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  • Monkey
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2009
    • 3290

    In January I decided to quit a 14 year smoking habit with American dip which I had flirted with in the past.

    In late February I found out about snus, got really excited and by March ordered a lot of different snus.

    I enjoyed it and snused exclusively for over a month but found myself overwhelmed with all of the different flavors I had opened and went back to the familliar dip and managed to not go back to cigarettes.

    I gave away my snus to friends whom smoke (one of them converted to snus) and thought I'd just dip for a while and see where I went.

    Recently, I found a can of general los in my freezer and decided to try it again.

    I haven't dipped in over a week and am planning to go much more slowly and keeping the General los as my go to (General whites for certain work situations) and slowly branch out from there.

    I have no intention of going back to dip and am taking it one snus at a time.


    • WeaponX
      • Oct 2009
      • 23

      I started mainly out of curiosity from the Camel ads, I'm really big into cigars but I'm not going to buy the ones I like just to chew on at work, so sgmurder and I tried camel, and to be honest for a first time snus it's not bad... It's a good introduction as far as I'm concerned. So we started searching the internet at work and he found some web-sites and we ordered the trial packs of General. We enjoyed them so here we are now Loose Snus and


      • paradisegamer
        New Member
        • Oct 2009
        • 1

        Well, I just started doing my Snus research about a week ago. My interest was peaked on a night of drinking after a visit to my local tobacco shop. I did some drunken research and after I figured out that my jaw falling off would be highly unlikely, I went down and bought a tin of Camel Frost.

        I'm only 23 (almost 24) and have only been smoking since I was 18. I smoke American Spirits and I typically smoke a pack a day (It's actually a little less than a pack but I rounded up for simplicity's sake).

        But since I started using Camel Snus this week, I actually have been sitting on my same pack for 3 days now. I still smoke a cigarette, especially at work since it's great for breaks. But holy crap! I really didn't think this was going to work. I'm planning on ordering a pack of the Try It General and see how that goes shortly. This Camel stuff really leaves a bad artificial flavor in my mouth after the fact.

        But anyway, so far it's been a really good experience and I'm hoping it eventually leads me to kick the habit. Also want to say thank you to this forum! I was able to get some really great information off it and I was able to learn a ton about the positives and negatives about Snus usage relatively quickly.

        Here's looking toward a (mostly) safer tobacco habit!


        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          Welcome to Snuson Paradise :^)


          • chadizzy1
            • May 2009
            • 7432

            Originally posted by paradisegamer
            Well, I just started doing my Snus research about a week ago. My interest was peaked on a night of drinking after a visit to my local tobacco shop. I did some drunken research and after I figured out that my jaw falling off would be highly unlikely, I went down and bought a tin of Camel Frost.
            Welcome to SnusOn. Many of us came here from the Camel stuff. Now that you're here, read up about the good stuff. Ask questions. Learn what you need. There is a wealth of info here and many great members to help along the way.


            • Karanya
              • Oct 2009
              • 402

              I smoked for about 10 years, my husband for 6 or so. He picked up the smoking from me :shock: In any case, I had zero desire to quit but the expense was starting to get annoying. 8+ cartons a month between the two of us (I smoked about twice as much as he did).

              One day, while working on one of several ongoing contracts, I stumbled onto the e-cig. At first, I thought it was a joke, but then I read some more and thought.. hey, this could be cheaper than smoking, and wow -- flavors! So I ordered a 901 kit that night.

              For about a month, I used the e-cig an enormous amount yet I was still smoking several cigarettes each day. I kept raising the nicotine level in the liquid I used for it.. from 11mg to 18mg to 24mg to 36mg to 48mg...

              But I was still smoking cigarettes a few times a day. I wouldn't have cared, but I started really disliking the taste of the real smokes. And I was chained to the e-cig, breathing through it without stopping for a breath of fresh air for 16 hours a day. I only put it down to pick up a different one when it started to overheat. Yes, even in the shower, and on the toilet and.. yes. Really.

