Skruf Stark (White) Review. My venture into bergamot begins!

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  • chadizzy1
    • May 2009
    • 7432

    Skruf Stark (White) Review. My venture into bergamot begins!

    Skruf Stark (White Portion) Review. 15 Sep 2009.

    This past week I decided it was time to venture back into the world of Bergamot. In my last article I wrote that I couldn't stand the stuff. But as I have noticed, tastes change, and I figured it was about time to give it a try again. My first snus on my "Adventure into Bergamot" is Skruf Stark (White Portion).

    Usually, I don't make it a point to talk about the can. But Skruf makes one hell of a can. It's sleek, it's sexy, it's cool. Prior to trying Skruf Stark, I would rave about Offroad's portions as being the most comfortable. Now, after trying Skruf Stark, I'm going to say that these portions are just as, if not more comfortable than, my beloved Offroad. The portions feel almost silky against my gums. The snus is very soft, requires virtually no fluffing. The portions that come out of the can are just about perfect.

    Now, as I said above, tastes change. I've noticed this in myself, as I've ventured away from my love of minis, and many other aspects of the snus I started with to the snus I use now. I can honestly say, this snus is pretty good.

    Upon opening the can, I wasn't hit with the strong bergamot smell that I've noticed in most of the products that list bergamot as a key ingredient. Skruf Stark smells rather sweet, it has a quite pleasant aroma. The portion is strong (14mg Nicotine), and my usual Thunder Frosted has 16mg Nicotine, so this still packs quite a hit. I noticed it shortly after putting a portion in my mouth. The taste is very gentle, very mild. The bergamot is light, and is actually an enjoyable citrus taste. This product also contains Rose Oil as one of the key ingredients, which adds a light, flowery, herbal, sweet taste as well.These two flavors balance very well. The light citrus flavor of bergamot and the sweet, flowery taste of the Rose Oil mix quite well in the snus. This portion has virtually no drip, after an hour of having it in I never had it happen. But the flavor and the nicotine still come through in a major way. The taste is very smooth, mild, and perfectly balanced.

    So as I begin venturing into the world of bergamot in the weeks to come, Skruf Stark was a great first stop. A mild flavor, a great nic hit, a cool can, and a pleasant aroma combine to make Skruf Stark a great snus, and one I can see myself ordering again.
  • KarlvB
    • Feb 2008
    • 681

    Great review Chad

    I was wondering what you were going to make of the Skruf given your dislike of bergamot. Glad to see it didn't disappoint.


    • Snusdog
      • Jun 2008
      • 6752

      Nice work bro. The stark los is one of my favorite brands. Quality stuff. Glad to see you liked it. If you are able to abide bergamot, a whole new world of snus will open to you
      When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


      • Veganpunk
        • Jun 2009
        • 5381

        Good review. I haven't tried the sterk yet, but the White's are really good. Very mild flavor though, so I think it was a good choice for a first review.


        • tom502
          • Feb 2009
          • 8985

          I have a Skruf Stark White in right now as I write this. It's my 1st snus of the day, with some coffee. I've been hitting this can a few days now, trying not to do starks constantly, and it's a decent snus, but compared to others, like General Sterk, and even Lucky Strike, I think it's a bit more on the bland side. This can be good, as usually a bland snus is an easy anytime snus. I don't get any citrus with this. But as I have mentioned before, for me anyway, sometimes to really get the flavors of a snus, I need to use it exclusively for a bit. Switching off a lot seems to keep me in a state of initial impressions, and not being able to fully acclimate and taste a particular snus.


          • chadizzy1
            • May 2009
            • 7432

            I really enjoyed it. I've used it a few times today already. It's interesting how tastes change over time. I've actually been finding it quite pleasant, and I can clearly taste the citrus/Bergamot element, and it's not bothering me. So I'm going to continue using this one and move up to something else next time.

            Like Snusdog said, I don't want to miss out on the whole other world of snus.


            • sagedil
              • Nov 2007
              • 7077

              Chad, very reason I have repostd a 1000 times for new folks... Don't like something, keep trying it. Just the way of snus, tastes are always evolving.


              • chadizzy1
                • May 2009
                • 7432

                Originally posted by sagedil
                Chad, very reason I have repostd a 1000 times for new folks... Don't like something, keep trying it. Just the way of snus, tastes are always evolving.
                After using this all day, I'm finding just how good this snus really is. It's weird, because Skruf Cranberry made me shy away from Skruf in general, but this product is alot better.

                It should make it's way into Sage's Retro Replacement list of hopefuls


                • sagedil
                  • Nov 2007
                  • 7077

                  It's a Stark, so has other uses.

                  And just Skruff white is so bland, I hate it. Really tastes nothing like it's stark older brother.

                  Never judge a snus by another snus, even if made by same company, or same name.


                  • chadizzy1
                    • May 2009
                    • 7432

                    Originally posted by sagedil
                    It's a Stark, so has other uses.

                    And just Skruff white is so bland, I hate it. Really tastes nothing like it's stark older brother.

                    Never judge a snus by another snus, even if made by same company, or same name.
                    I've noticed that. I like Phantom Blue los, but not portion. Snus is very interesting. Which is why I'm glad it's cheap, I can't count how many cans I got and was just like F THIS! (Klondike, Oomph Energy Snus, Nordic Ice, etc).


                    • daruckis
                      • Jul 2009
                      • 2277

                      i think camel if my favorite bergamot snus ive had so far. check that out if you havent.


                      • HK11
                        • May 2009
                        • 631

                        The los stark is great. Has a super bergamot flavor and makes a great pris.


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