Göteborgs Rapé No2 and brand suggestions

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  • jqlynch
    • Sep 2007
    • 132

    Just tried two GR products from my newest order.

    GR No. 2 is pretty good, IMO. So far I've only had one, but it seems like a much less acrid alternative to Skruf Tranbar, at least as far as a cranberry-type of flavor. Plus, there's the underlying GR flavor as well, which is a bonus as far as I'm concerned.

    I've got a pris of Prima Fint in right now, and it's more subtle than the original GR. I think I like it, actually. I'll have to try it a bit more and try to get a handle on the flavor.


    • Soft Morning, City!
      • Sep 2007
      • 772

      The Prima Fint is incredibly subtle. It took me a few pris to really get a feel for it, but now I've gone through about half of the can and I've grown very fond of it. I especially like it early in the morning when I want something that's easy to bake and mellow on the taste buds.


      • RealmofOpeth
        • May 2007
        • 407

        Originally posted by Soft Morning, City!
        The Prima Fint is incredibly subtle. It took me a few pris to really get a feel for it, but now I've gone through about half of the can and I've grown very fond of it. I especially like it early in the morning when I want something that's easy to bake and mellow on the taste buds.

        Is the taste of Prima supposed to be just salty tobacco? because that's all I've come to taste from it. mainly a salt flavor. while regular goteborgs rape taste like pepper.


        • Soft Morning, City!
          • Sep 2007
          • 772

          Originally posted by RealmofOpeth
          Is the taste of Prima supposed to be just salty tobacco? because that's all I've come to taste from it. mainly a salt flavor. while regular goteborgs rape taste like pepper.
          All you get from it is a salt flavor? That's odd. Honestly, while salt is an element to the taste, I don't find it overly salty. I find it to be merely a mild tobacco flavor with a very subtle sweetness to it. I don't usually begin to detect the sweetness until after I've had the pris in for a while.

          And as for regular Göteborgs Rape, I don't agree about it tasting like pepper. It's got a bit of a peppery tinge to it, but it's also got a floral, herby, slightly sweet quality to it as well. GR is one of my favorites because of its multi-faceted taste.


          • RealmofOpeth
            • May 2007
            • 407

            Originally posted by Soft Morning, City!
            Originally posted by RealmofOpeth
            Is the taste of Prima supposed to be just salty tobacco? because that's all I've come to taste from it. mainly a salt flavor. while regular goteborgs rape taste like pepper.
            All you get from it is a salt flavor? That's odd. Honestly, while salt is an element to the taste, I don't find it overly salty. I find it to be merely a mild tobacco flavor with a very subtle sweetness to it. I don't usually begin to detect the sweetness until after I've had the pris in for a while.

            And as for regular Göteborgs Rape, I don't agree about it tasting like pepper. It's got a bit of a peppery tinge to it, but it's also got a floral, herby, slightly sweet quality to it as well. GR is one of my favorites because of its multi-faceted taste.
            Well I do taste the tobacco bit of it decently...but mainly I get the saltiness. it's not like strong saltiness, just that salty flavor that is most noticeable. Maybe the subtle sweetness is the tobacco flavor itself? It takes me a while for it to get a bit tangy too, but I detect it's just the tobacco flavor making more of a presence after you get used to the salt or it wears off.
            As I said for Fint, it's not the ONLY flavor, but Rape, the prevalent taste is pepper. It's not like eating pepper directly, of course, but that's what springs in my mind when i have it in. I do notice other flavors I don't know how to describe, but more along the lines of herbal like oregano or something...I don't really get the floral going on..I only get that in #2...I wish that stuff came in loose dammit! Along with Onyx....
            i wish all good portions out there had loose counterparts.


            • Soft Morning, City!
              • Sep 2007
              • 772

              I agree with you completely. If Rape No. 2 came in loose, I'd jump for joy.


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