<Sage> #@*&$^@*#&$&*@^#$^&*@*&^#$!!!!!!!! *throws keyboard against the wall* @#(*(@#*$(*&@#(*&$!!!!!!!!!
<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/6uXjwPc2eYc&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed>
then this happens...
The 01 is really good. Don't know how they pulled off the no drip, but they did. Chad hooked me up! I haven't gotten around to trying the 02 yet, but I assume it's gonna be just as good. I love the shape of the portions. Sorry for jumbled ramblin. Haven't completely woken up yet. :wink:
<Sage> #@*&$^@*#&$&*@^#$^&*@*&^#$!!!!!!!! *throws keyboard against the wall* @#(*(@#*$(*&@#(*&$!!!!!!!!!
<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/6uXjwPc2eYc&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed>
then this happens...
Not sure how to take that chadizzy, are you:
A) Closet homosexual (no issue with that myself, grew up in CA)
B) Have serious mommy issues
C) Has a mother who is a professional weight lifter and was beaten to a pulp as a child
Not a closet homosexual, but very accepting of gays. I grew up in Arkansas, which means I should hate them, that and I'm a Southern Baptist. AND I'm Republican. WTF?!
But I'm very accepting of gay people. I even think gay marriage is okay. It's an archaic concept to judge people based on what they believe, think, or feel.
One can each of 01 & 02 showed up today. I've had two 02 portions so far. The shape is great, they seem to last a long time, and it does seem that they will drip if you really want them to do so. This is a plus for me.
As far as flavor and usability, I'm going to have to live with these a while. Right now I'm too distracted by my first can of LD lös. Now THIS I don't have to wonder if I like. But that has nothing to do with the Lab Series, so g'bye.
Just something to add. I have both 01 and 02 open now. And am finding that I want to return to them with some frequency. So far, less that one can in on each, I really am continuing to like them more and more.
I got my roll of 02 in the mail today. I was so excited when I arrived home to see the package that I immediately spit out my Granit portion and washout out my mouth with water to clean my palate.
The can is beautiful. It has a very simplistic and modern design that makes this product stand out from the crowd. The can is gray with sparkles that make it appear to be luxurious and sophisticated.
One of the most important parts of reviewing snus is the odor. I was pleasantly surprised; its very mellow and with unique hints of nuts, pines, slight bergamot, wood, and herbs. The odor reminds me of camping in the wilderness. I have never smelled snus like this before. If Swedish Match is aiming toward people that don't normally snus, this is definitely the ticket; the mellow odor will attract veterans and newcomers alike.
Flavor is a make-or-break deal when it comes to snus. Similar to the odor, its very mellow at first and very slowly seeps out the signature salty flavor of snus. The herbal and nutty flavor balances out the mellow tobacco flavor flawlessly. Another surprise was the lack of overpowering tobacco flavor; all "strong" snus I have tried assaults your taste buds with bitterness. 02, on the other hand, stays mellow from start to finish; I sometimes forget 02 is a strong portion!
The most unique features of 02 are the sachet length and the non-drip formula. The portions fit snug in the upper lip; this is the most comfortable snus I have ever used. I'm afraid "old-school" portions will be unacceptable to me from now on. The non-drip formula works just as stated on the can. There is no drip, yet the moist flavor of the snus assaults the palate through the entire duration of use.
Dosage-wise, this snus hits fast and tapers off after forty minutes. I was on a date tonight, so I went three hours without any snus (heaven forbid)! Within one minute, I was hit with a relaxing sensation throughout my body, and the wonderful "awwww..." feeling when your nicotine blood levels are replenished after nicotine abstinence.
This is the snus I have been waiting for, its: mellow, non drippy, hits hard, and fits in my mouth perfectly. Simply put, I don't know if I will ever go back to any other snus; loose and portions both apply.