I smoked Camel non filtered for forty nine years. At least two packs a day. I quit five months ago with the help of snus. I will be sixty three next month. I quit one week after I was told I had emphysema. I tried the patch, the pills (welbutrin), The gum. I fooled around with Copenhagen, It made me hicup, and burned my throat. It was not helping my acid reflux either. Years ago, I dabbled with nasal snuff. I liked it but it did not fufill my bodies demand for nicotine. I ordered some snus to try. I ordered los as I thought it would be like Cope. At first go, I did not like it. It was "different". Trying to finger it in my upper lip was messy. Then I ordered some Odens. I also ordered a prismaster. I have not had a cigerette since. I do want to say this. I really liked smoking. But I realized unlike a pipe or cigar smoker, I smoked because I was addicted. I took mental notes on myself. Somewhere down the lineI had surgery on my vocal chords. I had suffered a mild heart attack, I discovered I could not breath due to the emphysema. Recently, They discovered a spot on my lung. (my brother died at fifty five from small cell lung cancer)
Nowadays, I allways try to keep a can of Odens or Grove los nearby.
I don't have anything against smoking, although my fe;ings are If you don't smoke, don't start. if you are a smoker, try to quit. I credit snus with helping me quit. If you need advise, this site is the best place to be. Here you will find great snus wisdom, and great people willing to share thier experiences with you. the generousity of some on this site is to me, amazing.
Sorry if I rambled on,
I smoked Camel non filtered for forty nine years. At least two packs a day. I quit five months ago with the help of snus. I will be sixty three next month. I quit one week after I was told I had emphysema. I tried the patch, the pills (welbutrin), The gum. I fooled around with Copenhagen, It made me hicup, and burned my throat. It was not helping my acid reflux either. Years ago, I dabbled with nasal snuff. I liked it but it did not fufill my bodies demand for nicotine. I ordered some snus to try. I ordered los as I thought it would be like Cope. At first go, I did not like it. It was "different". Trying to finger it in my upper lip was messy. Then I ordered some Odens. I also ordered a prismaster. I have not had a cigerette since. I do want to say this. I really liked smoking. But I realized unlike a pipe or cigar smoker, I smoked because I was addicted. I took mental notes on myself. Somewhere down the lineI had surgery on my vocal chords. I had suffered a mild heart attack, I discovered I could not breath due to the emphysema. Recently, They discovered a spot on my lung. (my brother died at fifty five from small cell lung cancer)
Nowadays, I allways try to keep a can of Odens or Grove los nearby.
I don't have anything against smoking, although my fe;ings are If you don't smoke, don't start. if you are a smoker, try to quit. I credit snus with helping me quit. If you need advise, this site is the best place to be. Here you will find great snus wisdom, and great people willing to share thier experiences with you. the generousity of some on this site is to me, amazing.
Sorry if I rambled on,
I'm very sorry to read(hear) that elmos. I hope you get better and live a long life. this site is a truly awesome place. and snus is way better then any NRT there is period. i shouldnt of started smoking.. i was already past the point of peer pressure i don't know why i did it..maybe cause my life has just really started and the stress was asstounding.. i honestly can't find a reason why..but i'm stuck now. my mom always says why don't i quit..i told her when people stop giving me a reason to smoke..i find that not to be true today.i am quiting for my health. so i can be strong again and lose weight and stay healthy..life may not be a fun as it used to be and death sometimes feels like paradise but it could be worse and i think it will get better someday..
What brand did you smoke?
- Lucky Strike w/ filters or Parliament full flavor
I originally quit smoking cold turkey, but now that I've been up at school more and drinking, I started to fall back into it...I didn't like that so I looked for alternatives. I don't like skoal, and being a pharmacy major I read a lot of journal articles about snus and decided to give it a try. I haven't been dissapointed
Before you discovered Snus, Were you a smoker? If so,
How long did you smoke? 38 years
When did you quit? November 13, 2008
How much did you smoke? at the end up to 2-3 packs a day
What brand did you smoke? Camel->Winston->Marlboro
Smoked 2 packs a day for 15 years. Camel Menthol Lights were my preferred, but I was poor so I smoked a lot of USA Golds. "Quit" back in June, still smoke once in a while.
I smoked marlboro menthols/kools/newports for 22 years. Smoked a pack and a half a day everyday. Quit in May with some tins of camel frost. have yet to light up one since.
When did you quit? On and off the last 4-5 years. Last quit was around last November sometime. Don't know the exact date, but it was sometime in Fall. I've quit enough times to realize I should stop worrying about how long it has been. No point in looking back, gotta look forward.
How much did you smoke? 1.5 packs a day average. Less during the week. More on weekends/bar nights.
What brand did you smoke? I smoked a lot of them. At the end, I always had a pack of Marlboro menthol ultra lights, and a pack of Camel Lights.
Mine's complicated. I smoked from age 14 until I was 23 and found out I was expecting our daughter. Quit for 8.5 months, started back when the babe was 2 weeks old. Long explanation on that, but I don't have time. Until I quit that time, my brand was Camel Special Lights, and during a stint in college it was whatever was on sale. They quit selling my brand while I was knocked up :x I now smoke camel number nines. I've cut down hugely and I wanna quit, but... The stuff is addicting.
Smoked Kools for years. One time when I was trying to quit--probably was off cigarettes for a week or so and decided to have a Marlboro. Well, I never went back to Kools, but I sure put away a bunch of Marlboros.
Smoked for 40 + years.
Quit 1-6-09
At least a pack a day and over the years there were times I was over two packs.
Marlboro reds for at least the last fifteen years.
Thanks GES--I haven't smoked for over eight months.