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  • Snus Button
    New Member
    • Jan 2010
    • 14

    Hello folks I am a new member here and relatively new to snus, so I thought I would share how I came to learn about it...

    I was a smoker since high school, and after about 10 years, my lungs started feeling the effects. I never had asthma before and had good cardiopulmonary health, but I started wheezing more and more. I eventually even needed an albuterol inhaler. My mother and my physician both implored me to quit smoking and I knew there was no other choice. So in 2005 I stopped cold turkey (I will still have one here and there maybe once every few months with a drink).

    After this I tried Cope and eventually settled on Skoal... I only did it in private as I could not be spitting at work, I hid it from my girlfriend, and was never really happy with American dip. I would often get heartburn, and having a spit cup wasn't the most convenient thing.

    When Camel introduced Snus over here I tried it and quite liked it, but it was too sweet... I google'd snus to find out more about it and found I ordered a 'sample pack', and tried many different brands of snus. Most were very nice, and after much sampling, I decided that my favorites were Roda Lacket, Kronan White, Ettan White, and Tre Ankare. General was a bit too salty for my taste, Claq Qui was nice but I felt like someone punched me in the face (so strong)... I did like Goteburg Rape at first, but I think I wanted a more pure taste without the citrus-y hints... I decided I don't care for the flavor-y snus.

    In terms of what I like best, I think it would be Kronan White Portion... the portions are a touch smaller than the rest and it isn't overpowering. I haven't tried los yet but I think the packets work best for me as I can quickly pop them in and dispose of them while at work...

    This forum is a great resource and I am happy to be here!


    • sagedil
      • Nov 2007
      • 7077

      Welcome again Snus Button

      Not sure how long it has been since you finally switched over to Swedish. But first few weeks are really the only time you will taste the salt much. Just takes the body a few weeks to acclimate to the salt, after, you really don't taste it much any more.

      So I would suggest you give general a try again. Still not a favorite of mine, but bet you won't find it too salty any more.

      Just be prepared for your tastes to keep changing all over the map at least your first year. So keep trying everything. But more importantly, don't give up on a snus you don't like at first. Just put it aside, come back to it in a month, still don't like, put it aside again and come back to it in three months. Most everyone here has stories of snus that they hated at first try that eventually became a favorite.

      Along a similar line, don't over use a snus you think you love. You use a snus too much, especially your first year or so, it can turn on you and you will come to strongly dislike it. Happened to me with Nick and Johnny my first year using.


      • Snus Button
        New Member
        • Jan 2010
        • 14

        Originally posted by sagedil
        Welcome again Snus Button

        Not sure how long it has been since you finally switched over to Swedish. But first few weeks are really the only time you will taste the salt much. Just takes the body a few weeks to acclimate to the salt, after, you really don't taste it much any more.

        So I would suggest you give general a try again. Still not a favorite of mine, but bet you won't find it too salty any more.

        Just be prepared for your tastes to keep changing all over the map at least your first year. So keep trying everything. But more importantly, don't give up on a snus you don't like at first. Just put it aside, come back to it in a month, still don't like, put it aside again and come back to it in three months. Most everyone here has stories of snus that they hated at first try that eventually became a favorite.

        Along a similar line, don't over use a snus you think you love. You use a snus too much, especially your first year or so, it can turn on you and you will come to strongly dislike it. Happened to me with Nick and Johnny my first year using.
        Thanks for the tips sagedil! It has been 3-4 months since i started using swedish snus, and I will take your advice and order another sampler. Some of the snus was just too strong and left me fiending for nic all day. I prefer the milder ones and really like Kronan and Ettan... any other tips? I will certainly try General again. I am still looking for a convenient way to get a variety pack. I dont mind ordering from swedishmatch but I have to pay $30 for parcel service and it does take almost a week... and I am out! I had to buy a can of Camel Snus and it tastes like crap. :-) Any idea of an internet store that will ship quickly?



        • sagedil
          • Nov 2007
          • 7077

          Clubsnus has been fastest for me, but still working on adding to what they carry, they are very new

          Getsnus almost as fast, butalso doesn't carry everything. they are owned by Swedish Match and mostly just carry their products plus some by V2

          Buysnus these days is the fastest from Sweden, carry everything. LAst order just took 4 days, but that was WAY faster than anything I have ever ordered before. Typical times between 7 -8 days

          And Northerner. Has been my main supplier for a while, but they can be slow. Buysnus uses Swedish post, Northerner uses Swiss post which just sucks in comparison. Northerner orders take between 10 -14 days to get to me.

          You should never have to pay that much for shipping. Don't ever use UPS, can cause customs issues, extra charges, and just not worth it. All of the vendors listed charge based upon how much you order. And Buysnus makes it even easier by showing you how much weight you can add to an order without incurring an extra charge.

