Do you snus at work?....

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  • Anthony
    • Jul 2009
    • 249

    Have one in nearly all day long.


    • daruckis
      • Jul 2009
      • 2277

      i work in fast food (jimmy johns) so tobacco use is kind of a fairly big no no. theres people that smoke, but theyre pretty looked down upon. i used to only snus at close and no one would be around me much to notice, but when i started working day shifts for a while, i didnt hide my snusing, and i guess the owner made it clear to my general manager that i couldnt do it at work. so i still do, and more often than before. who the hell is anyone to ask about my slight lip bulge, anyway? i also often give out snus to people i work with whom ive deemed "cool" and wont accidentally mention it to anyone who will get on my shit about it. but the other day this dumb bastard comes up to me and says "hey man you have any of those tobacco things with you?" while im standing next to my boss, and i just said "nah man, i dont know anything about that shit" and he says "yeah, and certainly not while at work" so im pretty sure he knows i do it all the time, but as long as im keeping it on the DL, it shouldnt be a problem.


      • dupee419
        • Aug 2009
        • 398

        well... I cook for a living, my boss thought it was a bit odd that my lip stuck out a lil most of the day (i don't like minis, not enough boom) and asked me about it. So I gave a proper explanation of snus being spitless. They don't mind as long as I don't go switching out portions on the line (the health inspector doesn't notice).

        I also blow glass for a lil supplemental income, but I'm my own boss on that, and I don't care if I snus at the torch, if it means I can blow a large piece (or a bunch of lil ones) without a smoke break (and the possibility of exploding my piece taking it out of the kiln and into the flame).


        • truthwolf1
          • Oct 2008
          • 2696

          I work as a graphic designer for a a family owned company with about 100 employees. When I use to go out for a smoke every hour for five minutes I was getting looks and rants like I was stealing from them.

          Since using Snus I have found out that most of the family in charge are all secret dippers. They tried my offroad longcut and some sterk portions but like their Grizzly wintergreen better and will not convert.

          Using Snus has been ironically a very positive thing for myself in my workplace.


          • Ainkor
            • Sep 2008
            • 1144

            Originally posted by truthwolf1
            Since using Snus I have found out that most of the family in charge are all secret dippers.
            Damn, that sounds dead on like a place I worked at for a while. They got pissy if folks went out and smoked and I think that's one of the reasons we didn't get along after a while.

            The owners dipped and I wish I have known about snus back then, it would have made my job easier

            BTW, is that business in Eden Prairie on corporate drive by chance? :P


            • fedora
              • Aug 2008
              • 251

              Yup - at work. Minis. No one notices.

              Welcome to the forum! Enjoy.


              • sm0ke42o
                • Jul 2009
                • 105

                I snus all the time at work. never had an issue with it to date. 8)

                Its amazingly gratifying knowing that I am under the radar because of the discreet nature of snus and that I can literally go anywhere while enjoying tobacco.

                And as far as quitting with Swedish you are on the right track, at least that's what did it for me. I also cut down with frost but was unable to fully quit. The day I got my first can of General I never smoked again. It makes a huge difference IMO.


                • oregonrain
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 45

                  I snus everywhere. At first I would only use mini's at class because I didn't want to offend my prof. Now I just don't care. I won't use los in public because I can never get myself to bake a small pris, I get greedy and pack that upper lip making my friends and family laugh at me.
                  This post does make me wonder if people notice. I did it in front of my dad for a month working on projects before he even noticed me spitting out a portion into the lid. He is really anti tobacco and offered me a c-note or two to quit. I guess i'll just wait till he offers me a thousand.


                  • Sigg
                    • Sep 2009
                    • 161

                    Definitely snusing at work - I feel like I'm getting so much more work done without having to take smoke breaks and no one is the wiser. 8)


                    • Allergy
                      • Sep 2009
                      • 227

                      I work in retail. I have to, or I'll straight murder somebody.


                      • sundog
                        • Jun 2009
                        • 311

                        My boss smokes so what's he going to say? Besides I don't work at our office - I travel.

                        So far I've not met anybody big enough or mean enough to tell me not to snus.


                        • chadizzy1
                          • May 2009
                          • 7432

                          Originally posted by Sigg
                          Definitely snusing at work - I feel like I'm getting so much more work done without having to take smoke breaks and no one is the wiser. 8)
                          def. i second that.


                          • truthwolf1
                            • Oct 2008
                            • 2696

                            Originally posted by Ainkor
                            Originally posted by truthwolf1
                            Since using Snus I have found out that most of the family in charge are all secret dippers.

                            BTW, is that business in Eden Prairie on corporate drive by chance? :P

                            No, but very close to that area on Shady Oak Road.


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