Your opinion on these brands.

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  • Qor
    • May 2009
    • 197

    Your opinion on these brands.

    Now as a few know, I am in a predicament similar to sagedil. Lucky Strikes are gone at the moment and I am searching for another go to brand. I have done a lot of research and have found a few brands that I think, from descriptions and reviews, may be able to do that job. Mind you, I prefer the regular tobacco flavor, perhaps slightly smokey, and in regular portion.

    Here is what I have on on its way from Northerner.

    1. Tre Ankare - The descriptions and reviews sound very pleasing. One review even said that those who like Lucky Strike and Retro will find this appealing. It only comes in white portion, but if it is close to those two brands, or has a pleasant unique taste all on its own, I think I will be fine with it. I hear that it has smokey accents to it and it a nice straight tobacco with a little taste of herbs.

    2. Probe Whiskey - Once again, slightly smokey. However, there are mixed reviews on this. I think I am more trying this out of curiosity. I know that my tastes sometimes can vary quite a bit from the majority so I figured I would give it a shot. From the description of this, I bet it will go really good with HDT#22 or Rooster nasal snuff!

    3. L.D. Original - Slight citrus with bergamot in its description. It also depicts a natural tobacco flavor I hear. I am very interested in this one. If it turns out good, it just may be the one I will go to. Tre Ankare I still have the highest expectations for. But I don't let expectations disappoint me.

    4. Gustavus Original - Flowery, mellow tobacco. Once again. Hits the description that I am looking for. I tend to prefer smokey, original or bergamot with slight citrus. We will see!

    I am interested on everyone's opinions on these brands. I look forward to trying them out and giving them a shot. With Lucky Strike original, I was in love from the first portion and it became my number 1 snus. In fact, I stopped using all other brands and never grew tired of it. I am hoping one of these candidates gives me a similar experience.


  • chadizzy1
    • May 2009
    • 7432

    Probe Whiskey (portion) is very good. I have some of the los on order. It has a smokey, pure tobacco flavor to it. It's one of my favorites, I always have a can on each order. Not an all the time snus, but at least a few times a week I use it.


    • Qor
      • May 2009
      • 197

      That sounds great. I hope my order arrives today! Anyone else have any opinions of these?



      • sagedil
        • Nov 2007
        • 7077

        Probe Whiskey is really sweet, really distinctive flavor. Liked it at first, but it can turn fast on you.

        Tre Ankare - really different. A snus I love every few months, but not something I could use all the time. Seem to be very happy when I finally manage to finish the can

        L.D. Original - never tried, have a can coming to me this week

        Gustavus Original - Flowery is a good word, maybe a bit too much. Has been at least 9 mos to a year since I last had, will eventually try it again.


        • Liandri
          • Jul 2009
          • 604

          Lucky strike was the only one I liked other than my normal Ettan and Grov. I was even waiting on my attendance bonus check from work and get like 10 rolls of the stuff, then *slap!* like 2 days before I got it I saw on the forums it was no mas to the US!


          • justintempler
            • Nov 2008
            • 3090

            I liked Probe when I first started snusing but It turned on me before I could finish the can.

            I like the taste of LD portions, I love LD lös.

            I finished a can of Gustavus portions and they were good enough to buy an occasional can. I think I will give the Gustavus lös a try at some point.


            • Qor
              • May 2009
              • 197

              From the opinions so far, I can't wait to try them.

              I love the toasted flavor of Lucky Strikes. I just wish someone was able to produce something similar. I guess we will see. Never know, I may just end up liking one of these better. We can hope!



              • sagedil
                • Nov 2007
                • 7077

                Probably not Qor. At least not any other then possible LD Original, only one I haven't tried. The others are "specialty' snus. Nice for a change of pace but not all the time snuses.


                • sundog
                  • Jun 2009
                  • 311

                  I'll echo the sentiments about Probe. I finished the one and only can I had and was sad when I used the last portion. I've since ordered 5 cans of the portions and one can of the loose. Should be here in a few days. It's great with coffee!

                  Tre Ankare is tasty, but not an every day snus for me.

                  I've not tried the others yet.


                  • whalen
                    • May 2009
                    • 6593

                    Man I switched to Grov whites as my go to, 5 cans straight now and I am still groovy with them, although I have 4 rolls left of Lucky's. You know that hoarding tendency of mine is not all that bad sometimes! Two rolls of Retro left Too.
                    wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


                    • chadizzy1
                      • May 2009
                      • 7432

                      for some reason, kronan and tre ankare tasted alot similiar to me...


                      • spirit72
                        • Apr 2008
                        • 1013

                        Tre Ankare: Straight-up tobacco and herb taste. Very earthy-tasting, and VERY salty. I enjoy a few cans of it now and then. A bit too salty for an everyday snus though, in my case. On the brighter side, I drink a lot more water when I'm using Tre.

                        Probe: Unique snus. A little smokey, sweet, tobacco-y with a very subtle bit of Bourbon. Again, I like it now and then, just a can or two, and like the lös over the portions. It's a little sweet for everyday use, in my case.

                        Gustavus: In my opinion, very much like General. Given the choice, I like General lös better, when I'm in the mood for that flavor.


                        • chadizzy1
                          • May 2009
                          • 7432

                          kronan tastes like pickles.
                          try it and try to pick it out and you'll notice.

                          side not - holy s***, when did i get to 800 posts?


                          • spirit72
                            • Apr 2008
                            • 1013

                            Originally posted by chadizzy1
                            . side not - holy s***, when did i get to 800 posts?
                            Just a few minutes ago, apparently!


                            • cj
                              • Jul 2009
                              • 1563

                              LD portions are the worst snus i have ever had its nastiness is second to none gustovas is great its flavor is very good its a great mix of tast in that one Tre Ankare is just very nice its great


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