Got my shipment today!

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  • Owens187
    • Sep 2009
    • 1547

    Got my shipment today!

    Well, got my shipment from getsnus today. Ordered at like 11pm on tuesday night, arrived friday morning, now thats fast!

    I've only tried the General Wintergreen so far, and coming from the Camels, this stuff is pretty intense. The strong tobacco taste will take a little getting used to. But the nic hit is sooo much better than the Camel, kind of made my head swim, I had to take it out for a few minutes after having it in for only like ten. It doesnt taste as salty as I've read, though I do like salty things, so maybe thats why.

    Right now the stuff has given me the hiccups something fierce though... :mrgreen:

    They sent me some General Mini Mint as my mystery can, so maybe Ill give those a go to get more used to the switch from the Camel. I really do like the flavor of the Camel, so can you guys recomend anything that comes close? I just do not trust the Camel, who knows what the hell is in that stuff....
    Seeing an ingredient label on a tobacco product is a trip!

    So, in case your curious, my first order consisted of:

    1. General Wintergreen White Portion
    2. General Mini Mint, which was my free "Mystery Can"
    3. Roda Lacket White Portion
    4. Catch Licorice White Portion
    5. Offroad Liquorice Portion
    6. Offroad Icemint Portion
    7. Offroad Cranberry Portion
    8. Thunder Wintergreen Portion
    9. A free second can of General Wintergreen

  • daruckis
    • Jul 2009
    • 2277

    roda lacket is the only snus in your current arsenal i would thumbs up.


    • ahandsomeporkchop
      • Aug 2009
      • 16

      Those snuses are all fine and good (except for the Offroads, yuck), but I reccommend you give some of the more traditional snuses with a stronger tobacco flavor a shot as well.

      Starting out, I was more intrigued by the minty and fruity flavors since I had been using Skoal Wintergreen and Skoal Citrus before. Nine months later I find myself liking brands like Nick & Johnny and General much more. Roda Lacket is still in my rotation, though. It's a damn good snus.


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        Not my first choices for snus, but reasonable I suppose. Don't judge all snus by your order there. The only one I would say is close to traditional is the Röda Lacket, and even that one tends to be light, with a fruity taste.

        They may be right up your alley, but if they aren't there's others you could try before writing snus off :^)


        • justintempler
          • Nov 2008
          • 3090

          Re: Got my shipment today!

          Originally posted by Owens187
          .. I really do like the flavor of the Camel, so can you guys recomend anything that comes close? ...

          I keep asking the opposite question why can't Camel make a snus that tastes like Swedish snus. :roll:


          • sm0ke42o
            • Jul 2009
            • 105

            The mini-mints IMO are what RJR should have been going for with frost. Its similar only without the entire packet of sweet-n-low and a more natural mint taste. I'm not huge into flavored snus but mini-mints are admittedly very good.

            Catch eucalyptus is also worth trying if you like mint although its not a sweet mint like spearmint or peppermint. Think salty cough drop type of mint without the medicine taste.

            The stuff you ordered looks well-suited to the tastes you described but be prepared as even General Wintergreen is "sweet" compared to most other Swedish snus. I personally do not like offroad but for me it had more to do with the seemingly cheap and gargantuan portion material, it was like putting a sticky note in my mouth.

            Have fun trying out all the new brands, that for me was the most fun with a tobacco product I ever had. Also don't be disappointed if you dont like some or even all of those. Trade them on the exchange for stuff you haven't tried and keep going until you find one. Good luck

            BTW Roda Lacket is an excellent snus.


            • chadizzy1
              • May 2009
              • 7432

              big ups to offroad cranberry, it's one of my top 3, although i prefer offroad cranberry strong. check it out if you like the original one.


              • Jason
                • Jan 2008
                • 1370

                I like almost everything you have there.....BUT, it did take me a while before I came around to some of them. Keep that in mind as you are trying each one for the first time. Tastes change, and your overall acceptance of different varieties of snus will most likely change as well. One brand that you try once and throw away will suddenly become your favorite the next time you get the courage to try it again. Weird how it works.... :wink:


                • sagedil
                  • Nov 2007
                  • 7077

                  Owens187, go here and order yourself the free sample of Discreet.


                  The best American snus yet, 1000% better than Camel, but still sweet. Available at Getsnus now for $0.99 for a pack of 10.


                  • Gizmer
                    • Jun 2009
                    • 103

                    General mini mint is probably the closest you're going to get to camel as far as the sweetness goes. Discreet is close and very good. I think it's better than mini mint. If you want something with more of a kick try Thunder Frosted minis (or plain old Thunder Frosted if you want a head rush).


                    • Sigg
                      • Sep 2009
                      • 161

                      Sweet!! I just received my first order yesterday as well. Have started with the Grov and Göteborgs Rapé white (and a single General portion from a sampler pouch). Loving it so far and can't wait to try some of the others.

                      The nic strength is definitely stronger than the Camels but is just perfect for me since I'm trying to get over a pack a day smoking habit. I haven't experienced the head spinning high but I have yet to try some of the sterks. Were you a smoker/dipper before picking up the Camels?


                      • chadizzy1
                        • May 2009
                        • 7432

                        Owens187 - I, like you, came over from Camel "SNUS" American. It's an interesting journey. My best advice is to try as much as possible. Good thing snus is so cheap! There are many different kinds and everyones taste is different. If you're looking for something similiar to Camel, I'd suggest General Mini Mint, or Triumph. Also, the Discreet variety is VERY good and getting great reviews here:


                        You can get some free samples from their website if you send them an email. Tom is VERY generous when it comes to this product.

                        Also, Thunder Frosted mini is a great new product. It's mildly minty and gives quite a kick. I think you would enjoy it.


                        • Ant66Ant
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 64

                          OK for your first order, I've tried 3,5,6 in lös all very good. If you like RL how about some of the more traditional taste snuses in your next order. A can of lös too. I was a bit of a pussy about trying lös but once I did no going back to portions for me.

                          Me? I'll want to try thunder frosted lös next.


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