Do you snus at work?....

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  • Owens187
    • Sep 2009
    • 1547

    Do you snus at work?....

    Hello, new user here. Just started snusing about 2 weeks ago, trying to quit the evil ciggarettes.....

    All I've tryed so far is the Camel frost, and I actually do like the flavor, just seems to need more of a "kick".
    Ive already put in an order at, which should arrive tomorrow...cant wait to try the real deal!

    Even just the Camel has got me smoking maybe 1/3 of what I did already, so Im hoping the Swede will enable me to kick the smokes permanently!

    Anyways...just wondering if any of you snus at work? I work in a very anti tobacco hospital, and am tired of having to be so careful about not smelling like smoke. The snuss allows me to get my fix without worrying about it, and its so discreet, my coworkers and patients don't know Im doing it! Awesome!

  • Condor
    • Sep 2008
    • 752

    When I have to go to court, I use mini portions. They would shit if they knew I had tobacco in my mouth. Other than that I am about 95% los user, and I use that at work, too. It is very discreet as long as you don't have Elvis-Lip. I kicked cigarettes with snus a long time ago. Good luck brother and welcome


    • shikitohno
      • Jul 2009
      • 1156

      I snus all shift, every shift. I work retail, and if you've ever worked with the public, you know that sometimes that little bit of nicotine can be the difference between ripping that arrogant customer a new one, and just smiling and nodding your head. Of course, when someone really pisses me off at work, I go all out. I haven't gotten any customer complaints in over three years of working there, because I realised that if I offend people enough, they just won't even bother to put in a complaint. I think I've only done that two or three times though.

      Initially, I used lös at work, but now I use portions, so I can play it off like gum when the store manager comes by, and not have to think up a good excuse for why there's black crap slowly dripping down my teeth.


      • ddandb
        • Mar 2009
        • 570

        I arrive with snus in my mouth. Snus all day long. Leave with snus for the drive home.


        • Veganpunk
          • Jun 2009
          • 5381

          Welcome to SnusOn. If your looking for a kick and a flavor that reminds you of Camel Frost, get a can of Thunder Frosted. Be warned though, this is some potent snus. I had my first Frosted last night, and it is good!! (I'll post a full review later). About the snusin at work, I do all day. Portions and los. I work in an office though so we have a fridge I just throw a few cans in. I'm not concerned about people knowing if I do it though. In your case, you could easily hide it. :wink:


          • tom502
            • Feb 2009
            • 8985

            No one has to know what you have in your lip. It could just as well be a gummy bear. I bet many of us have a fat co-worker with chips and candy on their desk, festering diabetes. Anti tobacco fanaticism is like the Taliban. But anyway, I snus all day at work. I don't think anyone knows, but I don't "hide" it, but I don't flaunt it, it's so discreet, they just wouldn't know. They might notice a lip buldge now and again, I don't know, or care. I also work alone mostly, like a file clerk on a warehouse. It's a mind decaying, soul destroying job, but the pay and hours are good, and I can surf the net and snus all day. I keep about 5 cans in my desk drawer.


            • chadizzy1
              • May 2009
              • 7432

              oh yeah, and to be honest, that's one of my favorite parts of snus. at night, when i go through a 3-4 hour dinner rush, i remember i would get so pissy because i couldn't go out and smoke, but now i can pop in a snus at 5, and i stay cool all the way through dinner rush. my employees even noticed a difference, haha.


              • Dgtl Dvnt
                • Apr 2009
                • 101

                I snus all day at work. I thought no one had noticed but come to find out my boss just thought something was wrong with my lip.

                Once I told him what it was he didn't care at all.


                • RobsanX
                  • Aug 2008
                  • 2030

                  Yes. I snus everywhere all of the time. I don't know if my coworkers know, nor do I really care. If they asked me, I would tell them. I work in a company of about 7 or 8 people, and two guys smoke, so I'm way ahead of them!


                  • Veganpunk
                    • Jun 2009
                    • 5381

                    I don't know how much you smoked, but my previous statement about Thunder Frosted, I must give a P.S.A. This snus is very very strong. I haven't gotten a nic. buzz in a while now, but I have one now.


                    • wadetheblade
                      • Jul 2009
                      • 572

                      All day, everyday!


                      • Redbeard
                        • Sep 2009
                        • 390

                        Originally posted by ddandb
                        I arrive with snus in my mouth. Snus all day long. Leave with snus for the drive home.
                        Same situation. I've turned a few coworkers on to snus and been jokingly labeled a "snus pusher." Tobacco-free workplace, my ass.


                        • sagedil
                          • Nov 2007
                          • 7077

                          Welcome to Snuson Owens187

                          Where I work, could never be a problem, I snus, I snuff, hell I could probably smoke weed here all day and no one would care. :wink:

                          But a year and a half ago, I worked for this massive company, got called into the Managers office the 2nd day and told someone had told on me that I was using snus...yeah, and problem why?? "Well, we don't allow 'dipping' here". I tried to explain it wasn't dip, NO spitting, etc. He just said i couldn't use it.

                          So I kept using it, just hid my cans better. Made sure I had a G-d da** snus in my mouth every time I went into his office after that. Was eventually set up and fired a couple of months later, then they tried to screw me out of my unemployment until the claims administrator caught them is some lies, whatever.

                          Moral of the story??? Just snus. Other moral, if they make too much of a issue over private tobacco use that has zero impact on anyone else around you, they are an evil company who will screw you in other ways too.


                          • mlkramer
                            • Jul 2009
                            • 393

                            Welcome Owens187!

                            I snus all day at work and no ones asked. I've got no issues revealing it though. If anything, productivity increases with Snus as for obvious reasons even beyond the nic enhanced focus. I'm not running out every hour or two for a smoke or thinking about when I can run out for a smoke.

                            I'll second the Thunder Frosted. I, as you, started with the camels. I smoked much less with them but they didn't quite do the trick. Within three weeks of swedish snus arriving, I was able to completely stop smoking. For me, the strong Snus helped get me over the initial hump. Odens ES Kanel, Thunder Frosted and General ES really made the difference when the need really was hitting me. I went as far as doubling up on those on several occasions. Not sure I would recommend this until you see how one strong effects you. I doubled up on Thunder a couple of weeks after I had stopped smoking and the dizzy nausea that I hadn't felt since gutting a handful of Redman at 13.

                            The Nicotine delivery is just as, if not more, strong the smokes. But to me at least, it's delivered in a gradual ramp up that then stays fairly constant. Once my body had adjusted to this fact, I found that my nicotine needs adjusted. I still do a few strongs each day, but only double up on regular or mini's occasionally.

                            This then opened up to all the great swedish snus's that are out there to be tried! I believe this variety of options as well as the community also deserves a large portion of the credit. The exploration and discussion, in my opinion anyway, helped offset the phycological part of cigarette addicition(smoking is often just something to do after all)

                            Snuson is by far the best resource I found after hours of research. It can be quite entertaining as well.

                            Again...Welcome and Snuson!


                            • tool77
                              • Aug 2009
                              • 30

                              I have a snus in my mouth more often than not at work. In addition to what others mentioned, there is something truly discreet - nobody knows WTF snus IS. That's a huge benefit. If someone does happen to notice the subtle lip bulge, they wouldn't think "oh, they are snusing".

                              If there is a concern, there are minis available... the thunder frosted mini and discreet minis are about the same nic content as a regular portion too.


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