General Extra Sterk - Will it raise my nic tolerance?

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  • jadedcynic
    • Sep 2008
    • 69

    General Extra Sterk - Will it raise my nic tolerance?

    I just tried a General ES portion for the first time today. I was very impressed. I haven't had a nic hit like that since I first started snus. Man, it was great!

    I'm thinking about saving it for special occasions, or at least having no more than one a day. I'm afraid if I start using them regularly I won't be able to enjoy a regular portion anymore. I can still use minis and get a pleasant feeling from them every once in a while, but they definitely couldn't be my go-tos. I guess I'm just hoping that I don't soon feel that way towards regular portions. I know most of you enjoy sterk and extra sterk portions from time to time, so I was wondering if they affected your attitude towards regular sized portions. Have any of you gotten to that point where regulars just don't do it for you anymore?
  • paulwall9
    • Nov 2008
    • 743

    I use almost 100% extra sterks! This is my theory I guess yeah it could raise your nic tolerance depending on how many regular portions you already use during the day! I only use 4-6 portions a day because i use extra sterks! Some people that use regualrs use double or maybe even triple that! It all depends man! I would say this if you are using it for the "BUZZ" than only occasionally and not even once a day! As the "BUZZ" wears off fairly quickly!

    Anyways, i like sterks I keep them in for a while like 2 hrs and than dont need another snus for 3-4 hrs!


    • jadedcynic
      • Sep 2008
      • 69

      Originally posted by paulwall9
      I use almost 100% extra sterks! This is my theory I guess yeah it could raise your nic tolerance depending on how many regular portions you already use during the day! I only use 4-6 portions a day because i use extra sterks! Some people that use regualrs use double or maybe even triple that! It all depends man! I would say this if you are using it for the "BUZZ" than only occasionally and not even once a day! As the "BUZZ" wears off fairly quickly!

      Anyways, i like sterks I keep them in for a while like 2 hrs and than dont need another snus for 3-4 hrs!
      I use 4-6 regular portions a day. Before I used snus I was a dipper, so my tolerance has been raised quite a bit from that. I don't consider myself a "BUZZ" addict per se, because I understand that if you chase the nicotine high, you'll eventually get to a place where you won't be satisfied. Plus, unlike dip, snus has so much more to offer than just the nic hit. There's the taste, the variety, the different combinations with drinks, etc. But of course, every once in a while it is good to feel that buzz again. So maybe I'll take your advice and use sterks even less than one a day so when I do feel that need, I'll have something dependable to go to.

      And I know what you mean about not needing another one for hours after. Those things will tide you over. Thanks for the quick reply paulwall!


      • paulwall9
        • Nov 2008
        • 743

        Sounds like a great plan man! Yeah chasing the nic high only results in super ****ing high tolerances! I didnt mean to be an ass by quotating and capitilizing BUZZ i just did it so you would pay attention to that part!


        • justintempler
          • Nov 2008
          • 3090

          It all depends on how you use them. When I use ekstra sterk portions I tend to use them for a longer period of time so my overall nicotine usage levels are still the same. A General portion lasts me about an hour and a half vs 3 hours for a General Ekstra Sterk portion.


          • paulwall9
            • Nov 2008
            • 743

            That's exactly what i was trying to say Justin just I got distracted or something it's late I guess but you would know we are in the same time zone!


            • TheOneandOnly
              • Jun 2009
              • 616

              I use Thunder all day, every day... God help me if Nicotine was ever banned. :twisted:


              • chadizzy1
                • May 2009
                • 7432

                Originally posted by justintempler
                It all depends on how you use them. When I use ekstra sterk portions I tend to use them for a longer period of time so my overall nicotine usage levels are still the same. A General portion lasts me about an hour and a half vs 3 hours for a General Ekstra Sterk portion.
                excellent point. same with me. i can keep a thunder portion in for 2-3 hours, whereas original portions/regular portions would last me about half of that.


