Still Smoking ?

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  • tom502
    • Feb 2009
    • 8985

    I smoked maybe 3 cigs last night, but the Eclipse cigs. Snussed also.

    I prefer tobacco flavor, well, I don't know how much straight tobacco it is I am tasting, as snus all seem different.


    • Snusophile
      • May 2008
      • 531

      Originally posted by Kvlt
      Originally posted by ahandsomeporkchop
      The last I had a cigarette it tasted absolutely vile to me. It was my favorite brand, too. Looks like I've won the war! Good luck to those who haven't quit completely yet.
      I don't think anyone likes the taste of tobacco (hence menthol cigarettes, flavored snus, etc). Tobacco doesn't taste good.
      Ahhh, on the contrary my dear friend! Tobacco is very tasty indeed. Ever have a really top notch cigar? You'll see...


      • chadizzy1
        • May 2009
        • 7432

        i think the coolest thing about snus is since i've quit smoking, if i ever have a smoke, i want a snus right over, but when i started, i'd always want a smoke after a snus.


        • venom74799
          New Member
          • Aug 2009
          • 13

          Quit for 4+ months

          I have had the pleasure of being cig free for over 4 months. I tried a cig a day ago and couldn't puff it to save my life. I hope everyone can quit and if not at least reduce how much you smoke.


          • Mr. Snuffleupagus
            • Dec 2008
            • 2781

            I had one cigg in the last 8 months and only for fun. I snused right after it.

            Cheers! to SNUS!

            On a side note: I might buy a pack of the American Spirits that I just saw in a tin reusable pack. Anybody get one of these yet? Is it nice?


            • Sector Clear
              New Member
              • Sep 2009
              • 14

              Originally posted by snusjus
              I smoke two packs a day still, while going through a can of GES per day as well.

              Just kidding! I've been smoke free for one year, except for the one cigarette I half-smoked six months ago. Not too bad, eh?
              :lol: I literally did the Home Alone 'jaw-dropped, hangs on cheeks' face until I read that second part, well played!

              As for me, I'm 2+ weeks cig free except for 3 at a bar with friends (too drunk to say no ops. Took about 3 weeks snusing for me to stop buying packs of Parliament Lights (smoked about 30 a day for 6 years), and I don't miss them at all. Inconvenient, expensive, smelly, gross tasting, etc...geez I sound like the non-smokers that used to piss me off so much, but it's all true!

              But really, snus has got me feeling good again. I'm in control of my life for the first time in years, and can go hours without even thinking about snus. With cigs, I'd have one and be thinking about lighting up another 5 minutes later, and I often would.

              And this is just 2 weeks in to my life as a snuser and an ex-smoker! Screw Chantix, nicotine gum and patches, et al; snus is the tasty, inexpensive and socially acceptable way to leave cigarettes behind for good. And baking prillas is so darn fun and rewarding 8)


              • PassedPawn
                • Dec 2008
                • 319

                Can't stand the smoke sticks anymore. The stink of the smoke, the yellowing fingertips and books, the ash, the bullshit taxes. I'm done with those things and I couldn't have done it without snus.


                • derango1
                  • Jul 2009
                  • 46

                  I haven't had a full smoke since my quit date. I was at the bar and had a drag off my ex's smoke and thought I was going to die. Good lord! I open lunged it like a noob! Really though, I'm ok with forgetting how to smoke a cigarette.


                  • Elephant Man
                    • Aug 2009
                    • 41

                    I failed to quit smoking using snus.I now am left with yet another addiction,but not really since I'm already a nic junkie.Most people say they hate smoking and want to stop,but I've always REALLY enjoyed my cigs (Marlboro Reds) ,the nice full draw,the smell of fall leaves when I exhale through my nose.In between cigs,especially at work I use snus.The only snus(ses?) I use anymore are General ES,Claq Qui,N & J,and the occasional Onyx.Probably around 8-10 portions a day on top of the 1 pack of Reds.I guess I have a really high nic tolerance cause I never feel even the least bit queasy.But I do love my snus,they will just have to learn to get along with the Cowboy Killers cause they ain't going nowhere apparently. :twisted:


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