Licorice favorite?

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  • captncaveman
    • Jul 2008
    • 924

    Offraod licorice! I believe its the best licorice flavored snus around.


    • daruckis
      • Jul 2009
      • 2277

      gotland gra los is the only licorice snus ive been able to stomach. i tried out ld black and the oomph licorice lemon, dont care for them.


      • tom502
        • Feb 2009
        • 8985

        I'm not a flavored fan, LD Black is pretty good. I am curious about Odens Licorice.


        • oregonrain
          • Mar 2009
          • 45

          LD black is fantastic. I'm not a big black licorice fan, but this snus is really good. I give this to new snusers male and female and all have liked.


          • ProudMarineDad
            • Aug 2009
            • 573

            Originally posted by fedora
            PMD - what did you settle on for your licorice?

            I just got 2 cans of LD Black in from Northerner - FABULOUS! If you like the salty European licorice this is it.
            Haven't placed my order yet but have this on my wish list for sure.


            • Parasiteone
              • Nov 2008
              • 46

              Havent tried other licorice snus but LD Black is fantastic.. my everyday all day snus for sure.. Nothing better during work to make you forget where you are than a LD Black.. Very smooth and not too dull nor too sweet taste. Good enough nicotine hit that you can have one every hour without concern. Not too strong like some snus can be.


              • african redbush
                • May 2009
                • 80

                can someone explain to me the difference in taste between gotland gray and ld black? im a little skeptical on switching from ld black because i like the strong, pure licorice flavor.


                • lxskllr
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 13435

                  Originally posted by african redbush
                  can someone explain to me the difference in taste between gotland gray and ld black? im a little skeptical on switching from ld black because i like the strong, pure licorice flavor.
                  Gotland Grå is anis flavored, while LD Black is licorice. The flavors are similar, but not the same. The Gotland has a bitter touch, and is more herbal, whereas the LD is like a licorice twist. It's worth trying the Gotland just to try it. I like them both, but for different reasons. One doesn't really replace the other.


                  • african redbush
                    • May 2009
                    • 80

                    Originally posted by lxskllr
                    I like them both, but for different reasons. One doesn't really replace the other.
                    that is all i needed to hear. problem solved: i'll order both of them. thanks for your advice.


                    • sagedil
                      • Nov 2007
                      • 7077

                      Originally posted by lxskllr
                      The Gotland has a bitter touch,
                      Can not say that enough. Gotlands good snus, yes. But just too bitter for my tastes.


                      • tom502
                        • Feb 2009
                        • 8985

                        Gotland and Jakobssons have their fans. Everyone's taste is different. I didn't care for them though. But I liked Level and Grov, and Offroad Original pouches.


                        • teeotee
                          • Jul 2009
                          • 251

                          Originally posted by lxskllr
                          Gotland Grå is anis flavored, while LD Black is licorice. The flavors are similar, but not the same. The Gotland has a bitter touch, and is more herbal, whereas the LD is like a licorice twist. It's worth trying the Gotland just to try it. I like them both, but for different reasons. One doesn't really replace the other.
                          I haven't tried the LD yet, it is on my soon to order list. But i did try some Got Grey recently. I love licorice and thought i would try the Anis. lsxkllr is exactly right on his description, there is a bitterness to the got grey. It was almost enough to make me put the can in the fridge after one shot. I kept at it and it grew on me, so much so that it was the first can i finished off in an order of 5 different snus'. Definitely worth trying if only once.
                          I have been trying out a can of offroad licrorice portions over the last few days inbetween my Odens ES and i have to say it is ok. It is not a strong flavor but is definitely there. It is also a sweeter flavor than the got grey and lasts me around 30 to 45min.
                          My next order will hopefully be some Odens licorice and some LD black.


                          • ProudMarineDad
                            • Aug 2009
                            • 573

                            LD Black is really really good. This is definitely on the list of ones that I can see me ordering by the roll.


                            • MojoQuestor
                              • Sep 2009
                              • 2344

                              Originally posted by ProudMarineDad
                              LD Black is really really good. This is definitely on the list of ones that I can see me ordering by the roll.
                              Yes. If there's a better licorice snus than LD Black, I don't want to know about it. I can't afford to buy an entire factory.


                              • ProudMarineDad
                                • Aug 2009
                                • 573

                                Originally posted by MojoQuestor
                                Originally posted by ProudMarineDad
                                LD Black is really really good. This is definitely on the list of ones that I can see me ordering by the roll.
                                Yes. If there's a better licorice snus than LD Black, I don't want to know about it. I can't afford to buy an entire factory.
                                Tell me about it. What is so funny is I have never been a licorice fan either but it works really good as a snus flavor.


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