Purified portions

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  • simon
    • Jul 2009
    • 127

    Purified portions

    Just reading on northerner and found Oomph it says it is only one that is purified, and has lower TSNA's than nicotine gum!!! Anybody tried it?
  • daruckis
    • Jul 2009
    • 2277

    yeah. thought i liked it at first, and i did enjoy the entire can, but wont reorder it. meh. its worth trying at least.


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      I had the original, and the licorice lemon. The original was bone dry, and tasted like an old woman's house. The licorice lemon tasted good for about 10 seconds before the off flavors started appearing. The portions are tiny, and crunchy before they get moistened.

      I wouldn't recommend these for any reason. The biggest benefit would be to keep them in the car or something as an emergency backup, but you'd be better off buying Camel, dip, or cigarettes. Life's too short to put something like that in your mouth.


      • Jason
        • Jan 2008
        • 1370

        They are pretty useless. The portions are so thin it's almost like putting paper under your lip. I've never really felt anything while using them, either.


        • snusjus
          • Jun 2008
          • 2674

          Originally posted by lxskllr
          I had the original, and the licorice lemon. The original was bone dry, and tasted like an old woman's v****a.
          Life's too short to put something like that in your mouth.
          Oh me, oh my... ops:

          In all seriousness, I've never tried Oomph/Wise before. I don't see the point in a snus that has a moisture content that low.


          • Maron
            • Sep 2009
            • 49


            whats an old ladies vagina taste like ? ...... depends


            • chadizzy1
              • May 2009
              • 7432

              my review from a few months back:

              Oomph Citrus & Menthol - (6mg portion) 8 May 09.

              I was unpleasantly suprised today with a new snus. I saw a package today that said "Northerner", and for the life of me I couldn't remember what I ordered form them that SnusCentral.com didn't have. Well here it is. Oomph (formerly Wise) Citrus & Menthol. The FIRST snus I got that I didn't like. The can was dirty when I got it, like dust from shelf life or just a dirty environment, I wasn't very pleased. When I opened up the can, the inside was dirty as well, but I didn't see any burst snus pouches. So I don't know how that happened. I thought, "Well, ok, I'm sure this snus will be worth it." The container boasts whitening, breath freashening, citrus and menthol. I thought this would be a GREAT snus. It's not. The pouches were dry, I'll be honest, it looks worse than Camel Frost. The snus looks like gunpowder - completely dry. When I put it in, no flavor, no aftertaste, no buzz, nothing. It's like inhaling through a straw and pretending it's a cigarette. I got nothing out of this snus. So I can't add on this is a good transitional snus, or a great first snus, all I can say is, it's snus. That's about it. No smell, no buzz, no taste. Didn't do it for me, at all.


              • Anthony
                • Jul 2009
                • 249

                It's been 2 or 3 years since I had this stuff. The thing that stands out is that it emitted a strange dust that got all over the place.


                • daruckis
                  • Jul 2009
                  • 2277

                  i dunno man, maybe because i wasnt an ex smoker, but when i first tried oomph, i got a hell of a wicked nic buzz, seriously. like much harder hitting than any snus id had up until that point. however, the next day i had another, not the same story, still a bit of a buzz, but my system had already shrugged off its effects. by day 3 i wasnt feeling much of anything anymore.


                  • sagedil
                    • Nov 2007
                    • 7077

                    You are right daruckis, it hits harder really, than just about any other snus I tried.

                    I found one use for these. What I snus when I work out (and yes, I do snus when I work out)

                    For whatever reason, I find the taste works in that situation much more than traditional snus.

                    Have had back problems that finally seem to be getting better for 6 months that has kept me out of the gym. When I for my motorcycle back, I will start up again and will order this just for that purpose. Bonus, the container is so skinny, way more comfortable in my gym shorts.


                    • paulwall9
                      • Nov 2008
                      • 743

                      Well at least they have so kind of use!


                      • RobsanX
                        • Aug 2008
                        • 2030

                        My wife uses all four of the 6mg exclusively. It's the only kind of snus she likes...


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