New to snus !!!

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  • Maron
    • Sep 2009
    • 49

    New to snus !!!

    Hello everyone , this is my first post , but I have been trolling the forums for a while . I have dipped off and on , while I like dip, the spitting just isnt practical for me . I also just quit smoking recently , so , Swedish snus to the rescue . I am anxiously waiting for my first orders to arrive . Could you guys look at it and let me know what you think ? Anything else you guys could recommend to me ?
    Northern -
    # Skruf Cranberry, Portion - 1 pcs.
    # Skruf Stark, Strong Portion - 1 pcs.
    # Jakobssons Icefruit, Portion - 1 pcs.
    # Göteborgs Rape, White Portion - 1 pcs.
    # General Onyx, Black Portion - 1 pcs.
    # Claq Qui, Strong Portion - 1 pcs.
    Buysnus -
    -Elixyr Power Energy portion 1 Pack
    -Ettan White Portion 1 Pack
    -Göteborgs Rapé No2 Portion 1 Pack
    -Skruf Strong Portion 1 Pack
    -Taboca Snus 1 Pack
    -1 can Thunder Extra Strong Blue 1 Pack (free with purchase )

    I also tryed to order from but the damn age verification thing wont let me .. :x I will have to call in the morning . What a pain in the ass .. This is what I plan on ordering from them .

    - General Wintergreen
    White Portion (24g)
    - Nick & Johnny
    Original Portion (24g)
    - Roda Lacket White Portion
    White Portion (24g)
    - Gotlandssnus Flader (Green)
    Original Portion (24g)
    - Goteborgs No. 2
    White Portion (24g)
    - Discreet Mini Peach Portion
    Original Portion (4g)
    - Discreet Mini Cool Mint Portion
    Original Portion (4g)
    - Discreet Mini Emerald Ice Portion
    Original Portion (4g)
    - Discreet Mini Strawberry Portion
    Original Portion (4g)
  • Snusdog
    • Jun 2008
    • 6752

    Welcome to the forum Maron. Glad to have you. I too came to snus by way of dipping and have never looked back. I think you will find this forum both very informative and a whole lot of fun. There are a lot of great folks here who are very knowledgeable.

    A while back I posted a thread especially for dippers. It's called "A dipper's Guide to Snus". Now while it is primarily geared towards los and I see that you have selected mostly (all) portions, I think that you may still find some of the information there useful. Here is the link. You can check it out if you would like:

    I will let those more thoroughly versed in the nuances of portions, offer you the benefit of their expertise and guidance with regards to your order.

    For now, let me say again, welcome to the forum and enjoy the journey
    When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


    • TheOneandOnly
      • Jun 2009
      • 616

      You have a nice list there... I love the Gotland Green!

      Order plenty of Discreet, youll be going through them quickly because their delicious.


      • sagedil
        • Nov 2007
        • 7077

        As others have said Maron, welcome to Snuson. And welcome to the amazing world of Swedish snus.

        There is always a paradox for brand new users. Impossible to really make recommendations until we know what you like. Everyone is so different, there is no such thing as a sure thing. So keep using, tell us what you are liking and not liking. By the time you reach a month, we will know enough to give meaningful recommendations.

        What I can do is give you some advice as you first start using. If you have read much, you have probably already heard it. But will say again anyways. :wink:

        It will be VERY salty at first. This is the first, and really only, thing you will taste at first. Lasts about 7 -10 days as your body gets acclimated to the salt. So ignore your first reactions, they won't be your last.

        After a week to 10 days, you will finally "start" to taste what snus really is. But be prepared for your tastes to run all over the map. And they will for a long, long time. Was really using for a year before mine started to stabilize.

        This leads to most important lesson for newbie. You dislike a snus at first, DON'T throw it away. Put it aside for a few days, try again. Still don't like, try in a few weeks. STILL don't like, try again in a few months. 80% of the time, snus people didn't like at first became their favorite. Same issue, other side of the coin. You find a snus you absolutely love. DON'T just start using it all the time. You do, you will destroy that snus for you. One day, you will suddenly hate it.

        For now, just keep trying, and retrying new snus. A month from now, come back and tell us what you are really liking. I will give recommendations then.


        • zmanzero
          • May 2009
          • 766

          welcome to the forum Maron. be careful for the elixir. there are many false prophets out here, don't let them lead you astray. i noticed you haven't any oden's es kanel portions there... or the oden's wintergreen es portions either...


          • sagedil
            • Nov 2007
            • 7077

            Did I even mention the Elyxr. NO!!! Geez, I don't target the newbies my friend. Just make sure they know how wise I am from day one. Makes it so much easier when i DO target them in a few months. They remember Sage, yeah, he was so nice to me when i was brand new, helped me so much then, he must be right about this stuff. :wink:


            • Maron
              • Sep 2009
              • 49

              Thank you for the warm welcome . From my past few weeks of reading , this seems like a really fun group .

              Snusdog - I did read the guide , it was very helpful , thanks . I didnt order any loose yet . I figured I would let myself become familiar with the general taste of snus before I bought some .

              sagedil - Great advice . I plan on taking notes on each once I get past the salty stage .

              Whats the deal with Elyxr ? Am I missing something here ?


              • fedora
                • Aug 2008
                • 251

                Welcome to the forum! My advice on your order is (IMHO): try everything you have. Use up what you like. Do NOT throw away what you don't like. One day you will be sitting there, out of snus, out of cigarettes, out of cigars and snuff, and you can go get that snus you didn't like - and it will be a life saver.

