Have you succesfully converted anyone to snus?

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  • spike
    • Sep 2009
    • 136

    Have you succesfully converted anyone to snus?

    I work at a guard shack for TLC (cold storage place) and i see a lot of truck drivers. and i've actually converted a couple of dippers/smokers onto this form of tobacco. it is a very hard thing to do. has anyone else been successful?
  • ProudMarineDad
    • Aug 2009
    • 573

    Not yet but I am going to try to get my son to switch from smoking to it once I get my shipment and see if he will try some of mine.


    • spike
      • Sep 2009
      • 136

      Originally posted by ProudMarineDad
      Not yet but I am going to try to get my son to switch from smoking to it once I get my shipment and see if he will try some of mine.
      thats a very fatherly thing to do. im trying to get my mom to try some discreet to see if it will help her cut down.


      • Qor
        • May 2009
        • 197

        I converted the guy who sits at the desk right next to me. We are an IT department of 3 people. I was a smoker and found snus, and he is a big cigar smoker. We now snus and snuff right at our desks. Nobody minds, nobody cares. In fact, people prefer it!



        • daruckis
          • Jul 2009
          • 2277

          ive gotten some nibbles but no real biters. basically leeches that will take one if i offer but probably never orrder any for themselves.


          • sagedil
            • Nov 2007
            • 7077

            I don't even try. I did give my cabbie a pack of Discreet Strawberry though.

            I have had far more folks try my snuff than my snus.


            • dupee419
              • Aug 2009
              • 398

              I tried converting my friend, but he just made himself sick, stuck the portion kinda far into the back of his mouth.... did not go well. Now he's afraid of the stuff. I'm still working on my lil brother (he's 22).


              • chadizzy1
                • May 2009
                • 7432

                i took packets of discreet and attached a card to them with snuson.com, a link to swedish match's health website, and my blog as well. i have about 25 packets ready to go. anytime i see anyone smoking in public i ask them if they have thought about quitting, and if they say yes i say "try snus". and then i give them a packet and smile.


                • spike
                  • Sep 2009
                  • 136

                  Originally posted by dupee419
                  I tried converting my friend, but he just made himself sick, stuck the portion kinda far into the back of his mouth.... did not go well. Now he's afraid of the stuff. I'm still working on my lil brother (he's 22).
                  that sucks i couldnt imagine how that could feel to someone who has never used it before..and yeah your brothers about my age still a baby.


                  • mlkramer
                    • Jul 2009
                    • 393

                    Originally posted by chadizzy1
                    i took packets of discreet and attached a card to them with snuson.com, a link to swedish match's health website, and my blog as well. i have about 25 packets ready to go. anytime i see anyone smoking in public i ask them if they have thought about quitting, and if they say yes i say "try snus". and then i give them a packet and smile.
                    Something similar popped into my head yesterday.
                    We spent the day in Estes Park which is a small mountain town with an old style downtown shopping area which is quite popular on days like Labor Day. With my new found nostrils(since stopping smoking), I swear I could smell someone smoking from a block away.

                    I was thinking it would have been nice to have some discreets to hand out. Now sure how the reactions would have gone however. I was trying to decide if someone did that a few years ago to me if I would have appreciated it or been offended. I guess for now I'll keep it to friends and family. The conversation's popped up on occasions as people see my pocket and ask if I'm chewing now.

                    I really like your idea of attaching a card to it though. Saves their eyes glazing over as I preach to them about the wonders of snus and lets them come to it on there own if they choose.


                    • tom502
                      • Feb 2009
                      • 8985

                      You would have to explain and demonstrate how it's used.


                      • bmwgsa
                        • Jul 2008
                        • 248

                        I converted my boss from nicotine gum (and his sneaking cig's) to snus...

                        He's a happy camper.....

                        I'm slowly working on some others here at work.....


                        • badlands
                          • Jul 2009
                          • 297

                          my wife is stuck on discreet strawberry.


                          • Veganpunk
                            • Jun 2009
                            • 5381

                            I'm working on a few people. My future brother in law quit smoking, but still sneaks a few. He bums snus from me when I see him, and he has joined SnusOn and is going to order some of his own.


                            • tom502
                              • Feb 2009
                              • 8985

                              My buddy/band mate has taken to it somewhat. I passed my discreets on to him, and some Thunder Frosted, and some Mocca Pom. But he works outside at a car auction, and he said when it's hot and humid and sweaty, a snus is not desirable.


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