Another Newbie on the Forum

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  • SnusontheLoose
    • Sep 2009
    • 15

    Another Newbie on the Forum

    So I'd first like to thank all of you that have given me a wealth of information on all things snus. I know that this story has been repeated time and again but here go's it...

    I, like many of you, was first exposed to snus via Camel which in turn lead me to the real deal. I have spent many hours lurking and reading y'alls posts. I registered a little while ago and have decided to make my first post.

    I decided, base on what I've read on this forum, to try as many brands and types of snus as I could get a hold of (except Level, which, from what I read, has been portrayed by most of you to be the "asscrack" of snus).

    So far I have made two orders from and one from I have really been enjoying my journey of snus tasting so far. Although I feel as though I've barely scratched the surface of my new found obsession the positive aspect is that I have been smoke free ever since and for that I'm grateful. I currently live in Washington State which has some of the highest tobacco tax in the country, not to mention the no smoking within 25 feet of a building's entrance law. But I digress...

    I smoked about 1/2 pack a day (I know I'm a lightweight) of my favorite brand Nat Sherman's Naturals. I never cared for the "Big Tobacco" brands. So after sale tax I was paying about $7.50 per pack :shock: So snus is much more economical, healthier, and tastier. Not to mention the fact that my wife no longer tells me my breath smells like dog shit :lol:

    So here's what I've tried so far (I haven't tried the los because I've never dipped so I don't know if I would like it but I may try it someday):

    Camel Frost
    Camel Mellow
    General Onyx
    General White
    General Mini Mint
    General Wintergreen White
    General Maxi
    Grov Black
    Grov White
    Gote Rape
    Gote Rape #2
    Jakobsson's Ice Mint
    Catch Eucalyptus
    Oden's Extra Stark Kanel
    Skruf Cranberry
    Nick & Johnny's
    Roda lacket
    Thunder Wintergreen
    Thunder Mini Frosted
    Discreet Emerald Ice
    Discreet Strawberry
    Discreet Peach

    The only ones I don't care for in the above lists is Jakobsson because I just don't like the taste, General Mini Mint because is too weak (even with two at once), all three of the Discreet because all I can taste is an artificial sweetener aftertaste and Camel Frost/Mellow because it just doesn't compare with real Swedish snus.

    Now here is what I have onhand that I have yet to open and try. Again all are portion:

    General Silver
    Gotlands Anis
    Phantom Blue
    Skruf Original (Green)
    LD Salmiak
    General Original
    Phantom Classic
    Phantom Classic Brown
    Elixyr Original
    LD Original
    Gotsland Flader
    Elixyr Peppermint
    White Portion
    Catch Licorice
    M by Mocca Lakrits
    Phantom Brown
    Tre Ankare
    Stark Portion
    Claq Qui
    Elixyr Power Energy
    General Sterk
    Oden's Classic Kanel
    Extra Stark Portion
    General Ekstra Sterk
    Oden's Original
    Thunder Blue
    Thunder Original
    Thunder Frosted
    Mini Portion
    Catch Violet Licorice
    Mocca Granatapple
    Mocca Lakrits
    Mocca Mint
    Discreet Cool Mint
    Discreet Full Flavor

    Now I have heard the praises of Lucky Strike which is no longer available for US customer. I hope I can find a way to try this out. Also I tried to get the Montecristo and Romeo y Julieta which did not indicate they were not available but when my order was charged they were taken out of my basket without a word. I assume that they cannot be shipped to the US either.

    Anyway, sorry for the "Extra Sterk" post :lol: Any advice for this overwhelmed new snuser would be appreciated. If you have a recommendation of what I should open next from my stock would be grateful. I look forward to hopefully being a useful contributor to this great forum.
  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    Welcome to Snuson SnusontheLoose

    Looks like you have everything well in hand, maybe a little overwhelming what you are ordering, but so typical.

    Honestly, not sure recommendations make any sense. In another post today, some one who has been doing it now 3 -4 months was talking about how confused he was about what he had even tried so far, everything does blend together a bit. This is so normal, took me maybe 6 months to really start knowing what I really liked or not.

    So for now, just keep using, trying new things, and eventually, you will start to sort out what you really like.

    And even then, be prepared for your tastes to keep changing. I was using for a year when suddenly, regulars turned on me and I switched to mostly whites. Soo for now, enjoy, and just be glad youa re away from the smokes. :wink:


    • mlkramer
      • Jul 2009
      • 393

      Welcome SnusontheLoose!

