If nothing else, from the sounds of the law, couldn't we get our local head shops to order whatever from Sweden to be shipped to the store (hence business->business transaction) - would have the taxes, but would seem this would be a way to at least get the stuff. Perhaps I am missing something but seems to be a feasibility. Which reminds me - I need to see if I can at least get local General here in Eugene, OR.
PACT Act [peaceful discussion, please.]
Yeah, I asked a clerk at one of the local tobacconists if they were going to carry anything besides Camel. He basically said there was no way that they could compete with online shops. I imagine that's a primary reason at many smoke shops. Thus, it would stand to reason that were PACT to ban online/phone sales, many tobacconists would be more inclined to carry Swedish snus.
Me and wifey were talking about all this. I think by the end of the year I'll be making one more order either way and then calling it quits. My getsnus order just got confirmed today (the typical roll each of Ettan loose,white, and portion) so that'll hold me out for 2-3 months anyways. Either way if I decide to not and the thing is passed and greater prices I may have to find a much cheaper alternative! Hell copenhagen here is cheaper than Ettan even with competitive online pricing!
If this does go through... Being in NY, where Tobacco taxes are hellish..
A pack of brand name cigarettes goes for around $8.50 with tax.
A tin of Skoal/Copenhagen goes for around $6.00
A can of General from a somewhat local tobacco shop is anywhere from $5.00 to $6.00
I refuse to pay any more than $5 per can for such a limited selection so if prices go up, im calling it quits..
At least I can score a tin of Longhorn dip for like $3.00..
I am so glad I am well stocked on tobacco seed. I am so glad I experimented with growing baccy this past season. I look with much joy and mirth on the two baccy plants in the yard from this year's crop. How beautiful are those leaves, which are three times the size of my size 12 foot! I am so glad I learned what NOT to do, when growing baccy this past season. Truly, it shall be a JOYOUS spring!
Originally posted by LiandriMe and wifey were talking about all this. I think by the end of the year I'll be making one more order either way and then calling it quits. My getsnus order just got confirmed today (the typical roll each of Ettan loose,white, and portion) so that'll hold me out for 2-3 months anyways. Either way if I decide to not and the thing is passed and greater prices I may have to find a much cheaper alternative! Hell copenhagen here is cheaper than Ettan even with competitive online pricing!
It's hilarious how on more than two occasions, Chad starts a new thread, then sage jumbs all up his ass and scolds him for starting the thread, saying how HE doesn't want to read about it or talk about it, then the thread takes off and lots of people are interested in reading about it or talking about it. Is it time for a change to that budding routine sage? I think you need at least a two-week break from busting his balls publicly. It's getting tiresome.
Re: PACT Act [peaceful discussion, please.]
Originally posted by chadizzy1H.R. 1676, The PACT Act
Honest, law-abiding online tobacco companies would suffer financially, and many people would be out of work. This would hurt the Native Americans and Swedish Snus companies who make a living selling tobacco products.
The PACT Act can cause a black market to form and there would be little to no quality-control on these products,[/i]
The reason that USPS will no longer be allowed to deliver tobacco products is because: Internet sellers can overcome state efforts to block common carrier deliveries of their tobacco by shifting to using the U.S. mails (which the states cannot regulate or restrict). In other words, the state can tell UPS what to do, but not the post office.
All our beloved snus suppliers have to do is register with each state, pay into an escrow account, and otherwise comply with the Act.
In the end, I say continue hoarding - get it cheap while you still can.
Great topic, chad.
Originally posted by RooIt's hilarious how on more than two occasions, Chad starts a new thread, then sage jumbs all up his ass and scolds him for starting the thread, saying how HE doesn't want to read about it or talk about it, then the thread takes off and lots of people are interested in reading about it or talking about it. Is it time for a change to that budding routine sage? I think you need at least a two-week break from busting his balls publicly. It's getting tiresome.
Originally posted by sagedilSo as mentioned when the topic came up, I decided to add ppe smoking to my tobacco use. snus has just opened up such a new found love for tobacco, decided t was finally me.
Unlike some people...Chad!!!! I didn't just jump into it blind.....
Re: PACT act
Originally posted by GoVeganWhy is he jumping on Chad? The guy has a pretty cool site about snus if you ask me.
It's like wrestlers. In front of the camera, we seem like we may not like each other, but behind the scenes, we're cool.
Originally posted by lxskllrOriginally posted by sagedilLOL lxskllr, you are in the wrong state. I am getting $450 a week in unemployment, in addition to an extra $25 from the feds. Kinda have whatever I need to order snus.
You are going to respond to tyranny by bearing arms? I fail to see how this is going to solve your child support obligations...
Or are you implying that you will resort to murder? Hmmm... I hate to tell you this, but there is no Amendment authorizing such a course of action.
You may also be discouraged to know that Maryland currently has the death penalty.
Overall, I would greatly discourage you from pursuing this line of reasoning.
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