                • tom502
                  • Feb 2009
                  • 8985

                  I was a little scared to try sterk/stark at first, because I don't like the punch in the face hit one can get with dip. But I think it was General Sterk I tried 1st, and it didn't do that at all, which I am glad, but I also really liked the taste of it. I then used Claq Qui and again, it had a great taste. Then did some Skruf Stark, and while not as good as the previous two(to me), it was good too. I think Onyx is a higher nic also, and I like that alot too. So, I wonder if it's the higher nic that makes them taste good/better?


                  • Veganpunk
                    • Jun 2009
                    • 5381

                    I was scared too. I only use them late at night while drinking, or if I'm gonna be stuck in a meeting all day. My nic. tolerance hasn't risen because of it though.


                    • sagedil
                      • Nov 2007
                      • 7077

                      jadedcynic, I used strongs exclusively between 1 month and 6 months of using snus. Just needed as I was coming off cigarettes. I then dialed that back down to 1 or 2 sterks a day with no issues, just what my body suddenly needed. 1 year and a half later, for whatever reasons, started using many, many more sterks a day, did so for 2 -3 months. Then again, over the past few months, brought it back down to 3 -4 sterks a day.

                      Snus is a bit funny that way. Don't stress it. Use the sterk when your body is saying that is what it wants. If you are doing it a lot, then that is just what your body is craving.

                      But I have definitely found it isn't some kind of one way street, always needing more kinda thing. As my life calms, I easily slip back into more regulars.


                      • Roo
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 3446

                        The short answer, from my personal experience, is yes it will. I relapsed on cigs a year ago and when I came back to snus, I needed strong portions more than ever and suddenly there were so many more options: claq qui, thunder, general es, etc. Then I found Odens and I was blessed/doomed. Now I just want and odens or a skruf all the time, and yes, regulars rarely saitisfy. Like other comments here though, I don't chain snus. I use it for about 30 minutes at a time, with solid breaks in between. I still go through a lot though. Maybe 10 a day.


                        • Veganpunk
                          • Jun 2009
                          • 5381

                          Off topic, but jadedcynic I love your avatar. C&H is the best comic strip ever. Get Fuzzy is a close second.


                          • jadedcynic
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 69

                            Originally posted by tom502
                            I was a little scared to try sterk/stark at first, because I don't like the punch in the face hit one can get with dip. But I think it was General Sterk I tried 1st, and it didn't do that at all, which I am glad, but I also really liked the taste of it. I then used Claq Qui and again, it had a great taste. Then did some Skruf Stark, and while not as good as the previous two(to me), it was good too. I think Onyx is a higher nic also, and I like that alot too. So, I wonder if it's the higher nic that makes them taste good/better?
                            Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I understand the high nicotine (or the type of tobacco they use for high nicotine portions) gives off a bitter taste. Because of this, they add a lot more flavoring to offset it. I do love the extra flavor!


                            • jadedcynic
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 69

                              Originally posted by Veganpunk
                              Off topic, but jadedcynic I love your avatar. C&H is the best comic strip ever. Get Fuzzy is a close second.
                              Haha, thanks. I spent a lot of time as a child reading the C&H books.

                              Originally posted by sagedil
                              jadedcynic, I used strongs exclusively between 1 month and 6 months of using snus. Just needed as I was coming off cigarettes. I then dialed that back down to 1 or 2 sterks a day with no issues, just what my body suddenly needed. 1 year and a half later, for whatever reasons, started using many, many more sterks a day, did so for 2 -3 months. Then again, over the past few months, brought it back down to 3 -4 sterks a day.

                              Snus is a bit funny that way. Don't stress it. Use the sterk when your body is saying that is what it wants. If you are doing it a lot, then that is just what your body is craving.

                              But I have definitely found it isn't some kind of one way street, always needing more kinda thing. As my life calms, I easily slip back into more regulars.
                              Hmm, that makes a lot of sense sage. Listen to the body. I've always kind of thought that nicotine addiction was a one way street, but I guess everyone reacts to it a bit differently.

                              Thanks for all the replies everyone! I appreciate it.


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