      Like you, I've built the variety up to levels requiring I stake out a significant portion on the fridge and freezer. Amazingly enough, my wife doesn't complain. I'm sure due to my increase lung capacity, stamina and as mentioned, better breath.

      My only advise is to try and keep some sembelance of focus. I'm keeping around 10 cans open for sampling to prevent confusion for my tastebuds. Only moved a few open cans to the freezer to come back to another day when the tastes become more refined lol.

      Other than that, just go with the flow and enjoy the ride!


      • chadizzy1
        • May 2009
        • 7432

        Newbie? Hell, you've tried more than most people I know who have been using it a few months more than you.

        I'm a newbie too, only about 6 months in myself. And I couldn't echo sage more, your tastes will change. Mine changed from minis to regulars, from flavored to non flavored, from regular nic to ekstra nik, i mean, all over the place.

        So the best advice I give is just to keep an open mind, try as much as you can, and find a taste that is uniquely yours. I settled into a good routine a month or so ago, and I was settled, and then it changed again a few days ago, and now I'm trying some new stuff. So just keep an open mind, try as much as you can, snus is cheap - so it's easy to sample the mass buffet that we snus-users get to enjoy.

        On the ones you listed:

        Probe - Really enjoyed, it has a great smokey flavor.
        Taboca - Great flavor.
        Phantom Blue - Didn't care for the portion, but love the los.
        Skruf Original (Green) - I liked the white portion of the sterk, very good.
        Ettan - Still one of my favorites. Through all my changing tastes, Ettan is the only one that has remained constant.
        Elixyr Original - Maybe I missed it, but have you listed Elixyr Power Energy? It's a great snus, gives a good kick in the morning, and sage is their pimp/bouncer/enforcer.
        Gotsland Flader - Very good. Natural flavor. It's very unique.
        Elixyr Peppermint - Didn't care much for.

        White Portion
        General - I just tried it for the first time recently (long story, my tastes are bass-ackward), but I'm really enjoying it. Great flavor.
        Ettan - As I said above, one of my regulars, but I love the white portion most.
        1847 - Didn't care for it.
        Elixyr Power Energy - Oh, there it is.
        Oden's Classic Kanel - VERY nice. The classic and the Stark are VERY good. Great cinnamon flavor!
        Thunder Blue - Found it tasted a bit much like Phantom Blue, which I don't like. ('cept for the los)
        Thunder Frosted - One of my favorites, I've been using it for months. not so much now that I'm branching out into some other areas, but I do use it a few times a day still.
        Catch Violet Licorice - YES! Order this. It's great. The whole line so far has been good, and the 4th in the line is coming out soon, so act on this one.
        Mocca Granatapple - Mocca Pomegranate was one of my early favorites. It has a great cinnamon apple flavor.
        Mocca Mint - Didn't like, I seem to recall it tasting too artificial, like licking an envelope or stamp.
        Discreet Cool Mint - Very good, I love the Discreet line.
        Discreet Full Flavor - The ONLY Discreet I didn't care for.

        As I said above, these are just what I liked, what I didn't like, and my comments. I don't want to tell anyone how it is, or what they should do, but I love at least sharing my story and what I like and what worked for me. I think you have a very strong stock right now (Check out the "Pics of your stash" thread and add a pic, sounds like yours is quite diverse!), so just keep trying them all out.

        And welcome to SnusOn!


        • MojoQuestor
          • Sep 2009
          • 2344

          From one newbie to another, welcome.


          • eyephantom
            • Jul 2009
            • 333

            I imagine many will seem like subtle variations and may be somewhat difficult to differentiate, I recommend trying the ettan and gotlands' flader for a couple organic, yet distinct tasting snus


            • fedora
              • Aug 2008
              • 251


              Listen to Sage - his advice is sage. :-)

              Otherwise - just keep going and keep what you don't like handy. You may want to try it later. Or - use it as "emergency snus" when you run out.



              • chadizzy1
                • May 2009
                • 7432

                Originally posted by fedora
                Listen to Sage - his advice is sage. :-)
                not to suck up, but yeah, he knows what's up. not just a guy with a huge post count. he has great advice.


