Your opinion on these brands.

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  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Tre Ankre- Mellow tobacco, and a bit herby. White portion which isn't my favorite, but has a very nice taste.

    Probe- Reminds me of American leaf chew. Sweet, with a bit of a raisiny taste. Doesn't taste like any whiskey I've ever had, but I enjoy it on occasion. I loved my first couple of tins, then burned out on the flavor. It's off my roll list, but I'll keep getting the occasional single.

    LD Original- On of my favorite portions and lös. The strongest bergamot flavor of any snus I've had.

    Gustavus- Similar to LD, but more flowery. Not like Kronan at all, and some of the saltiest snus I've had. I quite enjoy it, and frequently buy singles.


    • Qor
      • May 2009
      • 197

      So, I have received my order and I tried all of them out sparingly to try and pick out any tastes that I like particularly better.

      The verdict..

      Probe - Occasional, too sweet, slight whiskey taste.

      Tre Ankare - White portion, very tea like, mellow but not bad.

      L.D - I thought this was going to be the winner of the 4 varieties. However, it has a bit of a peculiar taste to it. I like it, and it ranks 2nd in my opinion.

      Gustavus - The winner. This is as close to Lucky Strike originals as I have found. The scent is different when you smell them and when you first put the portion in, it's not exactly like a Lucky Strike, but the portion after about 10 minutes hits it nearly spot on. I think its the salt and stronger tobacco taste. I really am enjoying these and can say I will be going with more of these in the future. Will they take Lucky Strike off the throne? Perhaps they will some day in the future. However, I can purchase these and I've gone all day using them and they have that same enjoyment to them that I got out of the Lucky Strikes. Very happy that one of them was pretty similar.



      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        I'm glad you found a suitable replacement. Gustavus is very good. I prefer the LD, but if LD disappeared Gustavus would be a good replacement.


        • Qor
          • May 2009
          • 197

          Originally posted by lxskllr
          I'm glad you found a suitable replacement. Gustavus is very good. I prefer the LD, but if LD disappeared Gustavus would be a good replacement.
          I agree with that but in reverse. If somehow Gustavus disappeared, LD would be my choice.

          However, I am going to go through these cans (bought a couple of each) before I make my final decision. Perhaps the LD will grow on me a bit better. And, I just noticed, the Gustavus is actually a fairly cheaply priced snus. Can't go wrong with that.



          • Jason
            • Jan 2008
            • 1370

            As many know, I suck at reviews. So prepare for my dumbed-down thoughts on these.... :P

            Tre Ankare: favorite of the bunch, but tastes kind of chalky to me for some reason. An occasional.

            Probe: Don't get me started. It's horrible, does not taste like any kind of whiskey I'VE ever had, and has the honor of being one of the very few snus I've ever thrown in the trash.

            L.D.: Ok, but it definitely tastes cheap. Has a funky undertone that I don't like. L.D. Black is really the only one I like from that line, anyway.

            Gustavus: I thought I was liking this one when I first started using it, but it got old very quick. Much too tangy for me, and was very salty as already stated. It also seemed to stain my teeth more than others, and dripped quite a bit.

            There. Jason's unofficially official reviews for the month. :wink:


            • tom502
              • Feb 2009
              • 8985

              I liked Tre Anker at 1st, as I thought it reminded me of slightly sweet iced tea, but it got old after a while.
              I like Probe, but it doesn't taste like whiskey to me.
              I only have tried LB Black, and I'm not a licorice fan, but it was OK, with a slight sweetness that becomes noticeable after a while.


              • Qor
                • May 2009
                • 197

                So, here is what I think is my final verdict.

                While Lucky Strike I could have all day throughout the day, I believe for me I will mix and match a little bit. I will use L.D pretty much throughout the day, with a Gustavus in between for when I want a stronger flavor and saltier portion. Since L.D is a bit milder with less salt, it works better as a snus throughout the day while the Gustavus will be something for when I want that added taste.

                So, that being said, I will probably being buying 1 roll of L.D and 5 cans of Gustavus each time I make an order for snus. Of course, I will still periodically try new snus brands because well, that curiosity to try new and different brands and varieties is still there. But when all is said and done, I enjoy having 1 and now possible 2 brands as my mainstays. It simplifies things and finding an enjoyable portion in place of the Lucky Strikes was a big priority for me because of this. I am happy with me findings and thank everyone on this forum for their opinions and reviews.




                • paulwall9
                  • Nov 2008
                  • 743

                  I am glad you found some other main stays man!!!


                  • sagedil
                    • Nov 2007
                    • 7077

                    Don't worry. I'm sure it will be discontinued next month... :twisted:

                    Sorry, just seems to be what happens whenever I say I have found my final rotation.


                    • lxskllr
                      • Sep 2007
                      • 13435

                      Originally posted by Qor

                      So, that being said, I will probably being buying 1 roll of L.D and 5 cans of Gustavus each time I make an order for snus.
                      I'd suggest buying a roll of each and freezing them. Buying a roll generally works out to buy 9, get 1 free. If you're getting 5, it makes more sense to me to get the extra 4 and save the money. Also, if you're using Buysnus, it will get you a point for a roll discount whereas buying 5 won't.


                      • paulwall9
                        • Nov 2008
                        • 743

                        Lx, that is how i work! I remeber when i first started snussing and on my first order I had a can of General extra strong portions and got a free tin of ice fruit from buysnus! As soon as I tried them I knew they were the snus for me and have bought rolls ever since! it was the same thing forme with thunder frosted!! If you look at my order history at buysnus since they are the only supplier I have ever used, You will see that my first order is the only order that I havent bought at least 1 roll, though I did buy 10cans that first order,! Every other order has had at least a roll in it! Anyways, moral, find out what you like and buy rolls it's cheaper!


                        • Qor
                          • May 2009
                          • 197

                          Originally posted by lxskllr
                          Originally posted by Qor

                          So, that being said, I will probably being buying 1 roll of L.D and 5 cans of Gustavus each time I make an order for snus.
                          I'd suggest buying a roll of each and freezing them. Buying a roll generally works out to buy 9, get 1 free. If you're getting 5, it makes more sense to me to get the extra 4 and save the money. Also, if you're using Buysnus, it will get you a point for a roll discount whereas buying 5 won't.
                          Sounds like a plan. I will probably use Buysnus for the first time on this order. They have a nice sale going on so I want to take advantage of it. Before I have mainly used Northerner and GetSnus. However, Northerner has been a pain in the butt lately, and GetSnus only has mainstream brands and not the biggest selection. I will buy 1 can of the los to try out too. The los to be a bit more mild and less salty which seems to be the case with every los, so it will be different (I like more bold and more salt in comparison to most los of the same brand.) but I like to enjoy the occasional los.



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