and grov black.
  • Anthony
    • Jul 2009
    • 249

    Nice review. I'm still waiting for mine!

    Here's what SM is saying about the catch flavors:

    "None of these flavors will turn into a full-time offer during 2009. However if one of these flavors should do really well on the market it might be available on an ongoing basis during 2010."

    Buy a lot and cross your fingers.


    • chadizzy1
      • May 2009
      • 7432

      In my review, I think I said it tastes like purple. haha. that was the only word I could describe it with.

      from my review:

      Catch has created a snus that delivers a good nic content, as well as an interesting flavor of fruit, lavender, and violet. I have had this product in for almost 30 minutes and have yet to pick up a hint of licorice. Which, in my eyes, is a good thing because I don't like licorice. It's the only reason I haven't tried licorice snus, and was hesitant about trying this product.


      this is a REALLY good snus. it's my favorite out of the line so far


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        To hell with the snus, I'm interested in those Choward's mints. They look interesting, and I'm always up for some vintage candy that isn't easy to find.

        The snus sounds pretty good also. If you really like it, I would suggest buying a few rolls and freezing it. If they don't bring it on full time, at least you'll have some to last a good while.


        • jcarlson
          • Aug 2008
          • 82

          Tastes like purple! lol. If purple really did have a flavor, it would be this.

          Ya, I am going to have to get a roll next order.

          As far as the candy, I've only seen it in gas stations, and it is not a common item. When I find it, I usually buy 5 packs or so. You can also order them on their website, which is probably easier.


          • Mullolley
            • Aug 2009
            • 213

            It's funny, the "tastes like purple" comment really makes me want to try this. I'm pretty sure by that description that I know what this will taste like. Getting some in my next order.


            • ProudMarineDad
              • Aug 2009
              • 573

              Being a noob, so please forgive me for asking but what does SM stand for? In my case, maybe stupid moron.


              • Anthony
                • Jul 2009
                • 249

                Originally posted by ProudMarineDad
                Being a noob, so please forgive me for asking but what does SM stand for? In my case, maybe stupid moron.
                Swedish Match


                • ProudMarineDad
                  • Aug 2009
                  • 573

                  Originally posted by Anthony
                  Originally posted by ProudMarineDad
                  Being a noob, so please forgive me for asking but what does SM stand for? In my case, maybe stupid moron.
                  Swedish Match
                  Duh. So it should RSM. Really Stupid Moron.


                  • wadetheblade
                    • Jul 2009
                    • 572

                    To agree with Chad it really does taste like purple, then the licorice comes on. I don't know how I feel about this snus yet, I have not finished the can. The taste reminds me of how a purple marker smells when I was a kid. It's pretty good, but the jury is still out.


                    • rootsandleaves
                      • Oct 2008
                      • 33

                      holy crap! some1 else likes those violet mints too? I freakin love those things, there like chalk flavored with heaven.

                      so you think the catch violet licorice tastes very similar to them? i wanted to order but the whole licorice part of things discouraged me a bit... i may have to give it a try tho!


                      • chadizzy1
                        • May 2009
                        • 7432

                        seriously, i never once have tasted licorice with Still.


                        • rootsandleaves
                          • Oct 2008
                          • 33

                          Still? what u mean?


                          • jcarlson
                            • Aug 2008
                            • 82

                            That is what the tin says:

                            STILL Catch Collection - Violet Licorice.

                            No idea what that means though.

                            For those that don't like licorice, I still recommend this snus. I have yet to really get any hint of it. Violet all the way.


                            • Anthony
                              • Jul 2009
                              • 249

                              "Still" seems to be the short name for it. The last one was Fresh. Before that, Chill, I think. And the next one is Cozy.

                              Just silly marketing titles... This is probably how you are supposed to feel when you use it.


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