I turned a friend on to snus at work, he uses skol or something like it, and I have tried to get him to read the fourms and information but he insists on using snus like dip he grabs a pinch and tucks it in his lower lip. I asked dont it get muddy? he says not too. I have yet to try loose but have some on order, what are the disadvantages of using snus like dip?
using snus like dip
I've never tried loose snus, and I'm pretty new to snus in general, but I have used portions in my lower lip without a problem. It seems like it delivers slightly less nicotine, and you have to deal with more "juice", but other than that, I don't notice any significant problems from doing it.
I don't know enough about it, but I wouldn't suspect that snus would become more harmful based on placement in the mouth, and I would think that it's almost definitely safer than fermented, chemically-treated dip.
I can't imagine it being much of a problem. It really depends on how you define using snus like dip. If your buddy is literally grabbing a handful, as you would with some course cut dip, he's likely to get a shit load of nicotine because snus is so much finer ground.
I don't think putting it in the lower lip would cause any issues. They may encounter a very rapid nicotine delivery pattern if they're not baking it mind and just 'pouching' a bundle.
At the end of the day, it's all a matter of personal choice... I don't think their are any 'right ways' and 'wrong ways' of doing it. Their is a standard way which most people find to be the most pleasurable however.
This is a recurring question. Which is understandable since dipping is more known than snusing.
I think Zero answered it properly: snus was the poor man's tobacco since the 18th century. If they tucked it under the upper lip there was no increase in saliva production and thus no need to spit.
It's just tradition to use the upper lip but if you feel like using the lower cheek, go ahead.
Personally though I feel that defeats the whole purpose of snus. The fine texture isn't made for the cheek, me thinks. Plus if you tell people you're snusing while you spit, they prolly won't see any difference in the two tobaccos.
I don't think anyone will have a 'real' answer on why you shouldn't lower-lip snus. I think it's partly less saliva build up, and no spitting needed (hell, maybe the swedes have always been classy :P ) - and partly tradition, how it started, who knows!
I think using it in the lower mouth area would make the flavor too intense and make the portion/pris wear ou too quick!
well i still spit with it in the upper lip...but having it in the lower lip, like dip, does sort of defeat the whole purpose i think. the stuff is so fine ground that when it is in a lot of spit, when you spit, a considerable amount of snus goes with it. dip is much thicker/longer cut, stays together easier and therefore is less prone to breaking up and becoming all liquidy. plus the flavor of the snus is so much less compared to dip. i tried snus in the lower lip when first got it...quickly realized that wasn't worth a damn. but if he digs it in the lower lip..whatever man.
I rember going to the states, with a friend of mine and his parents.
we relly wanted to try some cope, as we had heard tales of it's potensy.
we finally managed to get a guy to buy us two cans.
so we tried to snus it on the beach at daytona.
it was completely impossible, the stuff was to dry and it was impossible to bake. :lol:
it din't taste too good either as far as I can rember.
got a decent nick kick though, as I had not snused for 2 weeks. :?
Originally posted by Stargazer
it was completely impossible, the stuff was to dry and it was impossible to bake. :lol:
it din't taste too good either as far as I can rember.
got a decent nick kick though, as I had not snused for 2 weeks. :?
yeah the taste of cope is generally pretty nasty..definitely an acquired taste. the only cope i thought was decent was cope black...the bourbon flavored stuff, if it was fresh of course.
Lower lip blues.
It is hard for some dippers to switch to the upperlip! I did it, but I would use Copenhagen in the upper lip also. Old habits die hard, my dad will not ever use the upperlip, old hard ass style American tobacco users. The question I have is this, if the Swedes brought the tradition of Snus to American, which I am sure they did. How did it get to the lower lip? Copehagen was made in Pittsburgh Originally and is about as old as Ettan. I really have no idea what put the tobacco in the lower lip in North America, the formula for snuff is plain the practice a mystery? Snusburgh