              I heard about snus on the e-cig forum and it piqued my curiosity but I couldn't seem to disconnect it (mentally) from dip. I never dipped but I was around a lot of teenagers who did when I was a little kid. My parents had a video game arcade and pool hall, and it seemed like every day one of the teenaged boys would knock over his spit cup and I'd have to clean it up. So the idea of dip was nauseating to me.

              Out of desperation, especially once my mouth started becoming raw and painful from vaping roughly 4 to 5 ml of 48mg e-liquid each day, I ordered some free snus samples. I tried out a General mini mint first, and it was just like OMFG BURNING AND SALT! I also got extremely nauseous because I couldn't stop thinking about the odor from those spilled spitters I had to clean up when I was a kid.

              I set that sampler aside and continued to vape frantically but I kept having dreams about snus. It was kind of bizarre... meanwhile, I gave the remainder of my General sampler to my brother who had expressed some interest in it.

              I tried the Discreet samples next and kind of liked it, though I found it too sweet. For about three months, I had a Discreet here and there and found that I could put down the e-cig long enough to take a leak.

              Another sampler arrived in the mail... one I had ordered months ago from the Swedish Match website. This time, I went straight for the General white portion and LOVED IT. I pretty much devoured the whole sampler in a day but was vaping much, much less.

              So I made my first order, a total of 10 tins (5 from Getsnus and 5 from Northerner).

              Since that arrived, I stopped smoking entirely because I have no desire for cigarettes. My husband quit as well over a period of a few days using snus. He'd never really gotten into the e-cig, it was way too much hassle and not enough nicotine to make it worthwhile. As for me and the e-cig, well, I can take it or leave it. I go days without bothering, and when I do use it, it's just a couple quick drags here and there... a thoughtful pause rather than frantically sucking on it until I'm red in the face.



              • McGinley
                New Member
                • Oct 2009
                • 5

                I've been snusing for about a year. I first tried it after seeing a Finnish friend of mine put something funny-looking under his gum. I tried one, and, not being accustomed to nicotine, felt my knees go wobbly and got a little dizzy. But I loved the feeling otherwise: alert, calm and mentally energetic. I ordered a few cans and here I am now.

                I also smoke cigarettes occasionally, maybe 3 or 4 in a month. As an athlete I can't afford to muck up my lungs too badly, but the occasional saturday night cigarette is a wonderful thing.

                As with cigarettes, I find a regular, but light snus habit is the best fit for me. I have 1-2 snus in an average day, usually after a big dinner is the best time. But the prolonged nic rush from a stark is absolutely perfect for working on the car or other light labor.

                My regular snuses:
                Los: General, Taboca, R.L., Probe
                Portion: Grov Black, Onyx, Lucky Strike Black, General X.Sterk

                Cigs: Camel Turkish Gold, Bali Shag (White), Reds

                Cigars: CAO MX2, A. Fuente 858, Partagas Rosado

                I've tried dip (Copenhagen) but wasn't a big fan of how juicy it was. I guess I'm lucky to have been introduced to snus on the good Swedish stuff rather than the Camel bull-mess.


                • BillW
                  • Oct 2009
                  • 27

                  I started smoking in 1970. From the beginning it was a menthol cigarette. Kools at first, then Marlboro Menthol with a few short trips into generic brands. I quit several times. Once for 2 years and once for 8. I broke my eight year absence when my oldest son graduated high school. Him and his friends were acting the part of bigshots with cigars and asked me to have one with them. My wife said you don't want to do that. My response was, don't worry I can handle it I never liked cigars. By the following week I was back to a pack a day of Kools. At first it was like visiting an old friend until I started coughing and having a hard time breathing. My wife wanted to kick my ass, deservedly so.

                  I've been trying to quit ever since. Up until a couple of weeks ago I was going through about 15 pieces of nicorette gum along with 3/4 pack of smokes a day. Nicorette wasn't really helping me get off the smokes.

