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  • Kstolen23
    • Feb 2011
    • 281

    Originally posted by The Great Dane View Post
    . . . pinching a god amount between the thum and the (longe finger or what its called) and just put it up in the front. . .
    I believe that is your index finger,

    My first snus was an odd experience.

    I was in Norway visiting my family and while in Bergen my cousin told me about this thing called snus (I think Snoose). She had never had it before and wanted me to buy her a pack. I'm ashamed to admit this, but my cousin was 15 and out of spite I bought a pack for her so she would stop nagging me about drinking (It made sense at the time). So I bought her, her first pack of snus (General Portion if memory serves me right, I know it was General) and she tried one and I tried one and we both hated it, and liked it at the same time, very strange feeling. Later that day I went back to Kiwi and bought myself a pack, Pretty sure it was 01. Fortunately she was not that into it and didn't ask me to buy another for her so the guilt aint that bad. Besides, she looked so silly with that portion inside her lip like, it was bigger than her lip so it stuck out heaps and she had to keep spitting. Since then (July, 2010) I have been a regular snuser and order my packs from The Northerner.

    What makes it odd is (Well, to me it is) that my cousin indroduced it to me, but I bought her, her frst pack. Yeah. . .

    And I'm one of the few people here that didn't previously smoke but if it makes any difference I've never really been into smoking. I've never understood the point.


    • Lord Spencer
      • Feb 2011
      • 38

      Mine is a sad story of of being beaten down by anti-tobacco rules and the cost of what I thought, at the time, was "the good stuff and the only pure form of tobacco." In those days, I thought tobacco existed in but a FEW forms...Cigs (I never had one, even at a young age I knew of their chemical makeup and I knew how they wernt pure tobacco.), Cigars (fine ones), dip/chew, and pipes. Thats all I knew. Loved Cigars, but they were too expensive for my just out of highschool payroll. After a while, I disliked how you could only smoke at certain places. I couldnt even use tobacco inside my OWN home, let alone work. I quit using tobacco for a while, and...I just lived my regular boring life. But then Camel came out with this "new" product nammed snus. Of course, I knew Camel...they ad ALOT of bad things to their products. But, snus did interest me. So I researched it, and I found a video on youtube from the Northerner with that guy with long hair. I said ok, I'll try it. Spitless? Smokeless? Thats what I needed. I searched and searched for snus, until FINALLY 50 miles from home I found a shop that sold General snus. From that day on....I have been in love.


      • captncaveman
        • Jul 2008
        • 924

        It was a cold winters night in Northern Canada. I was braving a blizzard trying to make my way to camp for the night. Battling road conditions and trying to stay awake I reached for my cigs and lighter. The heater was on the fritz in my truck, my lighter was way too cold to light..... Nah I wanted to quit smoking so i was dipping. My eastern European grandfather called dip snus. So inquisitive about health concerns i googled dip or shall i say "snus" a whole new world of delicious tobacco we presented to me. I made an order. From there son it has history.


        • precious007
          Banned Users
          • Sep 2010
          • 5885

          My story is plain and simple.... not much of a "fabulous story" but here it goes....

          I've been smoking since I was 11 .... I was in J4 (junior 4) and smoked like 3 - 4 cigarettes a day back then, I guess I managed to get hooked because both of my parents were smokers... a 2 pack a day each... imagine that is almost 80 cigarettes worth of smoke in a 60 square meters apartment ... there's no possible way to not inhale tons of that smoke even if they only smoked in the kitchen and on the balcony.... anyways... I'm 26 now... so that is 15 years of smoking one pack a day..... and dozens of quit attempts ..... I think I've quit at least 20 times before... now I'm staying quit for a good while thanks to snus .......

          I knew a lot about snus since I lived in Norway for 6 years when I was a kid and a lot of students in our school were snusing...... I've tried it once when I was 15 but it burned my lip like hell and threw the can to the trash. One day ... I think it's exactly one year...... I was already using snuff (but due to my sinusitis I can't have snuff regularly) I stumbled across Northerner and didn't stay a chance and made my first order ..........

          Mostly Sterks and Regular portions (Ettan, Skruf and General) ..... I have been taking snus ever since...

          Snus hasn't helped me quit smoking right of the bat.... however it helped me lower the amounts of cigarettes drastically and finally quit...... the nicotine kick is just great and everyone that has been using snus to quit smoking can tell you ..... You don't feel the need to smoke..... anymore... not even one......

