Still Smoking ?

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  • Pete
    • Jun 2009
    • 41

    Still Smoking ?

    Just curious to see if many of you still smoke occasionally. I still use an e-cig now and then, quite a lot of nasal snuff and very rarely, a nice Cuban cigar. Don't smoke cigarettes at all now, don't feel the need.
  • Redbeard
    • Sep 2009
    • 390

    I've been snusing for a few months. Started with RJR Camel and graduated to Swedish about a month ago. I was only a half pack a day smoker, more if I was drinking. However, within a week of starting Swedish, I was rapidly losing my need to smoke. I haven't smoked a cigarette in over two weeks now and, with the exception of one craving at the bar this weekend, haven't had a desire to.


    • CM
      • Apr 2009
      • 329

      Smoking alot because change from skruf stark lös to röda lacket lös, so im used to moar nicotine and smoking because of that, and dont have time to bake a pris in school usually.


      • Veganpunk
        • Jun 2009
        • 5381

        I still smoke once in awhile. Mainly when I'm drinking. If I could get my wife to switch to snus, there wouldn't be cigs. laying around, so what little I do smoke would probably stop. It's just hard to sit outside on the porch swing drinking a cold one without cigs. Coffee is no longer a problem. You hear a lot of smokers talk about how it;s hard to drink coffee without smokes. I prefer a good flavored snus with my coffee.


        • RobsanX
          • Aug 2008
          • 2030

          I smoke maybe 1 cig a month. Always at the bar...


          • Horatio McCallister
            • Jun 2009
            • 157

            Today is 12 weeks without a cig for me. I quit on June 18th. It's been surprisingly easy. I haven't had the desire for a cigarette for a long time. When I need my nic fix, I crave snus.

            Edit - Actually it's only been 11 weeks.


            • wadetheblade
              • Jul 2009
              • 572

              This Friday makes on month since I've smoked a cigarette. The first two months that I was snusing regularly, I still smoked occasionally. In the last month though I think I have only craved a cigarette two or three times. My girlfriend stopped me and stuck a can of general extra stark in my face. It worked. Smoke Free.


              • tom502
                • Feb 2009
                • 8985

                I smoke on super rare occasions. I bought 2 packs of the Eclpise cigs, and only smoked maybe 4 of them. I am going to my buddys house Friday to slam some beers and will take them with me, also some snus and snuff.


                • sagedil
                  • Nov 2007
                  • 7077

                  I have posted here often. One of my biggest loves about snus is it means I CAN have that occasional cigarettes when it is what I WANT, not what I NEED anymore.

                  Hell, I even but a pack every 4 months and go all out for a day or so.


                  • wadetheblade
                    • Jul 2009
                    • 572

                    The Sage is wise.


                    • sagedil
                      • Nov 2007
                      • 7077

                      Gotta say something though.

                      Since my divorce, I rarely go out. But did last night, went to hear a friend play some music (she didn't show up, but still a nice night). Maybe it was because I recently smoked, but being at a bar, damn it was a bit hard.

                      I have posted over and over about just smoking when that is what you want. Why not give in and enjoy, why deny yourself something that gives pleasure. But last night, those urges weren't "want". I felt compelled.

                      I thought for a moment about buying a pack, and then I got a bit testy. Hell no, I wasn't gonna smoke cause I felt I "had" to. I got pissed off, put my snus on the table in front of me. And every time I thought about a cig, I looked at my snus and laughed a bit.

                      Was just funny to me. I have a cigarette whenever I want, yet last night, became Mr. Hell No, just because I felt *pushed* by the environment


                      • chadizzy1
                        • May 2009
                        • 7432

                        i may have one like....once a week, only in social situations. not a common thing since i've quit, but i don't feel guilty when i do.


                        • BrianC
                          • Dec 2008
                          • 463

                          Whenever I first started snusing (about a year ago), I did use to smoke on occasion, partly because I wanted to, but also partly because I didn't want to tell myself I can never smoke again: that would just make me want to smoke. After a while though I just lost the desire to ever light up, I just haven't wanted to.

                          I'm not keeping track of when the last time I smoked was, but I think it was early summer, like late may to early june. I was having a crazy night at work and decided to go outside with another manager and smoke one. It was ok, but I found that I just wanted a snus after that lol.


                          • heppycat
                            • May 2009
                            • 220

                            I can't afford cigarettes now. If I really want to burn tobacco, i've got a nice collection of pipe tobacco. I still enjoy cigars. If I find myself really craving to inhale smoke, i reach for the green stuff.


                            • snusjus
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 2674

                              I smoke two packs a day still, while going through a can of GES per day as well.

                              Just kidding! I've been smoke free for one year, except for the one cigarette I half-smoked six months ago. Not too bad, eh?


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