I just received my first order of Göteborgs Rapé No2 white portions. It's my second order of snus; my first was Ettan original portions (and I have tried Phillip Morris's Taboka before that -- ewww). This post is about my initial reaction to Göteborgs Rapé No2 and snus in general.
I think that overall I really do not like Göteborgs Rapé No2. I find the sickly sweet smell a bit nauseating and that is definitely the biggest turnoff. The taste is not nearly as bad as the smell, but I still find it to be unpleasant. I'm guessing that it is the lingonberry flavoring that I object to. I prefer both the smell and taste of Ettan much better, but also found it to be too strong for me (even as a former smoker), and it was also tearing up my mouth a bit. The Göteborgs seems to be much milder in taste and nicotine, and a bit gentler on my mouth, which I like. I suspect that this is due to the fact that it is a white portion instead of a regular portion.
That said, I'm interested to hear others' feedback on Göteborgs Rapé No2, especially in regard to its smell and flavor. I would also like to hear any recommendations as to what brand to try next, given my fondness for the aroma and taste of Ettan, but preference for the mildness of the No2's. I'm thinking of making a roll of General white portions my next order, but I'm definitely open to persuasion.
I think that overall I really do not like Göteborgs Rapé No2. I find the sickly sweet smell a bit nauseating and that is definitely the biggest turnoff. The taste is not nearly as bad as the smell, but I still find it to be unpleasant. I'm guessing that it is the lingonberry flavoring that I object to. I prefer both the smell and taste of Ettan much better, but also found it to be too strong for me (even as a former smoker), and it was also tearing up my mouth a bit. The Göteborgs seems to be much milder in taste and nicotine, and a bit gentler on my mouth, which I like. I suspect that this is due to the fact that it is a white portion instead of a regular portion.
That said, I'm interested to hear others' feedback on Göteborgs Rapé No2, especially in regard to its smell and flavor. I would also like to hear any recommendations as to what brand to try next, given my fondness for the aroma and taste of Ettan, but preference for the mildness of the No2's. I'm thinking of making a roll of General white portions my next order, but I'm definitely open to persuasion.