Göteborgs Rapé No2 and brand suggestions

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  • TVisdoG
    New Member
    • Sep 2007
    • 12

    Göteborgs Rapé No2 and brand suggestions

    I just received my first order of Göteborgs Rapé No2 white portions. It's my second order of snus; my first was Ettan original portions (and I have tried Phillip Morris's Taboka before that -- ewww). This post is about my initial reaction to Göteborgs Rapé No2 and snus in general.

    I think that overall I really do not like Göteborgs Rapé No2. I find the sickly sweet smell a bit nauseating and that is definitely the biggest turnoff. The taste is not nearly as bad as the smell, but I still find it to be unpleasant. I'm guessing that it is the lingonberry flavoring that I object to. I prefer both the smell and taste of Ettan much better, but also found it to be too strong for me (even as a former smoker), and it was also tearing up my mouth a bit. The Göteborgs seems to be much milder in taste and nicotine, and a bit gentler on my mouth, which I like. I suspect that this is due to the fact that it is a white portion instead of a regular portion.

    That said, I'm interested to hear others' feedback on Göteborgs Rapé No2, especially in regard to its smell and flavor. I would also like to hear any recommendations as to what brand to try next, given my fondness for the aroma and taste of Ettan, but preference for the mildness of the No2's. I'm thinking of making a roll of General white portions my next order, but I'm definitely open to persuasion.
  • RealmofOpeth
    • May 2007
    • 407

    I've been quite fond of GR#2. I've found the taste to be rather uplifting and snazzy. It's certainly a springtime/summer snus to be enjoyed while chilling about with friends at an upscale location on a sunny day. However, there is sometimes a certain aftertaste to it that I don't like. Sort of a dry taste. hard to describe it seems to be present in the smell as well. I don't like to use it often either..but when I do, it's enjoyed decently. Using it often, the taste becomes a bit much.
    As far as ettan..I find that to be the kind of snus I'd like to use at a bar, during the winter, at a lodge, camping..that sort of thing. But I have not tried it in portion form yet.
    General fits it's name rather well. It's like marlboro. It satisfies on a regular basis. It's not particularly snazzy or anything but it's certainly quality. Nick and Johnny is another one you might want to try. Pretty good flavor. Sort of reminds me of chew like levi garrett or red man or something (in portion). However in loose form, I've noticed a significant taste of mint and a menthol sensation...certainly didn't expect that, but it was a pleasant surprise as it was rather high quality taste.
    Knox is another one to try if you like rich flavor. Has sort of a molasses flavor I think...that flavor that's sort of associated with chew. Hard to describe. Sorry I'm not good with the descriptions, I just have limited thoughts to compare the taste to, but it's certainly familiar and lasts a long time.
    I just tried roda lacket loose...and found the taste to be rather subtle...others will probably disagree and say it is very flavorful..i'm not sure if my can is different or my palette is corrupted with other substances but it was definitely not a strong flavor for sure. It will probably go easy on your gums since it is very fine ground.
    Kronan is another brand you could try out. Moderately mild taste and at a great price.
    Landstroms is certainly one to try out for mild flavor. Might not impress much at first but it takes getting used to. Very nice snus after you figure out it's taste.
    I also tried skruf tranbar mini portion the other day. Didn't taste a whole lot like cranberry (tranbar), but it was definitely the kind of snus that you would think a girl would be fond of. Not that that is bad...I really enjoyed it actually..it just reminded me of perfume and lipstick. I know that sounds disgusting, but it has that dainty sweetness to it that reminds you of such in a good way...a feminine taste as though you just kissed a girl who does herself up nice. Something I haven't experienced in a while ops:
    Anyways it's funny you say the GR#2 is gentler on your mouth because of being a white portion.
    When I put white portions in, I have a distinct burning sensation. Not so much anymore, but when I first started...man oh man..I got some serious cankersores under my lips and on my gums from those suckers.


    • Soft Morning, City!
      • Sep 2007
      • 772

      Ah, I love the Goteborgs No. 2. I'd count it among my absolute favorites, but I also don't use it as much as my other favorites. It's really the only white portion I'm really jazzed about. I liked Roda Lacket White at first, but ever since trying the loose variety, the portion pales in comparison. It's still good stuff, don't get me wrong, but theres something about the flavor of the loose that I like better.

      Ettan is probably my favorite day to day snus. It always tastes good to me. I use the regular portions, and just got a can of the loose which is also exceedingly good. It seemed too strong for me at first, but it really, really grew on me.

      If you're going to get some General, the regular portions are very, very good. If you like General but it's still too strong for you, go with the General Silver. It's a tad milder but the flavor is still wonderful.

      You might want to try the original Goteborgs Rape as well. Definitely one of my favorites. Very distinctive flavor, rather mild, but still delivers the nicotine. Goteborgs is another one of my daily snusses. I never get tired of the flavor and it's just right for most any occasion.


      • Subtilo
        • Dec 2006
        • 524

        Soft Morning:

        Since you recently (and with success) got in touch with loose, you should really try Rapé that way. As mentioned elsewhere I used to be totally hooked on the stuff, and I still consider the loose variant to be one of the best.