          My most important advice from above is don't give up on a snus just because you think you don't like it. Your tastes will keep changing so much, just be prepared to keep an open mind and keep retrying stuff your first year or two


          • Tzale
            New Member
            • Jan 2010
            • 3

            Hey guys!

            I started with snus in early August 2009 in Stockholm, Sweden when I first arrived for my exchange studies... I was in the city by myself and met some Swedes who invited me to try this foreign product.. I was immediately hooked (not just the nicotine ha ha!).. If I recall, it was the Goteborgs Rape vit portion... The subtle juniper berry taste was an instant winner. From then on, I knew I'd be doing this for the remainder of my time in Sweden (through early January 2010). I also tried many other types of snus (most of the Swedish brands listed on this site).. I always came back to Goteborgs Rape... Great product!

            Before I came back to the states, I purchased 20 packs to bring back with myself... Since this is a finite supply, I was quite worried that I wouldn't be able to acquire a good supply here. Luckily, there are several shops who sell authentic snus in the New York City area. Also, I was quite amazed to see Camel test marketing their own version of snus in my area... So I've been using that lately to supplant my finite Swedish supply.

            There is nothing like the feeling of that first snus of the day... Great feeling. And I highly recommend every snus enthusiast visit the motherland, Sweden... A beautiful country... And for me, using snus brings me back (mentally) to the beautiful city of Stockholm, Sweden in August (it is not so nice in January lol) when I was first acquainted with lady snus!!

            Hej da!



            • sagedil
              • Nov 2007
              • 7077

              Welcome to Snuson Tzale

              But let me be the first to let you in on a little secret....


              ......... You can order any snus you want right form the comfort of your computer. :lol: :lol: :lol:

     .. The newest of the batch, the owner posts here and everyone is hella pleased with him. But just starting, stock grows weekly. Located in San Francisco. But VERY fast, 2 -3 days to get

     .. Maybe a year and a half now. Also located in the US. 2 -3 days shipping. Owned by Swedish Match, mostly refuse to sell anything but Swedish Match and some V2, so not everything.

     -- one of the two biggies in Sweden, takes 7 -9 days usually for me to get package, been using for 3 years, always been perfect. Carry everything

     - also big boy in Sweden, like 10+ years old, a bit slower for shipments from Sweden, but recently opened warehouse in US, and 80%+ now gets shipped from there, so usally 3 -4 days for US warehouse orders. Also carries everything, has gotten 70% of my business over 3 years,


              • fdknuckles
                • Jan 2010
                • 169

                Like most others, a full time smoker for 18 years. I tried the Camel snus firs due to a free coupon and it was like candy. Then due to research found Northerner, placed an order and this is good. But I ran out and smoked once more, until Christmas morning.
                About 5:30am I was awake in bed waiting for my 2 beautiful young boys to wake up. I had a smokers cough and was weezing more than usual. I thought she was asleep but my wife rolled over and said, I quote: "You're not getting Bronchitis are you?"

                As a paramedic, I'd seen hundreds, if not thousands of patients struggling to breathe from COPD, with home oxygen units and nasal canulas, and I pictured my boys. I want so much to see them grown up, with kids of their own on Christmas morning. I need to. I'm not affraid of death, heck as another man said "I won't be there when it happens". But I am affraid that I won't get to see my 2 and 5 year old become men, with wives and children of their own. I am addicted to nicotine, and I'd love to be strong enough to quit cold turkey, as I have so many times in the past. But i knew better.

                And so after the presents were opened, I got myself a gift. A large order of snus. Here's to a future where I see my little men grow up, and get to run with my grandkids.


                • Snusify
                  • Aug 2009
                  • 622

                  I smoked for many years with many unsuccessful attempts to quit, sometimes quit for years, months day etc but always went back to it.

                  In the end I was chain smoking. I researched alternatives to cigarettes and started smoking a pipe. This appeared to be the answer you could puff on the pipe for hours at a time and it saved your lungs.

                  But this was not practical as most placed of work only give you 5 min smoke breaks not 2 hour smoke breaks the amount of time to smoke a bowl full of good baccer.

                  So researched a bit more on smoking alternatives and stumbled across Frank's video on you tube on how to quit smoking with snus.

                  So went to the northerner and ordered the 8 can Lös starter pack and the 8 can portion starter pack. The rest is history.

                  Now I hardly ever smoke a pipe and no cigarettes.
                  Snus and Dip Video Reviews


                  • Tobakssmak
                    • Jan 2010
                    • 263

                    I kind of took the scenic route to the snus.

                    I was a 2+ pack a day smoker for many years. I was spending $300/month on cigs until a co-worker turned me on to making (stuffing) my own ciggarettes for a small fraction of the price of pre-mades. I was thrilled to go from paying 4-5 bucks a pack down to less than 1 dollar per pack. I really got into it, and for a short while I was a regular reader of the forum at

                    Then one day I happened to wander into the "other tobacco products" forum there out of curiosity. I was reading about these guys who were "unintentionally" quitting smoking by using snus. I couldn't believe it, I tried "intentionally" to quit many times but failed. I had to try this stuff.

