I have been waiting to review this one for a while for a few reasons. It, like 1847, is one that I have seen alot of negative reviews for. So I did a simple study. I ordered 3 cans - one from each website - BuySnus, GetSnus, and Northerner. I wanted to compare all of them, and try different freshness dates from different sites to see how each one would fare. The sad truth, however, is they all had the same result. I try to be fair, and give everything a chance, but even after extensive study on this, I keep coming to the same result.
The first part of this study was to try one can, once a month, to see if the taste changed as my tastes grew. The second part was to order from 3 different stores. And after trying those 3 different cans once a month, I came to the same conclusion. Phantom Blue just isn't that good. The truth hurts.
I wanted to like this, I really did. Blue is my favorite color, blue is in the name, and I usually equate blue (when used in food and drink) to good, so I'm sure this snus could do no harm. I was wrong. The common thing I had read in reviews of this product was about the smell. Windex, windex, windex. I thought, "Now surely those are exaggerations." They are not. If you ever want to know what Windex smells like in a product other than Windex, V2 has correctly copied it and placed it into a snus. It's crazy how much like Windex it smells. I know usually I say don't smell the snus, but this product commands you smell it. There's no way around it.
The portions are very comfortable. The one thing I love about most V2 products I've tried (including the wonderful Offroad Cranberry and Offroad Cranberry Strong), is the comfort of the portions. Each is very pillowy. That is about the only saving grace of this product.
The taste is very....artificial. I pick up a slight hint of blueberries and a little salt. You would think that's good, but that's only about 5 minutes in. After that, it starts to wear out on flavor and you're left with this weird, almost waxy berry taste that isn't that good. It eventually starts to get more rank, and after about 10-15 minutes, you couldn't pay me to keep this portion in. It's that bad. So if you want a snus that smells like Windex, has a very interesting taste for about 5 minutes, and gets totally gross after that - this is the one for you. However, I wouldn't suggest anyone try this. It's not that good, and anything that smells like Windex should never be made available for human consumption. The taste isn't good, and the only redeeming factor is a comfortable portion - which I suggest you try any other Offroad product and you will come to the same results. I suggest Offroad Cranberry or Offroad Cranberry Strong, but not this.
I have been waiting to review this one for a while for a few reasons. It, like 1847, is one that I have seen alot of negative reviews for. So I did a simple study. I ordered 3 cans - one from each website - BuySnus, GetSnus, and Northerner. I wanted to compare all of them, and try different freshness dates from different sites to see how each one would fare. The sad truth, however, is they all had the same result. I try to be fair, and give everything a chance, but even after extensive study on this, I keep coming to the same result.
The first part of this study was to try one can, once a month, to see if the taste changed as my tastes grew. The second part was to order from 3 different stores. And after trying those 3 different cans once a month, I came to the same conclusion. Phantom Blue just isn't that good. The truth hurts.
I wanted to like this, I really did. Blue is my favorite color, blue is in the name, and I usually equate blue (when used in food and drink) to good, so I'm sure this snus could do no harm. I was wrong. The common thing I had read in reviews of this product was about the smell. Windex, windex, windex. I thought, "Now surely those are exaggerations." They are not. If you ever want to know what Windex smells like in a product other than Windex, V2 has correctly copied it and placed it into a snus. It's crazy how much like Windex it smells. I know usually I say don't smell the snus, but this product commands you smell it. There's no way around it.
The portions are very comfortable. The one thing I love about most V2 products I've tried (including the wonderful Offroad Cranberry and Offroad Cranberry Strong), is the comfort of the portions. Each is very pillowy. That is about the only saving grace of this product.
The taste is very....artificial. I pick up a slight hint of blueberries and a little salt. You would think that's good, but that's only about 5 minutes in. After that, it starts to wear out on flavor and you're left with this weird, almost waxy berry taste that isn't that good. It eventually starts to get more rank, and after about 10-15 minutes, you couldn't pay me to keep this portion in. It's that bad. So if you want a snus that smells like Windex, has a very interesting taste for about 5 minutes, and gets totally gross after that - this is the one for you. However, I wouldn't suggest anyone try this. It's not that good, and anything that smells like Windex should never be made available for human consumption. The taste isn't good, and the only redeeming factor is a comfortable portion - which I suggest you try any other Offroad product and you will come to the same results. I suggest Offroad Cranberry or Offroad Cranberry Strong, but not this.