One, she wouldn't. Is a smoker I am trying to convert with Discreet.
Two - it's different.
She would never ask me to quit anything, not why I would do it. If I am in a relationship, I always want us to be on the same wave length. I wouldn't want to spend my days in a different *space* than she is. MY issue, not hers. I had a 17 year relationship break apart because we ended up in different places (Not related, my ex smoked almost as much as I did). Still, an issue I am maybe more aware of than many. So *if* something comes of it, how I would handle the subject.
Two - it's different.
She would never ask me to quit anything, not why I would do it. If I am in a relationship, I always want us to be on the same wave length. I wouldn't want to spend my days in a different *space* than she is. MY issue, not hers. I had a 17 year relationship break apart because we ended up in different places (Not related, my ex smoked almost as much as I did). Still, an issue I am maybe more aware of than many. So *if* something comes of it, how I would handle the subject.