My buddy from Georgia says that Alabama is "Darwins waiting room". I thought it was pretty funny. But I guess that same thing can be said about ANY SOUTHERN STATE.
FU. North Carolina is NOT like that. Here in Raleigh, we have the highest per capita of PhD's of any metropolitan area in the country.
Shoot far, my old pappy, God rest his soul, always wuz a tellin me that a Yankey wuz like uh hemuhroyd. They'uns ul cum down but they'uns won't go back up fuh nuthin.
The reason why we don't sell some Snus brands to the US is because there are US companies who owns the trademark in the US. We have been contacted by them to remove the possibility of ordering to the states :roll:
I have been away from here for a while, living on my huge surplus and I hate to hear that LS is no longer available. Good thing I still have a roll. Im not a huge fan but I do like it.