                • SnusontheLoose
                  • Sep 2009
                  • 15

                  Thank you all for your great responses. I think I wanted to try as much as possible so I can find my favs and stock up before the PACT act passes. I'd hate to fall in love with a particular one and not be able to get it again.

                  So far I think I can say with confidence the I really am learn towards Nick & Johnny as a fav. I believe I will order a roll of that for my stockpile 8)

                  Any advice on how to get Monticristo, Lucky strike and others the online sellers can ship to the US?


                  • SnusontheLoose
                    • Sep 2009
                    • 15

                    Originally posted by chadizzy1
                    Newbie? Hell, you've tried more than most people I know who have been using it a few months more than you.
                    When I become interested in something, no matter what it is, I tend to spend an insane amount of time researching and learning as much as possible about the subject.

                    Now that I don't have to pause for cig breaks it's even worse :lol:


                    • zmanzero
                      • May 2009
                      • 766

                      jesus. SnusontheLoose, just man 'o man, you have definitely tapped more snus than i have empty cans. bud, stay off the cigs and keep the wife happy. welcome to the forum.

                      man 'o man, that is a lot of different flavors of snus you posted up there. :shock:


                      • sagedil
                        • Nov 2007
                        • 7077

                        Originally posted by SnusontheLoose
                        Thank you all for your great responses. I think I wanted to try as much as possible so I can find my favs and stock up before the PACT act passes. I'd hate to fall in love with a particular one and not be able to get it again.

                        So far I think I can say with confidence the I really am learn towards Nick & Johnny as a fav. I believe I will order a roll of that for my stockpile 8)

                        Any advice on how to get Monticristo, Lucky strike and others the online sellers can ship to the US?
                        First, I really don't expect PACT to pass this year. Just my opinion.

                        Second, yes, you may be able to find some online retailers to send you what you want, you NEVER will see it posted here however. Everyone reads us, if it were posted, they would be shut down soon. SO search, not that hard. :wink:

                        Finally, I really would encourage you to hold off starting to buy rolls of your favorites. Part of the snus experience is if you start overusing ANY snus, it can turn on you quickly. Nick & Johnny became a favorite of mine not to long after where you are right now. Was my first roll I ever purchased. But used it just a bit too much, and then BAM, I started to hate it. Then took me another six months before I could use it at all, and even now, I can only use it about once a month. Funny, but I just opened a can, my first in about 2 months, And yes, it is a wonderful snus. So I highly advise you don't risk losing it by over using it,

                        And don't listen to anyone about having too much. I have 85 cans in my freezer right now, makes me happy. :lol: :lol: :lol:


                        • chadizzy1
                          • May 2009
                          • 7432

                          When I started, I placed a bunch of small orders and shopped around, tried things out, that worked for me.

                          My orders for the first few months of using snus.

                          20 April 09 - BuySnus
                          30 April 09 - Northerner
                          5 May 09 - SnusCentral
                          10 May 09 - GetSnus
                          11 May 09 - SnusCentral
                          12 May 09 - Northerner
                          13 May 09 - SnusCentral
                          20 May 09 - BuySnus
                          25 May 09 - GetSnus
                          4 June 09 - BuySnus
                          6 June 09 - Northerner
                          11 June 09 - Northerner
                          20 June 09 - BuySnus
                          23 June 09 - SnusCentral

                          I shopped around, tried different stores, ordered from different people depending on my taste. Look back on it, I wish I had done a few large orders with a large variety, instead of all those small orders.


                          • chadizzy1
                            • May 2009
                            • 7432

                            Originally posted by sagedil
                            Finally, I really would encourage you to hold off starting to buy rolls of your favorites. Part of the snus experience is if you start overusing ANY snus, it can turn on you quickly.
                            Couldn't be more true. Case in point, Thunder Frosted, after 4 rolls I don't use it NEAR as much as I did. And that damn General Mini Mint. That turned on me REAL quick. I thought it was going to be a staple, now I CANNOT STAND IT. However, Ettan and Offroad I only order half rolls of on each of my big orders, and they haven't worn themselves out yet.


                            • dupee419
                              • Aug 2009
                              • 398

                              I don't think it's been mentioned yet, but the reason you can't get monte or RyJ is because they contain real cuban tobacco, as soon as they drop the embargo (if it ever happens) the snus shall flow...

                              aside from that.... welcome to the party...

                              ...just cuz you never dipped doesn't mean you wont like los.... it's a totally different beast than dip.


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