          Later on I've started dipping too...I'll make dipping a pleasurable weekend activity though ..... dipping is almost impossible in public... and not to mention it's much worse for the gums :^)


          • jdman321
            Banned Users
            • Mar 2011
            • 616

            I discovered Camel snus at a local 7-11 and picked it up because I was curious as to what exactly it was and how it felt. That alone allowed me to quit smoking completely, I had slight urges to smoke for the first week of using Camel's snus but I think that was partly the habit of actually going outside every hour and the social aspect of it. I got over that though.

            After a couple weeks of being happy with Camel snus I googled snus forum and was led to this site. I discovered a whole new world of snus, more specifically, Swedish snus. I had no idea how crappy Camel snus was until I received a few tins of General, Grovsnus, and various others. On week 3 now of Swedish snus. I have no desire to smoke ever again, and I love everything about snus. I can use it at work, not have to worry about when/where to take a smoke break, it's discreet, it's enjoyable, great flavors, the list goes on and on.


            • Mikko
              • Nov 2011
              • 103

              Let me paint you a picture

              So at the young, vulnerable and stupid age of 16 my friend who was visiting me in Hong Kong from China decided to offer me a cigarette after we had lunch. Having smoked Cohiba cigars occasionally over the previous 6 months (When I say occasionally I mean I probably had maybe 4 cigars in said 6 month time period, just for special celebrations and such) I decided to accept the Marlboro Menthol Light my friend took out of his pack and lit it up and started smoking. Heres where my story will differ greatly from every other ex-smokers story. Unknown to me, I was smoking the cigarette incorrectly, or so my friend had told me. I wasn't inhaling, he tried to teach me to inhale but I never could do it properly so he just let me smoke it as if it was a cigar, without inhaling. That was in August of 2010, so up until about December 2010 I was 'smoking' about 5 cigarettes each weekend when I was out with friends (since you don't get addicted when you don't inhale, I put smoking in quotation marks, I was just smoking for fun and because I liked the taste, and since it was exponentially cheaper than Cohibas I was able to smoke them more often). Now even though I was 16 I wasn't a complete idiot, I knew of all the health risks of smoking but I just thought not inhaling would eliminate most of them except the mouth cancer risk. Even though at my frequency of smoking there was an extremely low chance of any cancer at all I still wanted to widen the amount of time between each cigarette so it would be an occasional thing like cigars were (and still are), plus I was tired of smelling like cigarettes every weekend. So instead of breaking a physical addiction to nicotine I had to break a psychological addiction, I was so used to going out with my friends and smoking during weekends I needed something else to replace that. Something that still had a nice taste and was enjoyable but something a lot safer and something that didn't leave a trace on you. So one day in December 2010 I started researching different types of tobacco after an American friend of mine was ranting about his favourite dip called "Kayak Grape", it was unusual to find someone who used smokeless tobacco in Hong Kong, the majority of tobacco users here are smokers. Now I have heard of dip, I knew it was also a risk factor for oral cancer (though not a high one, something like 4/100,000 compared to 2/100,000 for never users, so only a doubled, yet still miniscule risk) but cancer aside, I didn't like the fact that it contained so much sugar and other additives which were harmful to the mouth in terms of getting cavities, 'dip lip' as my friend has told me about and gum recession. I also didn't like the inconvenience of needing to spit. So dip didn't seem like the right path for me, I continued to research. I then found Swedish Snus, I was amazed at how sophisticated it looked compared to most tobacco products and when reading the studies done on it I was pleased to find that the only health risk it really posed was addiction. That sounded pretty good to me! On the 8th of December 2010 I ordered my first 3 tins of snus online (Camel White Portion, Lucky Strike White Portion and Skruf Stark Portion) and the rest is history! Now I snus about 5 portions/pris a week and sometimes will have periods of time where I don't snus for months (Didn't snus from April 2011 to September 2011, just didn't feel like it in the hot weather) so no need to say "You should stop before you get addicted, if your not addicted to nicotine there is no reason to start". My uncle smoked a pack a day for 40 years and he woke up one day and decided to quit and never smoked a cigarette since. My father was the same except he only smoked a pack a day for 20 years and quit on the spot as well. Nicotine addiction resistant family I guess. Anyways now I only smoke cigarettes or cigars once every few months if it is a special occasion, of course without inhaling just like I used to. Snus really is an amazing product and I applaud Sweden for inventing it, thanks for reading and I look forward to being more active on this forum and to a long life of happy snusing


              • BlueSaint
                • May 2011
                • 195

                Began with a can of Ettan, didn't use tobacco at all before that. After I bought it the weather got very bad with rain and all that shit while walking home, I thought it was a bad sign or something.


