LOL lxskllr, you are in the wrong state. I am getting $450 a week in unemployment, in addition to an extra $25 from the feds. Kinda have whatever I need to order snus.
I'm getting reamed on child support. I have to pay $210 per week for that. ****in' government... I'm || close to exercising my 2nd amendment rights, and defending myself from tyranny.
You are going to respond to tyranny by bearing arms? I fail to see how this is going to solve your child support obligations...
Or are you implying that you will resort to murder? Hmmm... I hate to tell you this, but there is no Amendment authorizing such a course of action.
You may also be discouraged to know that Maryland currently has the death penalty.
Overall, I would greatly discourage you from pursuing this line of reasoning.
Gee, how many more snide remarks about users have to be made in this thread before you will understand why I never wanted it. Just always seems to happen in this type of thread, please at least know there is usually a reason for my madness here.
First, Faust is always fair game for snide remarks. That's how he operates, and I, for one, like him for it. Makes this place more interesting, and my comments were all in fun. Second, since when does one person get to dictate what the rest of us read about and discuss. Please just ignore the threads you don't appreciate for whatever reason, and let those who wish to discuss whatever topic discuss it. As for this thread, there are obviously a lot of newcomers who wish to voice their concerns about PACT. Grumpy sage! :wink:
HOW ABOUT THAT KARDUS SUPERIOR BLEND??? Who pre ordered? did you get it? if you didn't get it and I don't like mine, want some? I have 503 northerner points maybe I might get the Ettan hat! I'm sorry to interupt but You guys say it looks like pipe tobacco but in reality it looks like a can of long cut chew. But you don't want to dumb down the superior name of the superior blend by associating it with chew so you use some other fancy term like the high all and mighty 'pipe' tobacco, that way sophisticated chefs of tobacco will appreciate it.
*Throws hands in the air and hands the microphone back to original poster.*
LOL wrong thread. But I do look forward to reading some reviews of the kardus. My broke ass will imagine what it's like to appreciate it's finer nuances while I slobber on some odens.