I could have sworn I read your post once, Zero, and it stopped at 'let's hope I'm wrong'. Maybe my eyes are playing tricks. Or maybe it was wishful thinking.
To answer the question, plenty. For example... Pointers to resources on the net for those who aren't so familiar with the issue to read for themselves. Information from new studies with a bearing on the situation. Discussion of the detail of the report I linked. Experiences of members where they've been let off by clued up customs officers, perhaps. Anecdotes from people who've had to try to explain to people that snus doesn't mean you'll be dead from oral cancer within a week, as most non-scandinavians who are passingly familiar with snus seem to think - you may even learn a new quip that helps get the point across. Any news of reactions to this study and others like it that people may have heard from the media/people in authority. People's experiences when talking to doctors or dentists who were more enlightened that you might expect. Opinions from healthcare professionals who might care to post. The list goes on.
Not everything is an invite for macropolitical swordplay or railing against perceived hegemonic conspiracies!
To answer the question, plenty. For example... Pointers to resources on the net for those who aren't so familiar with the issue to read for themselves. Information from new studies with a bearing on the situation. Discussion of the detail of the report I linked. Experiences of members where they've been let off by clued up customs officers, perhaps. Anecdotes from people who've had to try to explain to people that snus doesn't mean you'll be dead from oral cancer within a week, as most non-scandinavians who are passingly familiar with snus seem to think - you may even learn a new quip that helps get the point across. Any news of reactions to this study and others like it that people may have heard from the media/people in authority. People's experiences when talking to doctors or dentists who were more enlightened that you might expect. Opinions from healthcare professionals who might care to post. The list goes on.
Not everything is an invite for macropolitical swordplay or railing against perceived hegemonic conspiracies!