This thing worth $6.50?

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  • bakerbarber
    • Jun 2008
    • 1947

    This thing worth $6.50?

    Snus Receptacle
    A receptacle for your portion snus. Convenient both at home and at work. Easy to empty when necessary.

    I have a black one I got with bonus points from the Northerner. I like it. Maybe it's worth roughly two cans of snus, maybe.

    When I ever needed an ashtray for cigarettes though I bought one at the Dollar Store.

    To me $6.50 is pushing it for this thing. Hey it looks nicer than an open ashtray or having to look at used snus and I would like to have a white one.

    Oh I'm bored today.... :roll:
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    $6.50's almost nothing. If you have a use for it, I think it's worth it. I use my Mud Jug I got from Skoal. I can use that for lös and portions, so it's a little more useful for me.


    • zmanzero
      • May 2009
      • 766

      i dunno. if i was bored and sitting around picking my nose i think i'd want one of these suckers -


      • shikitohno
        • Jul 2009
        • 1156

        I can see myself being lazy and not emptying it for way too long, otherwise I'd get it. But, knowing me, I'd only realise it needed to be emptied when I couldn't get the door open any more. And who really wants to be scooping out a bucket full of lös that's that old? For now, my toilet will work fine for me.


        • paulwall9
          • Nov 2008
          • 743

          HAHA, thats what i do, throw them in the toliet, I use soley extra sterks so i only use like 4-6 portions a day when i have snus! it seems like everytime i need to dispose of a portion it is also time to use the bathroom so I guess i don't really need that either!


          • Jason
            • Jan 2008
            • 1370

            Originally posted by shikitohno
            I can see myself being lazy and not emptying it for way too long, otherwise I'd get it.
            That's my problem. If I don't spit it out in the bathroom, I just pop them in an old 7-11 coffee cup.....the little no-spill flap opening on the top is the perfect size. Then I just toss the whole cup without having to clean anything or look inside. :wink:


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