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  • Allergy
    • Sep 2009
    • 227



    Long story short- I dipped ages ago, came upon Camel Snus (american) and have enjoyed it for the 5-6 months I've used it. I never knew that the Snus product was as global as it is. I thought it was a brand new concept. So I'm interested in getting my feet wet on some Swedish made loveliness.

    That being said, do you think a sampler box would be a good way to start out? I've been on about 4-5 sites and see many many brands and flavors (ooo look at the shiny/cool cans! lol) I guess I'm not sure of where to start.

    And hello.
  • Liandri
    • Jul 2009
    • 604


    choose USA and choose your state. if your lucky enough to be relatively close to a store that sells general brand snus, give it a try.


    • sagedil
      • Nov 2007
      • 7077

      Hello :wink:

      Welcome to Snuson Allergy

      Yes, my standard recommendation in this situation is Northerner's Top Ten box. Great price, get all of their best sellers, and 80% of it is really good. A few I don't like, but maybe you will. But really, the best introduction I have found to Swedish snus. Once you try it, tell us what you are liking, we will be better able to steer you from there.

      Now...let me give you some advice on making the transition. First week, the Swedish may taste really strange. So unlike Camel or American dip. You need to give your body a week to ten days to adjust and acclimate to the salt. How it tastes first week is NOT how it will taste later. So be patient with it at first.


      • Allergy
        • Sep 2009
        • 227

        Thanks for the welcome!

        I did the locator.. closest place is an hour 31 minutes away. Heh.

        I was figuring on doing an online purchase anyway. I'll look into the top ten box, as it does seem a great place to start. Thanks!


        • RobsanX
          • Aug 2008
          • 2030

          Originally posted by sagedil
          Yes, my standard recommendation in this situation is Northerner's Top Ten box.
          Yes. And welcome to the forums!


          • tom502
            • Feb 2009
            • 8985

            My recommendation is to use and pick 5 cans that look good to you. You'll get a free mystery can as well. That will give you enough to sample and use.


            • Veganpunk
              • Jun 2009
              • 5381

              Welcome to SnusOn Allergy. I started with the White Sampler from Getsnus. (mainly because they're based in the U.S. and I was impatient.) But a lot of people say to start with the Top 10. What I would do is go to Getsnus and click the free can banner. That way you can get at least 1 can while you wait for the Northener sampler. As others have said, give yourself some time to adjust to the salt. After about two weeks, you'll be able to taste the subtle differences in each brand.


              • Gizmer
                • Jun 2009
                • 103

                I say do what Tom said. Just browse the site, read the descriptions and reviews. Pick stuff that looks good. If you were doing Camel Frost I highly suggest Thunder Frosted Minis. They are delicious.


                • Allergy
                  • Sep 2009
                  • 227

                  Thanks for all the recommendations folks.

                  Since I get paid tomorrow, I'm certain to piss the old lady off with the online purchases. 8) I think I'll go Top Ten from Northener and get the free one from as said, to tide me over.

                  I really do appreciate the help.


                  • tom502
                    • Feb 2009
                    • 8985

                    Yeah, there are a few "flavored", like Catch makes, but get some nonflavored too, and maybe 1 can of loose, since you used to dip.


                    • chossy
                      • Jul 2009
                      • 242

                      Just get Level or some other cheap stuff.

                      You will like it aslong as you don´t taint your tastebuds with all the new made up fluffy stuff

                      Just kidding, go with a sampler box, and listen to sagedil 8)

                      He´s been around for the new folks and knows his stuff.


                      • daruckis
                        • Jul 2009
                        • 2277

                        top 10 box was my first purchase. i liked all of the cans except catch. i still regularly use all but catch, N&J, and goteborgs.


                        • chadizzy1
                          • May 2009
                          • 7432

                          Northerners Top 10 Box is a good choice:

                          When I came to Swedish Snus from Camel Snus I used mostly minis and worked my way up. Bridging the gap is an interesting process.

                          What I found that worked for me (and again, this is just me), was to start with minis that were comparable to Camel (General Mini Mint, some of the Catch Collection, Mocca Pomegranate, and ones that are similiar in flavor) which have a hint of Swedish Taste, and work my way up the ladder into Swedish Snus.

                          Some non sweet Swedish Snus that is easy to start with is Ettan (white portions), because it gets you into the style, but isn't too strong.

                          Another word of advice, don't smell the snus, as it is quite strong (Which you will get used to), and that just means it's fresh. I'm used to it now, and have grown to love the smell.

                          I came to Swedish Snus from Camel Snus as well, if you want to check out my blog and start at the beginning, you can see my progress and what I liked and didn't like as I grew to love Swedish Snus.

                          Welcome to SnusOn!

                          PS - Everyone is different. That's why I don't officially reccommend anything, I just say what I did and what worked for me. But everyones taste is different, so just try around. Good thing is snus is cheap! Read up on what others have liked, read reviews, and just start trying and buying. And eventually you will come upon a style that is uniquely yours.

                          EDIT: Also, check out Discreet. Alot of us have been using it, from brand new to seasoned vets, and everyone seems to like it. There are reviews for Discreet in a thread here, and you get it on GetSnus. It's a great product.


                          • Veganpunk
                            • Jun 2009
                            • 5381

                            Originally posted by chadizzy1

                            EDIT: Also, check out Discreet. Alot of us have been using it, from brand new to seasoned vets, and everyone seems to like it. There are reviews for Discreet in a thread here, and you get it on GetSnus. It's a great product.
                            I would like to second that. If you came from Camel, you'll love Discreet. (but try out the more traditional Swedish as well)


                            • sm0ke42o
                              • Jul 2009
                              • 105

                              My first taste of Swedish snus was General Original Portion. I figured I would start with the flagship of the SM lineup. It was definitely a shock at first but it didn't take long to acclimate to the flavor. In this way I skipped any warming up to the Swedish style of snus and it also tempered me rather quickly to the taste of real snus, which allowed me to move on to sterks and more robust flavors without having to use a stepping stone. It worked for me but like many have said everyone is different.

                              I would definitely check out a sampler box if you are unsure where to start (go with white portions if you want to ease up on the flavor at first) and then go from there. You can always trade snus you dont like here at the forums so it wont be a big loss if you dont like something.

                              Welcome to the forums and real Scandinavian snus, glad to have you.


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