                  I stumbled onto snus about 10 days ago. A young guy at work offered me one (Camel Frost). He uses either them or chew during hunting season. I never heard of snus before but after the first one I was in love. No jonesing for nicotine and no inhaling smoke. I've been going through a tin of Camels about every 36 hours since then. The extreme sweetness got old after a few days.

                  I stumbled onto this place and placed a couple of orders with Getsnus and Buysnus. The first one from Getsnus arrived today. Now I know what everyone here is so pumped about.

                  The first one I tried was Gotlandssnus Anis. Man what a difference. The anis taste was subtle, not the knock your socks off sweetness of the Camels. Currently I've got a Thunder Extreme Frosted in my mouth. Both of these are equisite compared to what I've been using. My second order has some Catch Eucalyptus in it. Hopefully that will give me the taste of menthol I've become so used to.

                  I also received one can each of Oden's and General Extra Stark. One or both of these shouldl get me over the hump of having to smoke in the morning.

                  I'm not sure who started or owns this site but thanks. There is a shitload of good info here which has got me started on the road to doing a lot less harm to myself from them frickin cigarettes.

                  *edited to correct my grammar. Yeah I'm anal. *


                  • MojoQuestor
                    • Sep 2009
                    • 2344

                    Congrats, Bill, and I mean that. My thanks go out to Swedish snus and this forum as well. This is so much better than the stinking butts.

                    If one likes smoking cigarettes, fine; I just really don't anymore.


                    • BillW
                      • Oct 2009
                      • 27

                      Thanks Mojo. It sounds like you quit the butts also. Congrats! I just popped a General Extra Sterk. It's awesome. I love the taste. I also noticed these portions last a whole lot longer than the Camels. I've only used three since noon. Of course I'm kind of rushing a bit so I can try the different tastes. I'll settle down over the next couple of days once I taste each variety I purchased. I think I just found my morning portion, General Extra Sterk


                      • MojoQuestor
                        • Sep 2009
                        • 2344

                        Originally posted by BillW
                        Thanks Mojo. It sounds like you quit the butts also. Congrats! I just popped a General Extra Sterk. It's awesome. I love the taste. I also noticed these portions last a whole lot longer than the Camels. I've only used three since noon. Of course I'm kind of rushing a bit so I can try the different tastes. I'll settle down over the next couple of days once I taste each variety I purchased. I think I just found my morning portion, General Extra Sterk
                        :-) That's one of my favorites, and the first one I had this morning, coincidentally. I also like Grov early in the morning, 'cause it goes so well with coffee. Sometimes I like portions in the morning, sometimes los. There's just so much good snus, I think I really like at least 80% of everything I've tried.

                        I went through a tasting frenzy at first as well. In fact, I'm going to go find something new to try right now.


                        • cstokes4
                          • Nov 2009
                          • 41

                          Hello all.

                          I guess this is a dual purpose thread. I'll go ahead and introduce myself and share my story.

                          My name is Chris, I live in Orlando, FL. I am 26 years old. I have been using snuff for about 3 years as well as dip. I quit smoking about 2 years ago with the help of snuff and dip. About 2 years ago I tried snus. It didn't sit well with me, mostly because I don't care for portions and I was unable to keep a prilla together long enough to enjoy it. With the help of a member of both Snuffhouse and here (bigblue1) I have re-visited snus and I find it quite nice. So far I have been putting away the LD lös and General lös. I also have some on the way from I am trying to get away from dip, as it gives me some terrible heartburn and acid reflux. I still use snuff quite a bit and will continue to do so in tandem with snus.

                          Glad to be here, look forward to joining in on the conversation.


                          • MojoQuestor
                            • Sep 2009
                            • 2344

                            Hi cstokes4, welcome, and congrats on kicking the butts.


                            • tom502
                              • Feb 2009
                              • 8985

                              Welcome Chris, I had to retry snus too after not getting on with it the 1st time.


                              • sagedil
                                • Nov 2007
                                • 7077

                                I suppose I will welcome you too cstokes4, even though you dis my beloved portions. :wink:


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