        • Soft Morning, City!
          • Sep 2007
          • 772


          Funny you mentioned the GR loose. I just tried the Prima Fint as well as the original variety. I must say, I'm considering ordering a roll of the Prima Fint I like it so much... or maybe 5 cans regular GR loose and 5 cans Prima Fint. I don't know, they both blew me away. The GR portions are fine, but my plan is to always have some of the loose variety in my fridge from here on out.

          I also really liked the Grov Snus loose. The tobacco taste is very full, but not overwhelming in the least. It was a bit harder to bake, but I got the hang of it and found it extremely enjoyable.

          What should I try next out of the box? This is what I have left to demo:

          -General Los
          -Kronan Los
          -Probe Whiskey Los

          I'm sure the General will be good, so I'm sort of leaning toward that, but more than a few people seem to like the Kronan and the Probe, though more than a few also seem to despise those two.

          I'm stumped. What shall I do, oh knowlegeable Subtilo?

          (Or anybody else for that matter.)


          • Zero
            • May 2006
            • 1522

            Prima Fint is nice - like Röda Lacket for grownups :lol:


            • Stargazer
              • Aug 2007
              • 225

              I have allways detested göteborgs ràpe, no2 and ordinary.
              it's too perfumed for me.

              you should g ofor general eller kronan next.
              General in particular, it's THE snus flavour.
              even though I have grown sick of it by now, I allways go back to it at some point or another.


              • Craig de Tering
                • Nov 2006
                • 525

                Originally posted by Stargazer
                ...even though I have grown sick of it by now, I allways go back to it at some point or another.
                ROFL!! Indeed! Same here.


                • lxskllr
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 13435

                  I like the #2. It's the standard Göteborgs I don't care for. The standard has a flowery taste that I'm not crazy about. It's ok, but there's others I'd much rather have. The #2 has a nice tartness, and I don't find the berry flavor overpowering. Berries and tobacco usually don't work for me, but I like it in the #2.


                  • RealmofOpeth
                    • May 2007
                    • 407

                    speaking of fruity flavors with tobacco surprisingly working...I just had me a mocca pomegranate mini white portion.
                    damn those suckers are gooooood! no weirded out funky tobacco tinged fruit flavor mix that people tend to detest...it's got a very nice flavor. the smell is incredible. could be used to fragrance a room. potent stuff. certainly a favorite for the ladies fo sho...but i like it quite well too.
                    i'm not the kind of guy who has to pretend to be all macho by sticking to the 'pure tobacco' guns..if it tastes good, **** it..it's good for me. not trying to insinuate that towards anyone on this board...it just seems that there are those who are opposed to flowery/fruity tastes coming from tobacco..despite the fact they may like it in other forms. i can understand if the taste is just twisted because the tobacco flavor is present...but if it tastes what it's supposed to represent without annoyance...what's the problem?
                    i'm the same way with alcohol..i really like my fu-fu drinks like mai tai and redheaded slut and so on...it doesn't have to be some hard, biting flavor for me to feel like i'm a man. if it goes down well i'm all for it.

                    by the way i tried a lucky strike regular portion earlier today....not sure if it was because i had just got it out of the freezer...but there was very little taste to the damn thing.
                    about as mild of a snus portion as i've ever had. comfortable on the gums too. but the flavor was very hard to discern. not a lot of character.


                    • lxskllr
                      • Sep 2007
                      • 13435

                      Originally posted by RealmofOpeth
                      by the way i tried a lucky strike regular portion earlier today....not sure if it was because i had just got it out of the freezer...but there was very little taste to the damn thing.
                      about as mild of a snus portion as i've ever had. comfortable on the gums too. but the flavor was very hard to discern. not a lot of character.
                      I think I would agree with this. I was going to try a Lucky to refresh my memory, but my can seems to be AWOL :? Lucky makes a nice "regular" snus. Something that can be used for any occasion, and goes with just about anything.

                      I'm also with you on the flavored snus'. I'll use what tastes good. I figure I already broke tradition by using portions, so what's a little flavor added? :P

                      I can't do the girly drinks though. Sweet alcohol doesn't sit well on my stomach. Beer really isn't the best for me either. I'll go from a nice buzz to throwing up fairly quickly. If I'm going to drink a lot, it has to be whisky. Either Irish or scotch. I can drink them to the point of passing out, and wake up feeling fine.


                      • Soft Morning, City!
                        • Sep 2007
                        • 772

                        Lucky Strike is one of my favorites. I think it has plenty of flavor, and a very pleasant one at that. I agree with lxskllr, it's perfect for nearly any occasion and goes with just about anything (especially coffee). My only gripe is that the flavor doesn't seem to last as long as the other brands in my regular rotation.


                        • Subtilo
                          • Dec 2006
                          • 524

                          Originally posted by Soft Morning, City!
                          Lucky Strike is one of my favorites (...) My only gripe is that the flavor doesn't seem to last as long as the other brands in my regular rotation.


                          • FetFnask
                            • Oct 2007
                            • 29

                            Ettan all the way. :wink:


                            • Soft Morning, City!
                              • Sep 2007
                              • 772

                              Okay, just another thing I've just recently noticed. I finally opened my can of General Los and I must say, I like it quite a bit. I was putting it off because the original portions don't really thrill me too much. I like the Silver portions, but the regular ones are just... not a favorite of mine.

                              However, the loose stuff is quite lovely actually. The lemon/peppery taste isn't so overbearing and is more evenly balanced with the tobacco. I'll definitely have a can or two of it around from now on.


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