                    One of the posts on that forum had a link to some free samples at Getsnus, so I took a shot and ordered the samples along with one of their variety packs.

                    The first portion I put in, I liked the flavor, but when I looked up at the clock, it was almost 2 hours later and the thought of having a smoke never even crossed my mind. I was truly amazed, the only time I ever went 2 hours without a cig was while I slept, and this was literally effortless.

                    I still smoke a few cigs a day, the stubborn ones like the wake-up smoke, and the after-meals smoke, etc. I know I'll be able to give them up completely soon, and I've gone from 40+ down to a handful.

                    So, I'm really thankful for discovering snus, and as a bonus there's a lot to like about it beyond the smoking cessation.



                    • LemmyKK
                      New Member
                      • Nov 2008
                      • 12

                      Hi guys! I used to smoke A LOT (sometimes 3 packs of marlboro reds per day) and i was really out of shape. I discovered snus about 5 years ago and fell in love with it instantly. It helped me get back in shape and compete again! So cheers guys, have a good one!


                      • The Great Dane
                        • Apr 2010
                        • 145

                        well...first time i was 16 on a hunting trip to sweden, with young hunters frome all the nordic yeah we were hunting/fishing - drinking homebrew 80 % spirits and one evning sitting around the fire, a Finn asked if I wanted something els than the cigs and passed me his can of Ettan org. said well ok...he made a pris, and I tried it and spat it out in a not too discret way! lol then some 7 years went and I was living in a kollegium (not sure how to spell it) and the guy next door was a norwigian - we both liked hunting/drinking and womans so we hanged out a lot....and to get to the point, he used snus....General los and he showed me how to use it and little by little i got hooked and the smokes went out and well yeah today I only use snus and loving it.....BIG TIME!

                        today nothing can beat this: sitting by the fire, brewing coffe, taking out the can - dashing it so the snus is los, pinching a god amount between the thum and the (longe finger or what its called) and just put it up in the front....let the tounge and lip do the pressing and then....lean back and enjoy life with the smell of coffe and pinewood burning........I think some one called it: LIFE!!! :wink:


                        • cj
                          • Jul 2009
                          • 1563

                          i got started with the camel snus then went on like found swedish snus and its been love ever sense it stoped the smoking love it


                          • c.nash
                            Banned Users
                            • May 2010
                            • 3511

                            Got a couple sample packs of Camel Snus (frost and mellow) at a NASCAR race and then found the swedish snus and been addicted since haha.


                            • bill77.017
                              • Jul 2010
                              • 2279

                              I was sick of smoking, tried everything to quit, nothing worked. Saw an article on the web about Snus, did my research then ordered
                              one of the try out boxes from, loved it, and have been happily snusing ever since!!


                              • Langdell
                                • Jun 2010
                                • 255

                                I'm a longtime pipe smoker. I have not and don't intend to quit smoking a pipe, but a few years ago I decided I should cut down because I had gotten to where I was smoking quite a lot. I discovered Camel snus, and I will confess I actually liked the "Original" and Spice flavors Camel had when it first came out. I have a sweet tooth, which partly explains it. I found it a fairly satisfying smoking substitute, which reduced my smoking and let me enjoy tobacco in non-smoking situations.

                                Shortly after I discovered Camel, I researched and learned about real Swedish snus. I ordered some samplers and was all excited to try real Swedish snus, but the flavor was a shock to me after the sweetness of the Camel. At first I thought I didn't like it. I tried the different varieties over a couple of weeks, and then just kind of gave up on it and stuck it in the freezer and stayed with the Camel Original and Spice (occasionally a Frost when I felt like I could use a breath mint). Sometime later, I revisited the Swedish stash I had in the freezer and was surprised to find that I really did like it. In particular, I was liking the straight flavors like General, Grov, Ettan, and Tre Ankare. I worked through much of that stash over several months, but also still consumed a lot of Camel as it was readily available in my town. I also experimented with Stonewall, which I still sometimes enjoy as a change of pace. When Camel discontinued Original and Spice and replaced them with Mellow and my local tobacconist started selling General, the rest was history. I now snus mostly locally bought General and occasionally place orders for other types of snus. And I now savor the Swedish snus I like and can't imagine reverting to Camel (unless they ever come up with a flavor that's close to Swedish).

                                Since I "graduated" exclusively to Swedish snus, and especially the last few months, I realized I was getting more and more enjoyment out of snus as an end in itself rather than just a smoking substitute. So I'm snusing more and smoking even less. I started using loose for the first time about a month ago and like it (still use way more portions, but I'm getting to where I normally do a couple of prises of loose a day). And I have been doing more ordering of non-General snus and trying more new brands. Oh, and I just bought a mini fridge for my study so I don't have to walk all the way to the kitchen for fresh snus.

