Nic hit, couple observations

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  • simon
    • Jul 2009
    • 127

    Nic hit, couple observations

    I've noticed something with General snus.
    The nicotine doesn't have much of a hit, as in, having a nicotine fit, and I pop one in, and I get a little tingle, but then wait, and wait for the nic to hit, it like builds up in the system instead of giving a hit of nicotine.
    Also notice, inconsistency with the nic hit from can to can. Some cans of the same snus, will have a better nicotine hit, than others, same brand same snus.
    So what I've been doing, instead of waiting for a nic fit to pop one in for relief, like I normally would a lip of Skoal, I use snus on more of a schedule, to keep nic levels up so I never notice a need for it. Because if I wait too long, it takes awhile to get it back up there.
    With dip, I wait till I'm craving, and take a pinch, and get a little tingle/burn, and bam there it is, ahhhh relief. But snus seems way more gentle and slow.
    Why is that?
  • justintempler
    • Nov 2008
    • 3090

    You didn't specify but I'm assuming you're talking about General portions. Generally :lol: speaking portions take longer.


    • Ainkor
      • Sep 2008
      • 1144

      I have always compared smoking and dipping to a reaction to the craving for nicotine. You are craving nicotine so you have a smoke or a dip. Unless you are standing in front of your mother in law, or at work, or taking a crap and your smokes are in the other room, or you are presenting a 3 million dollar presentation to a new potential investor, or..... you get the idea, just about anywhere.

      Snus has a slower uptake but builds to a real nice steady level and is more of a preemptive nicotine product.

      I typically use 6-10 portions a day and I pretty much have a portion in all of the time. Based on my observations over the last year, a nice steady ride is much better than riding a roller coaster all day. I just don't get cravings.

      Now, some folks may prefer the up and down but trust me, we have all been in spots where we can't get a fix and that's bullshit!

      Yes it starts a bit slower but after the first 10 minutes your in the same spot and it lasts a lot longer!


      • RRK
        • Sep 2009
        • 926

        I think it is more likely changes in your body that is making you feel it stronger sometimes.

        Maybe I would believe it if you said almost any kind of snus other then General. I think General is one of the most strictly regulated snus. They don't use high potency tobacco but they have been listed as having one of the highest efficiency nicotine delivery due to a high ph. Some have related this to the popularity of the brand.


        • sagedil
          • Nov 2007
          • 7077

          I don't understand this...... "having a nicotine fit"

          Seriously. In almost 3 years, I haven't had one. the whole point of snus!!

          Simon, how much are you using snus???? Ideally, you should never have a nicotine fit using snus. I snus at least often enough that the nicotine level in my blood never really dips until long after I have gone to sleep each night.

          Yes, snus nicotine build up slowly, and stays. What it is supposed to do

          If you want that roller coaster feeling, give up snus and smoke. NOT what snus does.


          • Owens187
            • Sep 2009
            • 1547

            I haven't had a "nic fit" or a true nicotine "craving" since I started snusing, isn't that the idea? The idea, as Sage can explain, is to learn to maintain a steady nicotine level that keeps you from dipping below the level that makes your body crave. Although sometimes I "crave" the FLAVOR of my General Wintergreen or Roda Lacket (my faves so far)


            • simon
              • Jul 2009
              • 127

              Well sure,
              I didn't say it was a bad thing, I just noticed the difference between snus and dip, one hits hard and fast, snus is slow and gentle. If I let it go too long, say 3-4 hours I will start having nic fits, feeling uneasy, anxious, if I put in some dip, it's almost immediate relief, if I put in a portion, it takes a few, and calms slowly, I almost don't notice it happening.


              • sagedil
                • Nov 2007
                • 7077

                Stop waiting 3 - 4 hours, problem solved. :wink:


                • snusjus
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 2674

                  Originally posted by sagedil
                  Stop waiting 3 - 4 hours, problem solved. :wink:
                  3 hours without snus while awake? That's insane! Who would put themselves through such torture?


                  • RRK
                    • Sep 2009
                    • 926

                    Originally posted by snusjus
                    Originally posted by sagedil
                    Stop waiting 3 - 4 hours, problem solved. :wink:
                    3 hours without snus while awake? That's insane! Who would put themselves through such torture?
                    I'm only using snus once after each meal. I'm trying to keep it special.

                    ...and one cigar on Saturday night in the hot tub.


                    • african redbush
                      • May 2009
                      • 80

                      naw just got some sterk or extra sterk and see how long the nic hit takes.


                      • Ulsterman



                        • alex
                          • Jul 2007
                          • 226

                          Having made the switch to snus from cigs, and back and forth, more times than I am happy about, the change in styles of nicotine is very evident. Whenever I initially make the switch from smokes to snus, I feel I am not getting the nicotine I need and I am irritable until about midway through a portion or pris. I accredit this to what has been said previously, smoking gives you that shotgun blast of nicotine that takes care of the fix, and loads you up for the next hour or so. Snus slowly introduces nicotine in, and thus when it fades, it seems less noticeable.

                          I notice when being a snus user, if I can't get my snus on for a few hours I don't get the same jittery/pissed off/anxious feeling I get when I can't smoke.

                          After about a day, my body gets in the swing of snus and I feel better than I ever do while smoking.

                          The mornings are still a bitch though.


                          • texasmade
                            • Jan 2009
                            • 4159

                            i chain its all good...i like sleeping while snusing..put a fresh pris in right before i fall asleep


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