                • NorwegianInSpain
                  • Feb 2013
                  • 29

                  Classic story (for a Scandinavian, anyway) I was the good girl, 17 years old I think, who never had tried smoking. Some of my friends introduced me to the girly, pink can of Mocca Snus. My parents wouldn't notice so I gave it a try and quite liked it. Used it for a good half a year I think, before I moved on to General White Portion which I used for a couple years before I discovered Skruf Original Portion. A few years later I started using the strong portion and have been ever since. Moving out of Norway at 21 years old I have had my smoking periods when Snus has been hard to get, but I still very much prefer snus.


                  • Zimobog
                    • Jan 2013
                    • 585

                    I smoked for the first time when I was 12 and also tried chew and Copenhagen. I did it occasionally until I was about 15 when for some stupid reason I thought that smoking would look cool but still used chew and dip. When I was 16 I went to dip pretty much full time until I was 18 and then I went back to smokes. I did the chew/smokes/dip a day/week/month at a time until I was in my mid 20s when I smoked full time. I quit once for a month and once for 5 years, but when I was hunting and bored sitting in the woods I chewed some tobacco. That was three years ago. I got hooked on chew and dip again pretty easily. I tried to quit at least once a month for three years and found myself unable to get off the dip for more than five days at a stretch. It is much tougher than quitting smoking, because at least smoking isn't allowed most places so you kind of go around "half quit" most of the time.

                    Last year I discovered nasal snuff from a hunting buddy and because of two "oral issues" (an inflammed mucuscel and an oral fibroma, not cancer either time) I was really hunting an option to dip. Nasal snuff helped a whole lot, reducing my oral use from a can a day to a can a week, but nasal snuff lead me to discover snus. Since using snus and snuff, I have gone from pre-cancerous to a normal looking mouth. No more gator lip or patches in the mouth, better smelling breath, and just a little more peace of mind. I no longer dread the daily inspection of my mouth.

                    So while I don't consider my life to have been blessed by tobacco, I consider that if I continued to use American chewing tobacco or dip that my life would be considerably shorter. Unlike many people who go around afraid of death, I know that tobacco will more than likely kill me eventually. But I have bought a lot of time by switching to snus and snuff.

                    Maybe one day I will summon the willpower to quit, but I can point to many ways that tobacco has been good to me also. But smoking was and remains a bad idea. For now I am just glad I don't smoke and glad I found out about snus and snuff.


                    • lxskllr
                      • Sep 2007
                      • 13435

                      Originally posted by NorwegianInSpain
                      Classic story (for a Scandinavian, anyway) I was the good girl, 17 years old I think, who never had tried smoking. Some of my friends introduced me to the girly, pink can of Mocca Snus. My parents wouldn't notice so I gave it a try and quite liked it. Used it for a good half a year I think, before I moved on to General White Portion which I used for a couple years before I discovered Skruf Original Portion. A few years later I started using the strong portion and have been ever since. Moving out of Norway at 21 years old I have had my smoking periods when Snus has been hard to get, but I still very much prefer snus.
                      How does the typical Scandinavian woman view snus? Is it considered normal, or is it weird and rednecky?


                      • NorwegianInSpain
                        • Feb 2013
                        • 29

                        Originally posted by lxskllr
                        How does the typical Scandinavian woman view snus? Is it considered normal, or is it weird and rednecky?
                        In my experience it's considered very normal. I'm from Oslo, I don't know about other, smaller places though. I have a sister who uses it and several other girlfriends. I know some men who don't like women that use it, but it's very common with both men and women. Weird and rednecky is far away from the two words I would use to describe the typical scandinavian snuser In Oslo using snus is pretty much as common as smoking (if not more? I don't know the statistics).


                        • lxskllr
                          • Sep 2007
                          • 13435

                          Originally posted by NorwegianInSpain
                          In my experience it's considered very normal. I'm from Oslo, I don't know about other, smaller places though. I have a sister who uses it and several other girlfriends. I know some men who don't like women that use it, but it's very common with both men and women. Weird and rednecky is far away from the two words I would use to describe the typical scandinavian snuser In Oslo using snus is pretty much as common as smoking (if not more? I don't know the statistics).
                          Very cool. That's the way it should be :^)


                          • SpainZaragoza
                            • Jan 2013
                            • 169

                            I many Arab friends, take makla, I've tried it and I liked it.

