Recommend me my next loose to try!

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  • alex
    • Jul 2007
    • 226

    Recommend me my next loose to try!

    What are you digging right now... I only want to order 2 tins since I am stocked up on portions right now and only use loose at night. I have only tried loose Nick and Johnny as of right now (in fact i'm loving a huge pris right now!).

    in consideration :

    Diplomat Loose (I like the portions)
    Ettan loose (I am anxious to try this one, seems to be the pure tobacco taste choice)
    General loose
    Göteborgs Rapé loose (I wasn't fond of the white portions, but I only had them right when I got into snus, and it gets good votes around here ;p)
    Probe loose
    Röda Lacket loose (I like the portions)
    Skruf Stark (also gets good ranks here)
    Probe loose (very curious about whisky snus!)
  • jqlynch
    • Sep 2007
    • 132

    Re: Recommend me my next loose to try!

    I'm a big fan of the Göteborgs Rapé (which my wife has so kindly rechristened "Goat Rape"). i'm such an enthusiast of this particular snus that I'm now out of it.

    Skruf Stark is pretty good. To my tastebuds, it's a straightforward tobacco flavor, with the extra nicotine kick as advertised.

    Ettan is okay, and maybe I haven't given it as much of a chance as I should given my fairly novice status with loose, but I had had problems with getting much of a taste of anything out of a pris of it. Again, though, it's highly recommended by everyone else, so maybe I'm missing something. Same with General. I think I need to give these another whirl.

    I'm really fond of SM's Grov Snus, which I tried after reading some of Zero's posts. I think I prefer the coarsely ground snuses. I was okay with Kronan to begin with for the same reason... but the last pris I had was a bit too coarse. I felt like I'd been chewing on a twig, sort of. But this may be a "you get what you pay for" deal.

    I really like Probe after a large meal (or any substantial meal, actually, since I don't eat quite as much these days).

    RL gets short shrift, it seems, as a "kid's" snus. I kind of like it, though, and plan on keeping a can or two around. The loose RL is, as has been commented on in other threads, very pliable and easy to bake. I think you only have to look at a pinch of RL before it snaps to attention and forms itself into a pris.


    • Zero
      • May 2006
      • 1522

      Andyjeh here summed up Röda the best, noting that you could bake an aeroplane out of the stuff :lol: Prima Fint is another one I can think of which has a similar consistency.


      • Soft Morning, City!
        • Sep 2007
        • 772


        As jglynch said, definitely give the Göteborgs Rapé a try. I've just gotten into loose and it's wonderful stuff. The Prima Fint is great as well.

        Ettan is also great. I adore the portions and the loose didn't let me down in the least. The taste is more subtle than the portions, but after a few pris the flavor really starts to come through.

        The loose Grov is great too. Lots of flavor. The portions pale in comparison. I'll definitely be buying some more of this with my next order.

        As everyone already said, RL is supremely easy to bake. I quite like the taste, as I'm also a fan of the portions. I like the loose a lot better though. The flavor is rich but not overbearing.

        General portions are fine but i don't like them that much (I like the Silver but the flavor of the regular portions is too strong for my tastes). However, the loose really surprised me. I have a pris in right now and I like it quite a bit. The lemon/peppery taste is more evenly balanced with the tobacco taste in the loose.

        Haven't tried the Kronan or the Probe Whiskey yet, but I've got a can of each in the fridge and I'll likely try them later on tonight.


        • PseudoSwede
          • Sep 2007
          • 71

          I strictly use loose.

          My recommendations would be Goteborgs Rape', RL, Goteborgs Prima Fint, and Ettan.

          These are my 4 favorites. GPF and RL are really fine and easy to bake. Ettan and GR are a bit more coarse but not as coarse as Kronan, Grovsnus, or Probe and are quite flavorful.

          I prefer the finer ground snus'. But, I've tried pretty much all of the "big" names (well, almost) least the brands in the try-out pack.

          But, like they say....all snus, is good snus!!



          • BlackDog
            • Jul 2007
            • 19

            Four I really like are:
            General Loose
            Goteborg Rape'
            Skruf Stark
            Nick & Johnny
            Kronan (okay, that is number five.....cheaper snus, but it holds its own against the more $$ ones).

            Alot of people around here like Ettan, I am not really a big fan of it though. To me, it taste like a cigar (not my cup of tea). But it is probably worth a try since a lot of people here do enjoy it.

            Happy snussing!!