                Otherwise - listen to the veterans - they've been through the start up process and give good advice.

                Welcome again.


                • sagedil
                  • Nov 2007
                  • 7077


                  I became the official Snuson Pimp for Elyxr within weeks of it being released last year. At first, so many people would try it not knowing what it was, then come here and rip about how bad it is.

                  Elyxr is a Power energy snus with both caffeine and taurine. I always like to say it tastes like a**, but most folks will say it isn't "that" bad. But it doesn't taste like any other snus, it has caffeine and taurine, which tastes far worse than even the caffeine. Just no way to make it taste "good"

                  But you don't use Elyxr for the taste, only the effects. And it is one of the most magical things I can use every morning. It makes me feel good by the time I am out of the shower. It is remarkable effective, And costs like $0.05 per portion, way cheaper than grabbing that Starbucks coffee on the way to work (Plus, well I ride a motorcycle so doesn't work nearly as well as the Elyxr)

                  So after battling for 6 months, a few folks finally decided to give it a fair try, and most agree with me that it is a wonderful addition to their tool kit. Not everyone, but most. I have a sizable army now of Elyxr users who have my back on this now.


                  As long as you understand what it is and isn't, give it a try. Just be prepared it will taste quite strange at first, but a taste I long ago got used to as I enter about 14 months of use now.


                  • ProudMarineDad
                    • Aug 2009
                    • 573

                    Originally posted by sagedil
                    It will be VERY salty at first. This is the first, and really only, thing you will taste at first. Lasts about 7 -10 days as your body gets acclimated to the salt. So ignore your first reactions, they won't be your last.

                    After a week to 10 days, you will finally "start" to taste what snus really is. But be prepared for your tastes to run all over the map. And they will for a long, long time. Was really using for a year before mine started to stabilize.

                    This leads to most important lesson for newbie. You dislike a snus at first, DON'T throw it away. Put it aside for a few days, try again. Still don't like, try in a few weeks. STILL don't like, try again in a few months. 80% of the time, snus people didn't like at first became their favorite. Same issue, other side of the coin. You find a snus you absolutely love. DON'T just start using it all the time. You do, you will destroy that snus for you. One day, you will suddenly hate it.

                    For now, just keep trying, and retrying new snus. A month from now, come back and tell us what you are really liking. I will give recommendations then.
                    Concerning the salt, how does it affect folks that are on a low sodium diet. I never have been one to salt my food. I use mostly pepper to season my food. Just curious.

                    I like the advice about keeping the portions of the ones that are not liked for when you are running low. Also about the ones you love to start with.

                    You will absolutely love it here. No end to the great advice.



                    • spike
                      • Sep 2009
                      • 136

                      i am new to snus also,came from camel, only going a month or so.. for some reason or another i didnt get the extreme saltiness the vets always talk about. when i tried my first general white in a sampler pack from getsnus i could taste the citrus and the pepper although the salt was in the background. right now i love ettan OP and goat rape. general white/onyx/wintergreen are just kinda there but can be tolerated. roda isnt bad but not a fav maybe i will like claq qui better. grov i dont really like but am going back to it today at work to try to get a hold of it. odens classic reg portion i just plain dont like.


                      • Veganpunk
                        • Jun 2009
                        • 5381

                        Welcome to SnusOn Maron and Spike. Maron that looks like a pretty well rounded order. ProudMarineDad, I don't know the exact figures, but I read somewhere when I first joined here, that the salt content in snus is less than a coke. It just tastes like it's alot of salt, but in an overall day, the salt you get from snus is pretty much insignificant. I can't find any sources right now though. Still working on my first cup of coffee.


                        • ProudMarineDad
                          • Aug 2009
                          • 573

                          Originally posted by Veganpunk
                          Welcome to SnusOn Maron and Spike. Maron that looks like a pretty well rounded order. ProudMarineDad, I don't know the exact figures, but I read somewhere when I first joined here, that the salt content in snus is less than a coke. It just tastes like it's alot of salt, but in an overall day, the salt you get from snus is pretty much insignificant. I can't find any sources right now though. Still working on my first cup of coffee.
                          Thanks. I didn't figure it would be much. I'm not worried about it too much for myself since I don't salt my food. Just was curious.


                          • Veganpunk
                            • Jun 2009
                            • 5381

                            Now since you don't really salt your food, the salt taste will probably be pretty strong at first. It took about two weeks for me to really start tasting the snus. I'm not saying that you won't taste them, just you'll be able to taste them better.


                            • chadizzy1
                              • May 2009
                              • 7432

                              if you like cranberry, i suggest offroad cranberry instead of the skruf cranberry you have listed. it's better, IMO. also, they have it in a strong portion too.

                              elixyr power energy - great choice! it's the red headed step child here at SnusOn, apparently. a few of us really dig it though, so i hope you will too. it's a great first thing in the morning snus.

                              ettan white portion (one of my top 3!) including the above mentioned offroad cranberry strong, and my beloved thunder frosted. (have you added that on to your order yet) if not, you should!

                              gotland's green is a GREAT snus. even if you don't order it from getsnus, i still think you should order it. it's really good.

                              and of course, any discreet is a great choice. they make a great product.

                              let us know what you think of thunder extra strong blue, it's a new product and no one has reviewed it yet so we're trying to see what it's all about.


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