                            After Swedish SNUS read, I try and better for my gums.

                            Do not smoke in 3 weeks


                            • Faylool
                              • Dec 2012
                              • 496

                              My snus story starts with a poster named Stubby who had some brief remarks and links on ECF that kept capturing my attentioned. When the lightbulb was finally turned to the fact I was a victim of propaganda I decided to go for it and bought Gotebourgs Rape Loose off the ECF classifieds one day last month. I had loaded a tiny cart on a online store, forget which but shipping choked me. Then I joined and lurked this website for awhile. I'm terrible with computer stuff so I wasn't really finding many goodies here and it looked like I was stuck aging the shipping. So glad I happen to find the snus and snuff on ECF classifieds. And the seller was very knowledgeable. Dang, forget his name. Real generic with snus in it. Posts of his pop on here but not very recentky. Loved to go in to all kinds of detail. That's what I like. Lots and lots. Of info. I'd rather have way too much info than not enough. Doesn't intimidate....besides snusing is way easy compared to all the complications that can start happening with the Fiddle With your Thingies vape world, but I fiddle with several vaping devices and love it. Tried the WTA e juice from Aroma and Vapeliscious and sure enough it was better. Had that stuff in the. House 6 weeks before I got around to trying it. What I did was order several juices from a variety of vendors to find some good ones. I just happened to find Aroma and checked I out because it said they added WTAs to make it more of a tobacco experience. They have ejuice with caffeine in some stores and a store that adds melatonine but this sounded interesting. The fact was, I'd been chewing Nicorette gum day and night for 10 years! So now it looks like I'm regressing back towards tobacco but NOT. I don't like smoke. I started quitting in my 20s and just really think it stinks. Smoked when I was sick too and just really bad associations to tht taste and smell. After my tria "muddy" determined trial of Los I got tea bags and ordered a couple hundred $ of cans of Los. Came to about $4.25 a can of the expensive brands and a can lasts me more than a week. But I bought a whole lot of snuff too. So now I vape WTA periodically when I have some extra cash, vape DIY e juice cheap and better tasting than the stores most the time, snus and snuff. I didn't know any thing about WTA until I started reading more things LNG after I was already liking it. The Aroma Juice line is a good one. Not great but a whole lot better than the cheap guys. Creme Brûlée us still my favorite. When I learned I was vaping too much and still vaping more trying to feel satisfied with my DIY I got a huge supply of WTA flavors. Well guys I'm still waiting after over 2 months for my 2nd order of tons of WTA juice because I ordered from Vapeliscious. His 1st order I got blew me away flavor wise! But the wait? Firget about THAT! So. I got snus, liked snus and I'm going to save about $60.00 a month using snus and snuff for my WTA source rather than wait forgive that. Nicotine alone when vaping makes me wired and agitated but the WTA juice fixed that but now the snus and snuff are fixing that. I do all three and I've cut my nic from 24-36 mg to 12-18 in the vape stuff. Still get throat hit, get better flavor and not so revved up. Sorry for any typos. IPad smart messes with me. So, yeah I had only smoked a total of 15-18 years total by the time I was 50 from stopping so much. But at 60 and 10 years of gum chewing I really deserve a real break. I like snuff best still. Snus us fine if it's great. A bad one and that would be Kronans to me, I can't keep it in my mouth. Same with American Camel snus mellow. Bluck. OK, FINISHED!


                              • Tracer
                                Banned Users
                                • Mar 2013
                                • 107

                                How did you start snusing?

                                This thread has probably been made 10 times, but lets keep things current

                                Dumaurier tobacco Canada was about to start testing snus in Canada, I read their ads in newspapers etc and decided to do some research. At the time i was a smoker, and always felt guilty about it because I skateboarded and played ice hockey competitively. One quick google search led to me to and I had 5 cans of skruf stark on order, not sure what to expect since the dumaurier snus was so small and pathetic.

                                First impressions: MAN THIS STUFF IS STRONG, exactly what i needed to forget about cigarettes. The rest is history and i have made several people at Northerner/Swedish Match/ Canada Post very happy. They got me hook line, and sinker!


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