            • The Cook
              • Aug 2007
              • 166

              I would recommend Ettan, Skruf Stark, Gotesborg Rapé and General loose. All three are flavourful and rank first in my tastes.

              ps. Nick & Johnny is a great loose as well.


              • chainsnuser
                Senior Member
                • Jan 2007
                • 1388

                Hi, alex!

                Right now, I'm enjoying a real big pris of Probe, but I'm sure, it's an aquired taste and it doesn't really taste like Whiskey. Many people love it, including me, but some people really hate it.

                Since you only want to order two cans, I'd like to recommend 2 brands, that have a huge potential to fall in love with them and you surely won't get you too disappointed, if this doesn't happen:

                - Ettan (it really is by far the best pure-tobacco-snus, I've ever tried)
                - Röda Lacket (though it tastes different from the portion-variant)



                • Craig de Tering
                  • Nov 2006
                  • 525

                  Re: Recommend me my next loose to try!

                  Originally posted by jqlynch
                  I was okay with Kronan to begin with for the same reason... but the last pris I had was a bit too coarse. I felt like I'd been chewing on a twig, sort of. But this may be a "you get what you pay for" deal.
                  The thing with Kronan is that not only is it somewhat cheaper than others but it has a very subtle taste you won't find anywhere else.
                  If you have ever eaten (or drunk) Passion Fruit** juice, you'll recognize it. And since it's a low-priced snus this is most certainly not an "added" ingredient.

                  ** When I was a kid we had shrubs of these growing around the house. We could smell the plant from a distance. *brings back memories*


                  • Soft Morning, City!
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 772

                    I tried the Kronan early this morning. I wasn't expecting much, considering the low price, but I was very pleasantly surprised. I liked the coarseness and it was surprisingly easy to bake. I really liked the flavor as well. It didn't taste cheap at all.

                    I do have a question though. Why is it so cheap? While I wouldn't buy it all the time, I honestly think that they could get away with charging a lot more for it. The flavor is very unique and refreshing and I'll definitely be buying a few cans here and there, just to have it around if I want it.


                    • Craig de Tering
                      • Nov 2006
                      • 525

                      Originally posted by Soft Morning, City!
                      I do have a question though. Why is it so cheap?
                      I ask myself that same question every time I order Kronan.
                      I think though that it's because they put less humectant in the snus (ingredients E422 and E1520 on the label**). Although Kronan tastes exceptional for a so-called cheap snus it dries out quicker than other Swedish match brands IMO.

                      ** Wikipedia can tell you what they are specifically


                      • Soft Morning, City!
                        • Sep 2007
                        • 772

                        Craig de Tering:

                        Ah, I see. So is it one of those brands I should keep in the refrigerator constantly when not in use?

                        I'm pretty good about putting my snus back in the fridge when I'm at home, though there are days where I just leave the can on my coffee table so I can just reach over and grab it if I want a pris... mostly the days I just stay inside and write and don't want to have to get up and interrupt the word flow... things like that. Or when I'm just vegging and watching bullshit on the tube.

                        So should I always keep my Kronan cold? And if I order a roll (which I will probably do... 17 bucks on Buy Snus is just too good a price) should I freeze it?

                        The Kronan is really growing on me. I just had another pris, to see if I'd like it as much as the first one I had. I like it even more! Definitely something I'd like to stock up on and just have around for when I'm in the mood or out of my other favorites and waiting for a shipment.


                        • Craig de Tering
                          • Nov 2006
                          • 525

                          Should you keep it refrigerated/frozen?
                          Not more so than the other SM brands.
                          For example: if I'd kept 1 can each of Kronan and General, 7 days out of the fridge untouched, the difference to my mouth and taste buds IMO would be 1 day of equivalence. (remember: "how fresh" is 100% subjective, that's why [deity] gave us taste buds and a brain)


                          • Soft Morning, City!
                            • Sep 2007
                            • 772

                            Ah, good good. I wouldn't be keeping it 7 days out of the fridge... maybe seven hours or something, or even a day, but certainly not seven of them.


                            • FetFnask
                              • Oct 2007
                              • 29

                              Originally posted by Soft Morning, City!
                              I do have a question though. Why is it so cheap? While I wouldn't buy it all the time, I honestly think that they could get away with charging a lot more for it. The flavor is very unique and refreshing and I'll definitely be buying a few cans here and there, just to have it around if I want it.
                              Because the prices in Sweden are rising alot due to taxes they put out a cheap snus. The sales of low-priced brands are rising alot and they have to compete with, for example Granit. I like niether but I may have to switch to one of them and only do Ettan at weekends or something... :cry:


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